INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hey Joey.... you can update this
my head is killing me

LET ME GET THIS RIGHT..... LOCKDOWN / Hatching these next few days over Christmas and between new years....

Fire ~finished hatch has more hatching again (so much for not incubating more till after new years bawahhahah)

Brat ~14 babies hatch Christmas Eve! 11 Breese, 1 Sulmtaler, 1 Wheaten Ameraucana and 1 Swedish Flowe Hen. They are so cute. I swore I was done but there was a Christmas auction for fancy colored Orpingtons so...... Lol it's gonna be a busy winter!

CCL CrazyChickLady 7due to hatch the 27-28 A couple blue slate turkeys (they are moving to the other Bator. Due to hatch the 3rd), some buff orps, a polish, a few barnyard mixes, and i think that's it. A guy is paying me to hatch them. 14/15 we alive and wiggling. HAS A CHICK as of last night UPDATE!! CHICK #3!!!!! I've gotten one a night since Christmas. And its never at like 7 always at around 11. Finally traced what I have of next weeks set. So far 9 duck eggs, 9 turkeys, and a dozen chickens. 10 eggs still in the incubator but I think one quit before day 18. 3 chicks so far. No more pips.

Shah Sat was day 18. I have 7 that I think have a good chance at hatching, 3 chicks 2 more pips!! Thurs morn. Chick #7 hatched! And it is the only color these chicks are. Yellow!

CH~ steel nothing steal nothing Leaving in thirty minutes my mom is going to care her best for these last two eggs hopefully I get a deer this time. The last time the reason I did not get a deer is I fell asleep.

Dax ~ finished hatch with her friend! images post #20473 If they make it we will only have lost 2 of 52

K (BYC) LOCKDOWN tues eve

speney speney had two hatch, next ones dues New Years

jessimom I have 10 hatched!!! 3 left un-pip'd. One of those 3 belongs to the 1/1 HAL / 7 in the bator for the 1/1 hatch, but I have 11 in there right now.

tJO ~ tjo804 Broody hatched chicks UPDATE : 6 Chicks with BabyBear they all look to be blue silkies but that is prob cuz ChipChip is a Blue Silkie. There are still 5 eggs I moved them to Sunshine another Broodie after BB got off them so I really don't have much hope but will check later today and see.

MC MotorcycleChick has two pips Sunday!

JO the jolly onion~ 5 eggs in lockdown Sunday, and 4 are wiggling!!!! I know its only day 19 so im only periodically peeking into the incubator
Ive got one chick out as of 11am, and waiting on pips from the other 4. Peeps not pips yet tho. Its a SFH from the SFH i hatched last spring, so this is second generation and i am excited, but sooooo hoping my faverolles hatch.

ME Sally hatch complete, more CCL and serama due next week

Joey new years hatch 7 will lock Wed

Cynthia12 8 silkies lockeddown monday

Saris Lockdown 32 eggs tuesday

Roxy Lockdown tuesday 13 eggs in my IncuView

Rossfam06 5 lockdown Tuesday

J&T JandTRanch couple eggs in lockdown today (my 2 EE X SLW). Both are rocking!! Also 5 shipped eggs go in lockdown Thursday

Venymae Lockdown Tues night 2 pips still. Thurs am
come on chickies!

gimmie birdies Had to leave town for 2 days I think I lost my eggs due the 30th. good new is 9 eggs due the 16 look fine, and I just picked up eggs from a farm 3 hrs away..

TJchickens serama in lockdown 5 tues

mirandaleecon I just placed an order for 25 blue/black Ameraucana chicks! They should get here Jan 19th! Since my shipped eggs did not do so well, I figured I would just go ahead and order chicks. Also going to try to find some Barred Rocks so I can try to make sex-link Easter Eggers!
And I have decided to set some eggs on the 7th so that they will hatch on my birthday, Jan 28th!
Thought this was a cool pic, looks like that one serama baby was real close to being stuck in there, see how red she is from trying to get out?

almost scared bubbles with my scary pic, uploaded the wrong one ha ha ha

I am off, no one in the house means I can clean and see it stay that way for at least an hour! Be back later!
Enjoy your well deserved time off!!!

Hey Joey.... you can update this
my head is killing me

LET ME GET THIS RIGHT..... LOCKDOWN / Hatching these next few days over Christmas and between new years....

Fire ~finished hatch has more hatching again (so much for not incubating more till after new years bawahhahah)

Brat ~14 babies hatch Christmas Eve! 11 Breese, 1 Sulmtaler, 1 Wheaten Ameraucana and 1 Swedish Flowe Hen. They are so cute. I swore I was done but there was a Christmas auction for fancy colored Orpingtons so...... Lol it's gonna be a busy winter!

CCL CrazyChickLady 7due to hatch the 27-28 A couple blue slate turkeys (they are moving to the other Bator. Due to hatch the 3rd), some buff orps, a polish, a few barnyard mixes, and i think that's it. A guy is paying me to hatch them. 14/15 we alive and wiggling. HAS A CHICK as of last night UPDATE!! CHICK #3!!!!! I've gotten one a night since Christmas. And its never at like 7 always at around 11. Finally traced what I have of next weeks set. So far 9 duck eggs, 9 turkeys, and a dozen chickens. 10 eggs still in the incubator but I think one quit before day 18. 3 chicks so far. No more pips.

Shah Sat was day 18. I have 7 that I think have a good chance at hatching, 3 chicks 2 more pips!! Thurs morn. Chick #7 hatched! And it is the only color these chicks are. Yellow!

CH~ steel nothing steal nothing Leaving in thirty minutes my mom is going to care her best for these last two eggs hopefully I get a deer this time. The last time the reason I did not get a deer is I fell asleep.

Dax ~ finished hatch with her friend! images post #20473 If they make it we will only have lost 2 of 52

K (BYC) LOCKDOWN tues eve

speney speney had two hatch, next ones dues New Years

jessimom I have 10 hatched!!! 3 left un-pip'd. One of those 3 belongs to the 1/1 HAL / 7 in the bator for the 1/1 hatch, but I have 11 in there right now.

tJO ~ tjo804 Broody hatched chicks UPDATE : 6 Chicks with BabyBear they all look to be blue silkies but that is prob cuz ChipChip is a Blue Silkie. There are still 5 eggs I moved them to Sunshine another Broodie after BB got off them so I really don't have much hope but will check later today and see.

MC MotorcycleChick has two pips Sunday!

JO the jolly onion~ 5 eggs in lockdown Sunday, and 4 are wiggling!!!! I know its only day 19 so im only periodically peeking into the incubator
Ive got one chick out as of 11am, and waiting on pips from the other 4. Peeps not pips yet tho. Its a SFH from the SFH i hatched last spring, so this is second generation and i am excited, but sooooo hoping my faverolles hatch.

ME Sally hatch complete, more CCL and serama due next week

Joey new years hatch 7 will lock Wed

Cynthia12 8 silkies lockeddown monday

Saris Lockdown 32 eggs tuesday

Roxy Lockdown tuesday 13 eggs in my IncuView

Rossfam06 5 lockdown Tuesday

J&T JandTRanch couple eggs in lockdown today (my 2 EE X SLW). Both are rocking!! Also 5 shipped eggs go in lockdown Thursday

Venymae Lockdown Tues night 2 pips still. Thurs am
come on chickies!

gimmie birdies Had to leave town for 2 days I think I lost my eggs due the 30th. good new is 9 eggs due the 16 look fine, and I just picked up eggs from a farm 3 hrs away..

TJchickens serama in lockdown 5 tues

mirandaleecon I just placed an order for 25 blue/black Ameraucana chicks! They should get here Jan 19th! Since my shipped eggs did not do so well, I figured I would just go ahead and order chicks. Also going to try to find some Barred Rocks so I can try to make sex-link Easter Eggers!
And I have decided to set some eggs on the 7th so that they will hatch on my birthday, Jan 28th!
Chicks hatched! 11 out of 13 eggs hatched(5 buffs and 6 Rhode Island reds). One of the chicks had some trouble hatching and now has a bloody vent. I tried to clean it with warm water but what looked like the yolk started coming out so I put him back in a separate brooder and i put some electrolytes in the water. What should I do?(the yolk is hanging out of his bottom and is a little bloody! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I was wondering if someone can help me out , my quails that just started laying about two months ago , they were laying good eggs now the past week or so they have been laying brittle shelled eggs or eggs with no shells at all , I added grain and oyster shell to their feed when the first brittle egg was laid I even crushed up their shells and fed it back to them for about a week then it got where I couldn't even pick up their eggs without them crumbling in my hand , is there something I'm missing or what
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