INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Help!!! There's blood! She's alive and peeping but hasn't turned to zip since 6 am... What do I do?!?@Sally Sunshine
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The update I just got from my house is a HUGE ugly yellow creaturehatched and a silkie is pipped. Since i have no silkies in this hatch it's probably 1 of the small cochin eggs. Go chickies!!!

Whoa, i didnt know you had donald trump eggs!
What's the huge ugly yellow creature?
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 , coccidiosis is also more common in adults than people think. 

no more vet bills for now. If I see more I could do corrid, but I just cleaned the coop and board. I will watch for more. It was just one of the hens as I let them out to free range while I clean.
Quote: I'm not talking about a small amount, I'm talking about enough that a vet would suggest treating for it. My friend with the sick peafowl has routine fecals done and has noticed that when his birds are showing respiratory symptoms they almost always have a large load of coccidia, so they treat for both. There was another pea person that had her 3 year old hen tested and she had a severe case of it.


What the ........? Now it lets me post pics?
Here is my Auracana eggs!


Quote: ha ha ha!!! you will have to see what they look like when you get them. if they are large you may need humidity in one set and not the other... wait until you get them and figure what each batch will need. you need a coolerbator!!!

Quote: you did it not me!!! well done!!!


Wow, I was a good 75 PAGES behind! And was only gone a few days! That should be a new record lol. My hatch finished up with 14 new poults. Unfortunately about 11 quit at hatch time. I think it was due to my incubator failure last week. So upsetting! None of Pebbles' eggs hatched either so I gave her 2 poults. She was happy to accept them and was looking at my hands for more lol. Pictures when she brings them out.
awww glad she took them!!!
yes pics please!!

Hi Sall. I had a glimpse on your project, but with all the million new post I cant find them anymore! Will thank you for a link!

Some pic. From Roma

From Tivoly

And some of the amazing food Mama mia ce bono!

Does anyone recognize a poo like this?

have a look

These are produced from the caecum of the chicken and are mustard to dark brown froth. They are expelled every 8 to 10 droppings.
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