Incubators Anonymous

Well, 14 of my 17 black copper Marans have hatched so far, there are pips in the final 3.
2 of my 3 Lav Orps have hatched and the final is pipped. :clap
Half the cats I got from this "Certain Used Cat Salesman" have broken....
i need to get a cat that is about to break into many pieces

That's the best pic I've seen all day! Thank you. I really needed a fluffy boost of cuteness. (Yesterday was a rough day b/c a hawk killed 1/2 our quail.)
:hugs so sorry, though that is a great picture of it :oops: even though you can see the blood on it

I have been good. I am waiting until I have a bunch of turkey eggs.:wee

Well, R2elk, let's not let pesky facts get in the way of a good message....... I am more of a do as I say; not as I do kind of guy.:th
you sound like a politician

I only have 12 set right now... maybe I should stick more in.

I need a lockdown incubator. It's annoying trying to balance humidity needs for two species.
i have incubated call/turkey/cots/chickens together
Well, 14 of my 17 black copper Marans have hatched so far, there are pips in the final 3.
2 of my 3 Lav Orps have hatched and the final is pipped. :clap
View attachment 1299739 View attachment 1299740
What an AWESOME hatch on mostly shipped eggs!

Marans are one breed of black chicks that a white spot on the head doesn't mean boy, correct? If it does, I hatched a lot of boys in my last hatch!

I only have 10 eggs incubating. BUT, I did just buy a dozen frizzled polish eggs from a place about an hour away (ebay). I made arrangements to drive up there and pick them up. It's a nasty drive in bad weather, so the storm we're getting from Tues - Thurs means I'm picking them up on Friday. Hey this is Southern California, we don't get bad weather. I'm not afraid of the weather, I"m afraid of the other drivers....

But, there is a buy it now batch of 24 Frizzed hatching eggs, one pen is frizzled girls with cochin roos, other is purebred hens with frizzed roos. I just might buy them. They won't ship until next Monday though. Those are shipping from Texas.
My Easter hatch is not going so well. I candled them, 3 clear blood rings, 2 clearly dead, but no blood ring. 5 very healthy, good veins remaining eggs. For the 6 that I handed off for a classroom hatch, they have 5 of 6 looking good. So, the problem with the eggs is on my incubator, not the eggs. Last hatch had 13 of 14 eggs hatch, so I'm not sure what I did wrong on this hatch.

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