Incubator Choices


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 5, 2012
I am hatching chicks as a school project in school and need some help with choosing my incubator. The place where the incubator will be kept is free of drafts, free of sunlight, and climate controlled. The requirements of the incubator is that it needs to be at minimal cost, easy operate, reliable, and at least semi-automatic. If you have any recommendations please say. Also I don't mind building my own as long it isn't too difficult to get materials or build. Thanks
If you want an actual incubator, the best money saving one would be the hovabator 1602N model.

I have built myself an incubator from a 5 gal. aquarium. I lined the bottom with chicken wire, used a 60watt light bulb, wrapped the aquarium (outside) with bubble wrap to help insulate, and used washcloths inside for humidity. Really, you should add a SMALL fan for air circulation (that is the reason all of mine did not hatch). I had one little peep hatch from that.
Check CL and do a search for "incubator", you might be surprised at what comes up, or not... but you should be able to find a low cost one, if you are in the PACNW area close to me I could loan you one.

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