Incubator and brooder warning: Incandescent bulbs are disappearing

The traditional bulbs are available at most hardware stores. They renamed them Rough Service bulbs to comply with the law. Heavy duty, last longer. Search online. A heat element is a better choice than bulbs for incubation.
I pay 0.55 dollars for each traditional light bulb from 40 to 100, watts same price (0.50 euro).
In Portugal those lamps are really cheap and you've them everywhere.

I bought an 40 watts CFL thinking that it was the best choise as emmits 3200 lummens, i'm starting my first incubator project with eggs collected from our chickens in the farm.

Now i'm gonna use a 40 watts traditinoal light, you're totally right. It emmits so much more heat!

I'll change the lamp as the chickens give more eggs, probably using in the final 3x40 watts lights for 21 eggs.

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