INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Right now just some natural remedies. Cleaning, drying, airing out coop. Scrubbing waterers daily. ACV, probiotics, electrolytes. The only symptoms are respiratory. No discharge. No GI issues noted. Healthy eating foraging drinking and laying habits. It is already improving, but if it doesn't continue to improve I have antibiotics ready.
sounds like its under control. How the babies?

An old-timer once told me that he'd always heard that sharp pointed eggs were rooster eggs, and the rounder eggs were hen eggs. I told him to give me all hen eggs. We'll see how right he was in another 11 days...
An old-timer once told me that he'd always heard that sharp pointed eggs were rooster eggs, and the rounder eggs were hen eggs. I told him to give me all hen eggs. We'll see how right he was in another 11 days...
there is a thread where a bunch of people tried this theory here on byc, but I never made it through to find out how it went. I will have to go looking for it.
An old-timer once told me that he'd always heard that sharp pointed eggs were rooster eggs, and the rounder eggs were hen eggs. I told him to give me all hen eggs. We'll see how right he was in another 11 days...

An old-timer told me the same thing when I was a kid. My son now swears by it with his d'Uccles. Seems to work fairly well with his flock. I don't know if there's anything to it though.

He needs another porcelain roo, so we're going to set a couple pointy eggs and a couple round eggs at the same time and see what happens. I do tend to steer away from setting pointy eggs....just in case.
An old-timer told me the same thing when I was a kid. My son now swears by it with his d'Uccles. Seems to work fairly well with his flock. I don't know if there's anything to it though.

He needs another porcelain roo, so we're going to set a couple pointy eggs and a couple round eggs at the same time and see what happens. I do tend to steer away from setting pointy eggs....just in case.

I have a Blue Andalusian that only lays very teardropped shaped eggs. I will see if her 3 babes from my hatch are boys.
'Splain me Auto Cad, please, Ma'am.
I DL'd Sketchup thinking it would do what I wanted, but I guess I ain't bright enuf.

My first computer was a Mac, and came with a design program that I loved, but I haven't found anything PC-compatible that comes close w/o a major $$ outlay.

whites you get a phone upgrate we will chat k?

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