Incubator Problems :(

Those cheap incubators my god. Hatcher guy is right the temp is off. Please buy a mercury thermometer and put it inside the incubator and adjust as necessary. Its always sad when eggs don't hatch but almost fully developed.
So with the temp discrepancy we discovered in my incubator, my electrician hubby put his meter probe inside. He discovered the outside of the inc is consistent with its temp reading. However the centre in reading 5/6 degrees lower. Making that temp about 94. We tried insulating the centre of the lid. It's a forced air inc. how else can we fix this problem? If I raise the temp I will cook my outside eggs! At this rate the inner eggs are too cold. The vents that are open are around the outside where the temp is staying right around 100.
Lyndsey: I have a home made bator, and also have temp variation, even with a fan. Do you have a fan in yours? If not, that might be the first place to start. You can get an old computer fan and a 12 V power converter, usually for free. You can have someone help you wire them up, then install in the bator. That should help. As I said, even with the fan, I had some variation. So, I keep lots of thermometers in there, wrap the bator with towels when the room temp goes down at night (I keep plenty of space for air vents, even with the towels) and I put in some foil baffles to direct the heat away from the hot spots and toward the cool spots.
The incubator needs to be shielded I recommend wrapping it in some heat shield material. Because of the plastic material it is easy for the external temperature to interefere with the internal temp. Hopes this help
. Here u guys can see my mercury thermometer is exactly 37.5°C and I have 9 big breed moscos just put in today.


9 eggs in incubator trays. This is to be tilted 3 times a day from left to right, to avoid yolk sticking to the membrane.

More updates later.
I checked the eggs yesterday and they were alive. For some reason they were suppose to hatch on Tuesday. I ended up opening the egg bc he wasn't moving. He was dead. Fully developed. For some reason my incubator temp.wont stay correct my god 1 day I went and it was 105...I'm surprised anything is still alive. But there is. The ones that are suppose to hatch tomorrow are all still alive at this moment. I just put 10 more in there hopefully I will have some luck. I had better success out of a cheap incubator
I have a humity problem. My incubator humity gauge says it's only at 45-50% humity but I filled all the water trays with water and placed a wet sponge inside. Along with a tuna can filled with water and a damp paper towel. My eggs are sitting sideways on old egg cartons that are also damp. Lockdown is a week from today. Any suggestions?:)
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I have a humity problem. My incubator humity gauge says it's only at 45-50% humity but I filled all the water trays with water and placed a wet sponge inside. Along with a tuna can filled with water and a damp paper towel. My eggs are sitting sideways on old egg cartons that are also damp. Lockdown is a week from today. Any suggestions?:)

OK so here is my suggestion...go on eBay there are plenty cheap humidity controllers also purchase a mistifier very cheap also hook it up as per instructions set the humidity to about 70%, when pipping starts. The controller will turn on the mistifier thus providing humidity. Make sure the water level is about one inch over the mistifier. When the humidity reaches 70% the controller will turn off the mistifier. This setup costs less than 10 dollars.

My baby filled up again. I'll tell u guys. A home made incubator is better than anything in the store it just takes a bit of patience and understanding what needs to be accomplished. 1 temperature maintained at 37.5°C this is done by making sure u have a well sealed enclosure a temperature controller and 100 watt bulbs according to size of incubator. 2 55% humidity, a proper mistifier and circulation fan is all u need. 3 Fresh air, air pump and fan circulating pulling air from outside and circulating inside incubator. No problems after. I don't care if its winter once u got these three covered u got healthy chicks.
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OK guys...I have a treat for ya. Rare pics only enjoyed by the strong willed, made possible through hard work and exceptional endurance...ahhh shut up just show the pics...Lol.






Little one just hatched.
Thanks for viewing. More coming soon later guys...

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