INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Quote: @casportpony @Lamancha Did you see her hatch?
I'm jealous, I only have a black Sharpie.

EVERYONE ordering EGGS for the HAL! DONT FORGET TO REQUEST HOW YOU wish your eggs collected and shipped!! see post #55042
on suggestions and also where to find eggs!

Feb 19th,

2/19/16 9 PM Friday



DAX 3/5, S5apiotrowski 3/8, karenerwin 3/14, Shahtir101March 22nd, country lovin March 24th

Making Bators~ I need updates to keep adding to our notes sections canadachickens, fire 4th cabinet, silverhair, fresnofarmer, mrleeroy you need to start one! CliftonFarmer cooler, chickenlove cooler, lazyacre cooler, shahtir101 coolerbator

Attimus post #57021

Coop expansions:
Silverhair, chaos18, hippiestink,Fire Ant Farm

NestingHillsSC Hey all. Set 29 eggs in the hatcher this morning. AND!!! My doe kidded yesterday!!! She was a month ahead of what I thought. So it was a big surprise to say the least.

granny hatchet 2/10 I put 50 eggs in today and had room for 22 more. LOL I opened all of todays eggs as it was freezing out and didnt see any thing watery. no ice except for the fact I have an egg eater and found a frozen yolk. they will be due March 3rd. @granny hatchet you have an update for us from candle? ;)

Fire Got all the breeders separated back into their pens. So we will be incubating heavy here in the next couple of weeks.

Canadachickens Updated 18 Auracana day seven candle, 14 excellent development 4 questionable Due date is the 29th. Sorta shipped, I picked them up about 2 hours from home.

Sally setting every week and a few in between, have ducks in, serama, marans, legbar, projects, misc

J&TRanch 1/12/16 12 self blue Cochin bantams (shipped) day 3 (going to candle today to see how many are viable).... And 18 eggs arriving in the mail tomorrow @J&Tranch My shipped self blue bantam Cochins are doing good. I had to throw out a stinker and a seeper
So out of those 10 remaining, 7 are developing nicely
They're on day 7. I ended up receiving 16 shipped from GA, they looked good considering the single digit temps- only 3 saddles and none cracked. They're on day 3 today, will candle Wednesday maybe.

Saris 33 Bielefelder eggs set 8:00 pm on 2/12, I candled my Bieles. Out of 33 I saw 15 for sure having veins, 4 possible clears, and the other 11 I couldn't tell if they had veins or not. 2 of the ones with veins are the cracked ones I repaired with nail polish and superglue.
From Chicken Hill Poultry: Out of 12 eggs I have 2 clears and 10 veining.
From @Papa Brooder : Out of 21 eggs I have 1 Clear, 3 Maybes, and 17 veining!!!! So I have 27/33 developing!!! Hooray for good packing and handling!!! 2/19

TJ I've started up the Mind reading Bator again! It has Guinea eggs and two silkied Serama eggs in it. Not sure yet if the Guinea eggs are fertile.
My R-com is full of shipped Serama eggs from a couple different sources, all were shipped and almost all are messed up.

Casportspony aka Kathy aka Kat Three batches of Muscovy eggs... 11 in the RCOM 8 or so under a chocolate 12 ish under the barred chocolate

LocalYokel 13 Dominicker 5 Leghorn, may be White or Brown, mostly Whites in that coop.(Not the cheery oldish dude Whites) Hope the Doms and Leghorns are fertile.
7 RIR 2 out of 3 eggs under broody bator are alive/developing, 1 RIR 1 Leghorn, tossed the other.
4 out of 5 Leghorn in bator showing veins! I have 5 White Leghorns in the bator right now
Due the 25th
Some of the RIR look porous.
Hard to tell on the Dom eggs because my flashlight batteries are low, But I can see some developing.
Got a better cage for the broody! @LocalYokel how are your eggies?

Venymae got an update? hope your ok! Salmon Favorelles and 11 shipped Cochin eggs on 1/15. On day 8, only 4 of the Favorelles looked good, but 8 of the Cochins did -- I left them all in the 'bator. I added 10 of my own silkies on 1/23. @venymae you ok girl?

gotro17 Shellee lavender Orpington shipped egg issue,Papa's Poultry. Jeff- you rocked it! Not one crack! Thank you!!! We have Bielefelders, Crested CL, BBs Marans and Mottled Lavender Orpingtons, along with some surprises from the rainbow pen! Can't wait!!!5 Marans eggs were cracked
. However, all frizzles and lavender Orpingtons were intact. Vital Farms eggs I got at Target, along with some silkies from our new friend from down the road, @Jessimom ... We are setting tomorrow for a Feb. 6th hatch day. 29 eggs go into lockdown tomorrow!!! Start honing your master Jedi skills of distraction and calm. I don't have a styrofoam carton to put the eggs, needing to be upright, in...but I do have plastic 2/3

ChickaLong Hatched 28, 16 boys and 10 girl black sex links. 2 RIR X BR. 1 girl lost today. Added 20 RIR and 5 astrolops from a hatchery @ChickaLong you set more?

Hawk12 none of my last batch made I. I'm trying to pretend it never happened. I had the temp set too low and humidity too high. It was rough
My current batch should hatch this Saturday. I have 9 that are still kicking. They are brahmas again. Trying to get a big enough breeding stock. Right now I don't have a rooster and there will be no breeding without one

deserteggs227 eggs in lockdown all 7 still kicking 2/17

Peachickie new bator is holding steady temps and the ladies have been busy laying eggs (21 on Monday!) so I'll be setting a large batch Saturday 2/20.

Auroradream26 2/19 Gaa! The suspense is killing me! 14 pipped now, still nobody zipping! I'm going to go to bed with a bator full of pips and wake up to a bator full of babies lol

macylee 1/19/second week of my first incubation attempt! I have 40 eggs, 3 Swedish Isbars and 5 Cream Legbars, 2 RIR/EE eggs, a few RIR/Golden Comet eggs and the rest are RIR/Black Sex Links. @macylee How is your bator and eggs doing?

ambe0487 2/1 I put the eggs in lockdown this morning because I will be busy getting ready for the snow storm that is suppose to hit over night here, day 18 actually starts at 3 p.m. 29 eggs, which comprise of 6 Isa brown/Legbar mix, 9 EE/ Bresse mix, and 14 Buff Orp. @ambe0487 Update?

Fire Ant Farm My 12 remaining aloha Naked Neck eggs went into lockdown yesterday (2/16) - set to hatch upright. Set humidity to 65%, opened vent all the way. The air cells look good (meaning they didn't grow any larger). No idea how this hatch will go, just crossing my fingers (and enjoying everyone else's hatch reports).

scottcaddy 2 different broodies on eggs at about day 10 1/20 @scottcaddy any more broodies or babies?

slordaz barnyard mix, now RIR is matured too we are gonna play guess whose the daddy game as both roosters were on all of the hens, patiently trying to get spring here faster so can build the new coopsat 23 eggs at 2 am this morning 2/3 Lockdown is Wed Feb 10th (before bed) 6 are questionable 1 clear
19 looking good @slordaz How did everything turn out? got an update?

S5apiotrowski Anastasia aka AC 13/18 BCM Hatched. 1 non-pipper, 1 early quitter, 3 died after pipping (humidity too high, eggs rolled by other chicks, I think the drowned) 2/3 Welsummers Hatched. One still alive/working on it, has plenty of air, but breathing looks difficult. Don't think it will make it.
1/2 Easter Eggers hatched. 1 was a clear.
1/5 mixed breeds hatched. 3 clear. 1 died in shell - mal-positioned and pip didn't break through internal membrane.

PHAGE Incubation update - I tend not to candle often - just once at about 10 days and maybe at lockdown. So, from memory at day 10..
"Eating eggs" gifted from friend 22/24 developing
Purebred eggs for same friend about 34/ 60 alive. Most did not develop. Of these about 8 were blood rings or large eggs with cracks that had died (didn't candle before setting).
Shipped badly scrambled eggs only 2/24 developing.
Store bought "pasture raised" eggs 0/24 - oh well it was a long shot.
So basically about 58 eggs made it to day 10: 22 mutt, and 38 pure breed.
I have been doing pretty dry hatches for the last year or so - add water just twice (day 7 and day 14) before lockdown. Humidity runs about and 32% without water (basement in costal San Diego). At lock down humidity is about 60% with water added.
The DIS chicks always used to look too wet, and this dry incubation greatly reduced the DIS rate.
I also try to plan hatches for when at work to reduce "incidence" of bator opening. This usually results in excellent hatch rates, and I rarely "assist".

Chicken Hawk33 CH setting a goose egg 2/16

I have 5 blue/splash silkies and 1 buff brahma in lock down in the dreaded Incuview, (day 20, nothing yet). 12 Buff Brahma going into lock down 2/23 and 6 silkie eggs going into lock down 2/27. I have some shipped eggs coming the end of the month.

DHetzle I moved 190 eggs into lockdown in my coolerbator hatcher last night. I was not happy with the results when hatching in the new Dickey cabinet incubator, so it is back to setting only and I will need to make a better (or additional) hatcher. I had to squeeze and additional level into the coolerbator, I hope that doesn't inhibit the air flow too much, but it's the best I can do for now.

HeatherMarieRordered a dozen Ancona duck eggs, and they went in the incubator today. I received 13 eggs, but one was cracked. I tried to fix it with candle wax, but I don't know if it will work or not since I've never tried it before. I've started misting my eggs with a 50/50 mix of water and Gold Listerine before I put them in the incubator to disinfect them. Hopefully that with increase my hatch rate. I'm hoping that these guys will be much easier to hatch than my Calls and Muscovies that I usually try to hatch. *fingers crossed* 3 chicks total hatched. The rest appear to have died. I'll give them another day and then eggtopsy.

fresnofarmer I have officially set my 2 dozen grocery store eggs at 1/29/2016 8:45pm pst Yesterday was day 14 2/12 candled and 1 of the questionable was still developing the other definite early quitter thew it out still have 7 going strong out of the fertile dozen trader Joe eggs So day 18 starts in 3 hrs... but my 20 month old decided to unplug the incubator at some point today
just noticed it got it back on the eggs got to around 70 or so I'll check it in a few hours to check for survivors... im praying it was only an hour or so ago

Benny aka Akrnaf2 4 rumples Aracaouna,and 4 Partridge Plymouth rocks, this is tge first time that I h@ave bilt a bator! 1/29

Newchics blue/golden phoenix eggs I bought. First time getting shipped eggs 1/30 @Newchics have an update?

NTBugtraq 1/30 50 eggs into each tray this time, achieving the Brinsea Ova Easy 100 suggested limit. These eggs come from my own layers, who are first generation offspring of pure Black Copper Marans Roosters mated with a dual purpose bird resembling a Red Sexlink. These birds are inbreeds, as they are mating with their own fathers. The oldest layer is ~34 weeks old, the youngest only 24 weeks. 2/18 Wow, Sally, I am impressed. Yes, I took 83 into lockdown yesterday. The recent ridiculously below freezing spell has put a huge dent in my layers production, so my next setting (2/23) will have more older eggs (e.g. up to 15 days old). Practically every egg laid over the past 5 days has been cracked due to freezing, even with me checking on them hourly. My first hatch is feathering out nicely. Chicks are currently ~22 days old.

Bubbles1234 AKA Bantychooks Candled 13, (8 BSL, 5 EE) Day 18 candle 2/17, tossed 8 clears (BSL) and locked down 3 EE. I know at least 2/3 are dead, but hey, I'll just hope I'm wrong! On day 19 as of 2/18.

country lovin aka Ty Just set 4 marans and 2 OE. They will go into lockdown the day before the easter hatch goes in. I'm hoping to get at least one marans and OE hen to add to my own flock. 2/19 I got 8 little babies and six that I think are DIS

daxigait 1/31 Set 66 eggs last night. I have my fingers crossed for fertility after my roos were sick.
Possible Lavenders I this time as my Lavender Orpington pullets started laying four weeks ago.down the 48 after candeling.

howfunkyisurchicken I have 7 more eggs due to hatch tomorrow 2/2 silkies @howfunkyisurchicken update?

bauerdog It looks like 7 chicks will be the final count. The grocery store eggs are DIS probably. I did an exploratory opening on 2 and they had died. I apparently had a huge drop in humidity while at work. The last live chick was shrinkwrapped and had to be assisted. @bauerdog you set again? got pics of your chicks?

campinshaws 9! All honas! Due the 24th Sally all 9 of my honas looked good. We couldn't detect movement in two of them, might wind up being early quitters. Their veins looked a bit faded.

billiejw8912 Buff orpington eggs set 2/3 @billiejw89 how did candle go?

Tao Chick 7 Brabanter, 5 Pavlovskaya, and three from my pullets due2/26 I did a Day 10 candle. One of mine was clear and one of the shipped eggs had a blood ring. The other 13 look good. The turner is pretty good but I guess I won't know for sure until we get to hatch day. The air cells were growing a bit too fast so I added some water to boost the humidity to 45%. 2 a.m. tonight is half way.

mrleeroyset more eggs. 8 due to hatch on 2/25. Hatching the blue ones this time Candled the 8 eggs last night and it looks like one of them will not be hatching for sure and another had a crack on the pointy end of the egg(not sure how I missed that...) but is still developing normally. Also set 33 more eggs 2/11...Just the usual barnyard mix. My EE rooster that I had decided to get too mean a couple weeks ago (he became dinner) so his DNA is slowly being phased out and now I just have the Cream Brabanter rooster on those hens. Hens are RIR, SLW, BA, and EE. Barnyard mutts with hairdos it is

caeti21 4 ftp ameraucanas mix in the bator ( one doesn't seem to be fertile but im keeping an eye on it)
16 ftps silver laced wydottes mix one looks non fertile again keeping an eye on it
4 la floure mixes idk if my serama roo is the daddy or the ftp is so it will be a surprise i guess
13 eggs will be going into lockdown on Wednesday
8 will be the following week
5 after that
3 then 3 following that

jwlpoultry4 Rhodebar eggs and 3 Barnyard mix went int lockdown today to hatch Saturday.
Had to toss 7/39 Barred Rock eggs 4 blood rings and 3 cracks due to cold weather so am down to 32 due to hatch 2/28
6/6 Rhodebars and 1 barnyard mix developing great due to hatch 2/28.
2 goose eggs develpoing due to hatch March 6th
19 Idaho Bluback pheadants set 2/18 due to hatch March 11th.
Quail eggs should arrive tomorrow and will probably set some more Rhodebars and Barnyard mix in a few days not sure when but will keep you updated.

chicknlove 2/9 DAY 18 +17/21 going into lock down in the Coolerbator and +15/24 in the Styro.. Locked them in nice and tight 2/9 Woke up to 10 babes in the Cooler and 10 babes in the Styro..2/12 DAY 21 here. In the Styro corner we have 8/8 local eggs hatched and 4/7 shipped eggs hatched and 3 pips! In the Coolerbater we have 7/9 shipped and 6/8 local eggs hatched. I don't see any pips in the cooler but my visibility is not great. yay for hatch day! @chicknlove you set more eggs?

studio chick It's day 20 and I had three pips within the same hour as I set the eggs. One of them pipped way too low (I have them upright in a carton) I'm thinking it might be the one I had upside the first ten days. I am keeping an eye on it, I don't see anything leaking from the pip.

SassyHens1 Day 18 lock down on the marans here. 16 out and dry. 14 more to go. No pips in the last hour. 2/12 2/13 No pips overnight on the last 10+ to go. @Sassyhens1 how did everything go? got pics, set more eggs?

butterfliesdoku have 46 eggs in the incubator right now, they are barnyard mixes and Easter Eggers with a due date of February 24th. Today is day 6 and so far I've candled 27 and of those candled 19 have active little embryos!vI was going to pull clears and quitters tomorrow but decided to go ahead today. Today is day 9. I had 12 infertiles and 1 quitter. There's 4 I'm not too sure about but I'll check those again around day 16 2/12 @butterfliesdoku how did candle go?

sarah25bear So last night I started 41 eggs in my incubator this is my first time doing this so hopefully things go well they are just farm chicks my hens are Rhode Island Red and barred rocks and my rooster is a partridge Cochin ... So here goes!!! @sarah25bear I forgot to put a set and hatch date for you! can you update this for me please? when do you candle? Set date : February 10 am , 41 eggs Candled day 7 : 12 fertile / 41 eggs Hatch date : March 1

CyndiDCyndiD I have10 WH duck eggs being shipped to me next week. Is there a site I can read that will help me prepare the eggs for incubating?
I have not received my SWH eggs yet!! tomorrow or the next day???
I will be setting SWH duck eggs and Pekin duck eggs.... AND Australorp over LH, WCBP and NH chicken eggs.
My SWH duck eggs should be here tomorrow and I will have to set them 1 week early for HAL, oops, ordered them 1 week too early...

kissofcrimson my first little baby chick hatched!! Now I'm anxious to make sure he/she doesn't burn to death under the heat lamp or die for some unknown reason. I've only got two eggs ready right now (started with 6 and they were my test eggs) but it doesn't hatch for the next 2 days.@kissofcrimson how are your babies? did you set more eggs?

UrbanFarmOC Thanks to @sallysunshine for all your articles and advice, and to others here sharing your experiences! We hatched in a bator for the first time and got a 100% hatch rate (we set 9 eggs)!! We used a used basic still air Hovabator I got off of Craigslist and built our own hand turner. We didn't actually plan on it, but we ended up with Valentine babies!!!

TrilliumAcres Thanks to your answers a few day ago and all the very valuable info that Sally Sunshine has put together I have 5 babies in the incubator with 2 eggs to go. First pip yesterday morning and first chick at around 6 pm last night. I woke up to 3 more chicks this morning and one more just hatched a few minutes ago. This is my first chick hatch ever and I am so excited! So THANK YOU ALL! Your wisdom is greatly appreciated!

Meaghan Just put two duck eggs in the incubator this morning 2/15. First time experimental hatch! I set literally 10 or so breeds/mixed breeds. I got eggs from friends and my girls. There are 50 eggs total.

Math I incubate with the LG 9200.I set backyard mixed chicken eggs on Monday, February 15th for friends of ours. I set an incubator full. I think it was 68. Our friends need to replace brown egg layers.

bauerdog The bator is all cleaned out and waiting for the next batch. For shipped eggs, should I ask for them to be shipped on Monday the 29th for setting on Saturday the 5th? It takes 2 to 3 days for the eggs to get to my place....just worried if I ask for wednesday, they may be held up by the good ole USPS

DON956 Just set 48 eggs at 12pm central time. 2/19
12 RIR
12 Delaware
12 Plymouth Barred Rock
12 Golden Sex Link
Due on the 11th of March, anyone else set eggs today?


I am told there was an issue on another thread so I want to be sure everyone understands when posting that its in the best interest to ALL of us, BYC being a site for anyone ranging from 13+ NEVER ask the age of a youngster, gender or other personal information.

And for those that are young, PLEASE FOLLOW THESE RULES AS WELL: Do not post overly personal information like your phone number, address, age, or any other overly personal info. Minors especially should not post information that will identify them or their age.


Changes to Antibiotics Regulations Coming December 2016 most will need RX post #53348

By Dr. Mike Apley List of Affected Applications/MEDICINES CLICK HERE

Bill P. From the Missouri AG Dept. Works with NPIP etc. Recommend Hoover Hatchery and Murray
both of which are in IA and are Mycoplasma free and test monthly.
Leggs Peafowl Farm
Fecals can be done at home, which might be an option for some:
Wormougel - 20g/L Praziquantel, 20g/L Oxfendazole most worms, including tapes post #55337
Fenbendazole Wormer including paste equine wormer post #52183
Worming post #51524
Casportspony Sharpie Eggs post #57060
Wine Cooler incubator
Incubator incubator heat elements Click HERE
Build your own Incubator with the STC-1000 CLICK HERE
Taos genius microwave turner starting post #1516 post #1520 post #2150 post #35831 post #1790 post #43486 post #48591post #51403 post #56355
Incubating and Hatching Duck Eggs Metzer Farms CLICK HERE
Candling Duck Eggs
How to evaluate Chicks after Hatch! post #56572
Mule Ducks or Moulards
USING a aquarium pump to humidify incubator Begin post post #56000
Steel Roofing and Siding Information & Installation Guide metalroof.pdf 431k .pdf file
Last edited:
Quote: Yes, and to see if any of the black leaches through.


what breed I will save your posts.... as you go along..... can you see into them? she had issues lol cant see why though

Mutt eggs, so I don't care if they hatch. Didn't even try candling them, lol.

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