INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Blackhead is a bad one to have, but it can be treated if caught soon enough. Sadly, many peafowl and turkey people think it won't happen to them, so they don't bother getting the meds needed to treat it.

Most of the chickens and ducks here have never been wormed, but if one does look a little iffy, I will worm it.

Does anyone recognize a poo like this?

Its called im not hungry anymore :/
Does anyone recognize a poo like this?
A vet once told me that foamy poop = protozoa. To me that looks like a foamy cecal poop, so if I had to guess, I would say coccidiosis. How old is the bird and is it showing *any* signs of illness other than the abnormal poop?

A vet once told me that foamy poop = protozoa. To me that looks like a foamy cecal poop, so if I had to guess, I would say coccidiosis. How old is the bird and is it showing *any* signs of illness other than the abnormal poop?

It is one of the adult group with ms.
Hi Sall. I had a glimpse on your project, but with all the million new post I cant find them anymore! Will thank you for a link!

Some pic. From Roma

From Tivoly

And some of the amazing food Mama mia ce bono!

Love the Forum and Coliseum.
Also can't go wrong with Roman pasta and Italienische eis
As you know I appreciate good food, but God this Italian never stop to amaize me with the exquisite, tasteful food that they make! It is wonderful food!
The gelati is somthing not frome this universe! You never tasted real vanilla, or pistachio, or zabaione ice cream befor you tasted it in some good Gelateria in Italy!
The only thing better than gelato is American ice cream.

Does anyone recognize a poo like this?
Likely cecal feces. and likely once a day.
The update I just got from my house is a HUGE ugly yellow creature hatched and a silkie is pipped. Since i have no silkies in this hatch it's probably 1 of the small cochin eggs. Go chickies!!!
@daxigait , coccidiosis is also more common in adults than people think.


That's cause it's everywhere and all birds on soil will test positive. That doesn't mean it is a problem as they are normally resistant by then.

One can treat all they want, they'll still test positive because they'll pick it up as they forage.
@daxigait , here is a close up:

Might not be cecal poop, but it's definitely not normal, and it is foamy.

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