Incubator and brooder warning: Incandescent bulbs are disappearing


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2015
My local home improvement store (Menard's) was selling the last of their true incandescent bulbs (60 watt, 40 watt, etc.) on clearance. Everything is moving to the CFL's (compact fluorescent) bulbs. Now even the bulbs that look like incandescents are actually CFL's inside. CFL packaging shows actual wattage PLUS the wattage bulb it's replacing (60 watt, etc.)

Get the incandescent bulbs while they're available if you use them to heat homemade incubators, brooders, etc. because CFL's generate light but not the heat . The CFL in the lamp beside me has been on for hours and I can reach over and literally hold onto the bulb comfortably.

Never fear... white and colored heat bulbs are still sold at pet stores... for 10 bucks a piece as usual.
I've been saying for years that it is a mistake to get rid of the old incandescent light bulb. It heats more efficiently than anything else.
If you have a Habitat for Humanity store anywhere near, check them out -- ours carries a bunch of incandescent bulbs ... maybe construction contractors donate them now and outfit new homes with the CFLs, don't know, but it's a good place to look and they are cheap.
Buy all the bulbs u can and sell them down the road for $10 a piece
. Honestly CFLs work for me. I use them in both my incubator and brooder.
CLF? Really? Those things wouldn't make a hand warmer.

It's bad enough that you can't get a 100 watt you have to settle for a 90 & such. Of course I can't really tell the difference in them other then the number written on it. But I don't like being forced to use 10 less watts.
You can try buying in bulk from overseas. I think, don't quote me, the laws on efficiency prevent manufacturing of incandescent. It doesn't stop the importation of stock piles of already manufactured bulbs from overseas. Maybe check out ebay.

I think I am personally going to look into ceramic heat emitters for reptiles. Supposedly last much longer, aren't sensitive to vibration and oils on hands like an incandescent.
I guess there are no Dollar stores near you either...Local to me the Dollar Trees have them in pack of 2 for a buck.
We need a mfg company to make our good old light bulbs and just call them heaters instead. "Where there s a will there is a way".

Our over reaching government is crap.(sorry for the rant)

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