INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Quote: I wasn't looking at the time. I have been up so long, it feels like it is almost noon, or even a little after. I am hoping Duckling stays with her grandmother until after supper. I have so much to do today!

Quote: Un uh. I spent almost two hours trying to re-learn how to use the carpet scrubber yesterday. I do that every time I go to use it! If I can't do that, no way I am tackling a build.
I wasn't looking at the time. I have been up so long, it feels like it is almost noon, or even a little after. I am hoping Duckling stays with her grandmother until after supper. I have so much to do today!

Un uh. I spent almost two hours trying to re-learn how to use the carpet scrubber yesterday. I do that every time I go to use it! If I can't do that, no way I am tackling a build.
You're not supposed to tackle a build, you're supposed to build a build. With Duckling away for the day what excuse are you going to use when you trip over a book?
:hugs Morning Bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hugs  

LOL. Morning Chaos! :frow

I'm not sure how to place the lights in the coolerbator, because it is so short. (About 1 1/2 feet, exact measurements coming)
How close to the sides is too close? Mostly worried about fan placement.... How far away from the sides is minimum?

With the inner toes turned in like that it should make breeding easier for him right? He could get a better hold on the girls.......
maybe I've stumbled upon something useful for once.
You'll never know if he gets chopped. Nothing beats a try but a failure. Plus, if it don't work, he'll still taste good.
LOL. Morning Chaos!

I'm not sure how to place the lights in the coolerbator, because it is so short. (About 1 1/2 feet, exact measurements coming)
How close to the sides is too close? Mostly worried about fan placement.... How far away from the sides is minimum?

Me thinks you want the lights as far away from the eggs as you can get them without melting the bator.....but I don't know cause I ain't never built one of them........yet.
Buff Orpingtons. We set 12 eggs. 5 turned out to be clear, the other 7 looked good. I was hoping for a better fertility rate...but our rooster is still young and he has a lot of hens.
and there you tell us!! lol pretty birds!!! good luck! I added you to our hatchers list!!

@Sally Sunshine I candled again and Some of them have bigger aircells, and some don't......ugh, I also saw the start of at least 4 bloodrings. I'm so sad! They had to have passed all around the same time....I can still pick out veins but you can see the blood smearing down the side and pooling.
ughhh on the bloodrings!!!

Quote: so pretty!!!!

Quote: lol love this pic sweets!!

Hi, two of my partridge wyanndotte chicks hatched over 4 hours ago and neither of them have dried up yet. I only have 1 incubator with the tempreture at 99.5 and humidity at 75%. One of the remaining eggs has pipped so I am nervous to open the incubator. This is my first hatch and I'm nervous about doing things wrong.
your fine!! your doing great!! congrats on the chicks!!

Morning folks. Husband ain't doing too hot and it's raining horribly. Looks like we won't be looking at chickens at the farmer's market today...
rain rain go away come again another day!! morning hippie!!


Quote: AGREE!!

KW is in the building
lol he sure is!!!

I am fairly sure there was more, but thats good nuff!

Argh, my 1202 is giving me grief
I think it must have a loose wire. Last night, the temp dropped to 75. We caught it early and a smack on the side got it hearing up again no problem. It was fine at 10 last night when we went to bed. Got up at 6 and it was down to 69! Another smack got it going again. I love this bator but at the same time, it's killing me! The eggs were cold this morning so it's taking forever to get back up to temp. I just how I didn't lose many
the thing is half full and I have a bunch of eggs coming this week to throw in it.
oh Jess!!!!

@Sally Sunshine
My Dom babies that hatched on 1/18. So roughly 4.5 weeks old. Not sure whats up with the inner set of toes on the one boy.

so whats the count male females? I posted pics of my project F2 chicks did you see them?
Me thinks you want the lights as far away from the eggs as you can get them without melting the bator.....but I don't know cause I ain't never built one of them........yet.

Sorry, that pic wasn't clear... They are on the bottom, that just illustrates the distance from the side.
You do realize that broken eggs don't hatch, right? So don't throw the eggs you want to hatch.

There are two cases like that being sold for about $250 near me. Tempting, but I don't feel bright enough to make an incubator.
Sweet-talk Sally into building it out for you in her "spare time", then borrow an 18 wheeler to go pick it up
You'll never know if he gets chopped. Nothing beats a try but a failure. Plus, if it don't work, he'll still taste good.
I'm pretty sure a full house beats a try but I will have to check the rule book. We shall see how things pan out for him. If he's a peckerhead than I don't want him regardless of how proficient he is at breeding.
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