Incubators Anonymous

I really, really do not need any more chicks hatching, but an absolutely gorgeous blue non crowing Maran roo, has been mating with my silverudd blue and splash hens, plus a silkie hen. Maybe even the Polish, although I haven't seen him go after them (they are MEAN). I'm temped to hatch the eggs, to see what the babies would look like. I checked, at least the Silverudd's egg was fertile. Should I, or shouldn't I?

Asking that question here is like taking a bottle of Jack Daniels to an AA meeting. :lau
I'm attempting to slow down too,is just hard lol. I've already released my cream legbars from their pen and I'm thinking about letting the silkies out. I think I'll do one more set of the lavender ameraucanas. I need more silkie feathered ones to live! They're so frail though that it's hard.
I have no plans to set any more until fall. I have a group due this weekend, and I have broodies out the wazoo, so I'll see what the girls end up with. The ones due this weekend were supposed to be for customers. I hope they still want them.
I'm thinking about building a fridgerbator , cause I'm so hooked. My chantecler is only giving 10% fertility, so darn, I have to keep going.
Question. Would I be better off buying the incu kit from incubator warehouse, or should I try to piece it together? I'm a total newbie.
Quail babies! They love to snuggle up to me :)

ADORABLE!!!!!! What are you going to do with them?

I'm going to love them and squeeze them and hug them all over! Lol

Honestly, I don't know, they're just cute so I'll have them for eggs and maybe extra boys we'll eat. In 2 weeks, I have white and blue japenese/coturnix due to hatch too so I should have a colorful group :)
I'm going to love them and squeeze them and hug them all over! Lol

Honestly, I don't know, they're just cute so I'll have them for eggs and maybe extra boys we'll eat. In 2 weeks, I have white and blue japenese/coturnix due to hatch too so I should have a colorful group :)
Look what's in my incubator!

Thanks to @Molpet 6 turkey eggs found their way into my incubator last month. All the eggs are due to hatch today but these two decided to hatch a day early. None of the other eggs even have pips yet. I guess it's going to be an unusual hatch.

Meanwhile, I have a new/inexperienced broody sitting on 2 eggs from this batch. If she does well, she'll get the whole incubator. The hen is "Smudge" my giant 10lb orp hen. I never thought that big girl would go broody. Then I've got my penciled rock stealing eggs, squawking, and taking over the #1 nest box. She's also new. Let's not forget Cookie who's still caring for DD's silkie hatch. Now I know what people mean when they say broodiness is contagious!

I don't have a recent pic, but this is Smudge: a HUGE black/lav split English Orp.

Cookie & silkie chicks (a few weeks ago)

Penciled Rock a couple days ago. I now see where she was pulling out feathers & how she's more "puffy" I was hoping she's be a non-broody bird.

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