INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Hi, thanks!  :frow

Easter Leggers and Olive Leggers!

Well, actually, my plans are for turkeys, and I'm going to throw some chickens in to teach the poults how to eat.  I have a Cream Legbar rooster and various hens.  So I'm picking the prettiest blue egg I get and the darkest brown egg that I get.  Pretty sure those come from an Easter Egger and a Black Langshan.  So the results may be um, interesting.

Hi all, I figured I should just jump in to an incubating thread, since I'm planning to buy an incubator soon, and hatch out some chicks and poults. Take a look at this- someone is giving it away free on the Indianapolis Craigslist. Now wouldn't that make an awesome cooler-bator?!


Too bad I'm not ready to start out quite so big!
Where is it written that you have to fill it? If it's well-insulated, grab it before it gets gone!
It's hard to believe my older chicks are only 11 weeks old today. They look almost like fully matured birds, and are nearly as big as my PRIR and RSL hens, although the cockerels still haven't developed their hackles, sickles, or tail feathers. I can only imagine how big and gorgeous they'll be in another 11 weeks! This cockerel is already very comfortable with the ladies, so I'm thinking about keeping him around for breeding. He's pretty far advanced compared to the other 8 in the flock... and he is the supreme ruler of the roost.

I thought this guy was going to be king of the hill, but he is now a subordinate of the cockerel pictured above...

I really like the dark splash on these pullet's legs, so they'll be breeding stock. The other 4 lighter-legged pullets get to hang out with the laying hens...

grow so fast!

This has been the busiest weekend ever! BFF came over and we didn't sit still for a minute! We played farm and built a thing, shopped junk, wandered the woods, built a coolerbator, etc. etc. etc. And THESE BABY GOATS plus MY HUMAN KIDS take up ALL MY TIME.

Quote: Extremely relevant. I noticed it was very slow. I'll have to keep looking for a charger. Why does it need the charger type instead of just a regular cord?

@Sally Sunshine I have an incu UPDATE for you SWEET LADY.

8 of 9 honas in lockdown in a coolerbator. One looks pretty iffy. After removing the true quitter from original measures, the clutch lost 18% of their body weight.

7 hona eggs on day 8 look good.
11 EE eggs on day 8 look good. 2 clears.
Gotcha!!! Hope you have update on your eggies soon!!! GO CHICKS!

Thank you Joey!!

Quote: saris I was in such a rush to post last night, I love this!

Alettertoeggshippers.doc 30k .doc file
ShippingEggsTheSallySunshineWay.docx 175k .docx file
note these files are still a work in progress, thank you @Chaos18 for creating them
post #40168
How Sally Sunshine Incubates SHIPPED EGGS post #53845

Did you ask the seller for 1-2 day old clean eggs only, DATED? Did you ask them to be individually bubble wrapped,placed AIR CELL UP, wrapped in a plastic bag, BEFORE setting the lot in newspaper packed tightly so that the newspaper doesnt draw out MORE moisture in them, and did you ask them to PLEASE DOUBLE BOXED them babies, and ask them to be Marked FRAGILE SYRUP IN GLASS NO XRAY???? WELL, WELL did you did you hugh???

ENVISION a big five day air cell vs a day or two day air cell, IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE during travel, the more air in that egg, the more room the egg can give way in there, plus a 5 day egg has a different ph than a one and two day egg!!!! we can blame usps YES, but we have to put some blame on sellers too and ourselves for not requesting what we deserve!

Don't be afraid to ask for your eggs fresh, and wrapped a specific way!!!! you are paying for your eggs, you are the customer! you want a good hatch from shipped eggs, its ALL in how you order your eggs and if you get them fresh and a small air cell will take that trip much better than a large air cell!!!

WORDS OF WISDOM!!!! if the seller gives you sighs or moans or excuses, DON'T BUY THEIR EGGS!!!! We all know what a fresh vs not fresh egg looks like, by the time we get our eggs we should have an egg that is about 5-6 days old after shipped or less!

An egg with a small air cell is a higher quality than an egg with a larger air cell. When an egg first laid, there is no air cell but as time goes on and the egg cools, an air cell forms and continues to grow in size because of the pores in the egg shell itself. The air cell can be measured by using an air cell gauge, which is a card that is held up to the egg while candling. An example of an air cell gauge can be seen below.

The following Word File can be used when ordering shipped eggs, it is our suggestion that you copy/paste/edit to help you get the best eggs possible. Letter written by ozexpat

An open letter to egg shippers.doc 27k .doc file



Kristin's horribly shipped eggs and hatch post #57321

Good Morning, Light of my Life. How you feeling this morning?
Hi all, I figured I should just jump in to an incubating thread, since I'm planning to buy an incubator soon, and hatch out some chicks and poults. Take a look at this- someone is giving it away free on the Indianapolis Craigslist. Now wouldn't that make an awesome cooler-bator?!


Too bad I'm not ready to start out quite so big!
I'm actually here, and that thing definitely says coca cola on it. I will not be involved in that rat race lol. That things gonna start a bidding war. I've seen it before... But it would make a good one
You do realize that broken eggs don't hatch, right? So don't throw the eggs you want to hatch.

There are two cases like that being sold for about $250 near me. Tempting, but I don't feel bright enough to make an incubator.

Oh, you are! :hugs

Why dont ya? I'm terrible at wiring, but the video makes it a lot easier... I can send you links for parts iffn ya want.... ;)
Quote: Oh it said day 7 air cells Sorry!! I think they look fine!

Last night I left my door open for about 2 minutes while I went to get water and my cats killed one of my serama chicks. I have the one little guy left. He loves attention and I am getting him a Cochin friend from the feed store tomorrow. It is unfortunate what happened, but I am glad that one survived.
oh no sweetie!! I am so sorry!!! awwwwww


I'm in lockdown in the new cooler!
so its running good??? ohhhh YAY!!!!!

Humidity still a bit low
Will be comin back up
Jus set er up

Good Luck!!!
today is lock down for us. Our first time hatching eggs. We are using an older brinsea octagon 20. Humidity is at 60 and temp is 99.5, does that sound ok?
@billiejw89 welcome and good luck!!! I run higher humidity at lockdown unless my air cells are too small. how are yours looking? What breeds are in the bator? GOOD LUCK!!

Quote: nothing like it for the kids to observe!!! they love it!!
Plus I'll be hatching more Dom babies for the Easter HAL and unless I have a stroke of puck and only hatch girls the odds are not in his favor..........unless he's an excellent specimen of the breed.
Careful, or you could come up missing a few toofies and gaining a few knots on the noggin
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