INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I know! Too bad I dont have enough at the moment!

I go to start a pot of coffee return to livingroom and the one boy has his trombone out and as I am telling him to put it away before the little one gets stuff out of his case, the little one throws two potato heads and nails his nice shiny RENTED trombone! always something always always
What kind of barbarians are you raising out there? Who throws potatoes? Although I did have a frozen egg fight the one day with my son.........them suckers hurt.

oh yeezus  I need to watch my words dangggg:th

Uh, yeah.

:caf morning

Can you believe it?! No pips yet! It's day 19! What are they waiting for??

Anyone else wonder how AutoCorrect can change so many words? "They" was turned into "fry" and "so many words" was changed to "a good day".

:confused: Have you had a nice long talk with them about there tardiness yet?

Yes! No response.

good morning!!! whats going on today?  Hows the coffee??  stiff enough this mornin?

Good Morning to you too!:hugs  I think I might need an MC dose of coffee this morning... Didn't sleep well last night. Thermometer is reading around 10 this morning so I don't think I'll get much done outside. Maybe work on the coolerbator? IDK...


that is wonderful idea!  and many pics during the workin on it too!!  
I think I need to make another pot of coffee, 2hour delay and they are starting to drive me insane with their loud mouthing....  me thinks they need a reminder to use inside voices or get sent to corners for a more peaceful morning. 

They say duct tape fixes everything... Just sayin':D

I have a magnet that says, " Islands is golden, but talk tape is silver " That is the auto correct version. What I typed is, "silence is golden, but duct tape is silver!"
Thank you Sally for your picture for the regular caption contest. This has been the funniest set yet!!! I can't stop laughing!!!!
Louly Love! I have to find the link and go check them out later! or bring the link over if you get there first please @lindalouly

Quote: @rIrs roost morning when you get up Billy!!
I dont want you guys in trouble! Tell them its my fault, I will take all blame, have fun with them! as I said to Louly will go check your captions out later on!
Our dearest Sally never gets into trouble!
awwwww Bubbles sweetiessss
They lie! Besides, it's beyond that point already. Had to weld the tongue b we could even pull it up to WI.
Morning whites! I haven't seen any of those trailers around lately, but they do show up every now and again. If I see one I'll let you know (but you probably won't want to drive here to get it lol)
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