Incubators Anonymous

At least they weren't already running around in the incubator lol
There is one running around in the hatcher already but it isn't the one that was pipped.


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Sometimes it seems the “oopsy” That hatch in the Incubator do better than the ones we fuss over with humidity changes and lying still in the hatcher for a few days..

Makes no sense,

I know all of my poults that have hatched early in the incubator when I was late, all did great. So weird!
Sometimes it seems the “oopsy” That hatch in the Incubator do better than the ones we fuss over with humidity changes and lying still in the hatcher for a few days..

Makes no sense,
Yes. I "should" start my seramas 2 days after I set my orp eggs, so they will hatch on the same day. This year in my eagerness to set eggs, I forget & ended up getting some tiny chicks on day 19, late bantams on day 20, some orps on days 21-22, and then an orp on day 23 & the last one on day 24. Hatch DAY lasted almost a week, but they all eventually hatched. (at least all that weren't clears)
Yes. I "should" start my seramas 2 days after I set my orp eggs, so they will hatch on the same day. This year in my eagerness to set eggs, I forget & ended up getting some tiny chicks on day 19, late bantams on day 20, some orps on days 21-22, and then an orp on day 23 & the last one on day 24. Hatch DAY lasted almost a week, but they all eventually hatched. (at least all that weren't clears)

The good thing about seramas hatching early is they get a day or so alone to gather their strength so the bigger ones don’t smoosh them. :D

I am currently bird-less but just got pea eggs


:ya I hope you’ll keep us updated on that hatch.

I've got quail hatching! 88 eggs went into lockdown on Thursday, they started pipping last night and I counted 13 new babies this morning. Fingers crossed they ALL hatch, long shot and all.

Wowzers! :fl
Our tough Sebright (named Trouble) turned 4 years old today. She's been broody and sitting on decorative rock eggs for a couple weeks. I slipped 2 pipped eggs under her this afternoon. One has already hatched, and I'll be gradually loading her up with chicks tomorrow. "Happy Hatch Day, Trouble!" x2

I just peeked in on her:

Meanwhile in the incubator....

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