Incubators Anonymous

I currently have the no brand with the clear top that holds 56 eggs, its a cheap Chinese one, so far I have managed to hatch babies but I have struggled with the humidity. I recently realized that part of my problem may be that I am in colorado and high altitude, so this run I am trying with higher humidity to see if that solves the issues.

The Incubator I just ordered is the Brinsea ovation 56 ex fully automatic with integrated humidity pump, my husband expressed the desire to see the incubator run less often and by his logic if I had gotten better hatches that would be the case. My hope is that it will arrive by the 27th so that I can transfer the eggs that are not going into lockdown into it and use my current bator as a hatcher.

I have no problems getting the humidity in my current one up its keeping it lower without being too low that is the problem. lol
Don't worry I will keep everyone updated on my progress
Thank y'all and what brooder do y'all use for chicks I've heard bad reviews about heat lamps even though that's how I raised my last batch I worry about fires

Thank you, but I value my life lol. Hubby was just saying the other day that we need to reduce our flock by 3/4....yeah, that's not going to happen. I have a good enough excuse for the ones in the bator now but I don't think I could pull off anymore lol (unless the CX start laying. ..)

Can anyone recommend a affordable reliable incubator

I'd say definitely go with a forced air, GQF model. Hovabators are great!

I personally use this one as my hatcher:
It used to be my main incubator until I upgraded to a cabinet. Very stable and has never given me any trouble.

Thank y'all and what brooder do y'all use for chicks I've heard bad reviews about heat lamps even though that's how I raised my last batch I worry about fires

I actualy use a terrarium made for reptiles with the glass doors that open in the front. I user that for the youngest babies, then I move them to a large dog crate with cardboard along the bottom half of the sides to keep them from slipping through the cracks and to keep shavings in. If I have a lot of babies, I connect 2 crates together and often times have 3-4 crates with babies in at a time. I always use heat lamps but only because I haven't had the spare cash yet to buy a brooder plate.


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Thank y'all and what brooder do y'all use for chicks I've heard bad reviews about heat lamps even though that's how I raised my last batch I worry about fires
i use this guinea pig cage, very inexpensive, with puppy pads on the floor, heat lamp over one side that gets raised up every so often, food is in with heat, water on the other side (because i raise a lot of ducks)


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