Incubators Anonymous

Um....this "Incubators Anonymous" thing doesn't appear to work like AA etc. :gig

I have 40 bantams in one bator, 15 call duck eggs in another, 20 Marans and Lav Orps hatching as I type (15 hatched, 5 to go) and about 20 eggs to set in the morning. Not to even mention broodies. :lau

I have been good. I am waiting until I have a bunch of turkey eggs.:wee
I have been working towards weeding out the enablers, but it has been difficult, so many of them lie and cheat to hatch eggs.....


I am hoping my setting a good example will help them though.
If I remember correctly, you started incubating much earlier than I did. I only have 95 eggs in currently on day 10 for my first batch of the year. You on the other hand have already hatched how many?
Um....this "Incubators Anonymous" thing doesn't appear to work like AA etc. :gig

I have 40 bantams in one bator, 15 call duck eggs in another, 20 Marans and Lav Orps hatching as I type (15 hatched, 5 to go) and about 20 eggs to set in the morning. Not to even mention broodies. :lau
I only have 12 set right now... maybe I should stick more in.

I need a lockdown incubator. It's annoying trying to balance humidity needs for two species.

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