Incubators Anonymous

link worked for me on a PC

So my hatch is over. Here is the results. I put 51 eggs in the incubator. Of those 51, only 17 were fertile! I bought some of those eggs for a lot of money. Luckily, the sellers checked and agreed with me about the fertility of their eggs. They have corrected the problem and I will be getting replacement eggs at the end of the month. Anyway, of the 17 fertile eggs, 15 hatched. The two that didn't hatch were from the same hen.....a Crested Creme Legbar. They made it all the way to around day 19/20 (my guess since they were alive at lockdown on day 18) and then died in the shell. They looked like they would have been males. Anybody know why these CCL may not have made it? I've had this problem before with CCL. Otherwise, a good hatch if you just count the fertile eggs! LOL

Just had a friend call and ask if I would hatch the Lavender Orpington eggs she just bought. Her crazy broody hen decided not to be broody anymore. Yes, of course I will hatch them! And, of course, since she only has 6 eggs and my incubator holds 42, it only makes sense to add my own eggs in there test fertility, right?! LOL!

Mine is over too. I also set 51!
9 were infertile and I had 2 early quitters, so I locked down 40. Turns out that one BCM egg and one cream legbar egg were actually infertile, the shells was so dark I couldn’t tell for sure so i had left them in.

Only 26 total hatched. I lost a couple CL’s but I think they drowned when they got rolled by another chick. One had pipped internally, and one externally, but both died. :( :confused:
4 CLs hatched, 3 males, 1 female. :barnie

I also lost several silkied seramas. I think the creeper gene got them. Only 2 of 7 hatched. The others were full term, yolks absorbed, just never pipped. :(
Smooth seramas were 9 of 10. The 10th was a very tiny egg. Probably a young pullet.

Every one that hatched though are nice, healthy, robust chicks. The seramas are all so tiny!
This is going to be a really weird week for me....i have no babies hatching. This is the first week since the new year that this is happening! I did have 4 turkey eggs set that would've been due Saturday but all 4 were duds. Oh well. This is a good week for this anyway. We're celebrating my dad's birthday this Saturday and will be out most of the day. Then Sunday after church, the whole extended family is getting together to meet a "long lost cousin" so it'll most likely be a long day too. Apparently, this cousin's mom joined the military a long time ago, married, and settled somewhere down south and told her kids that there was no family up here worth meeting, that we're all lazy, jobless, "welfare bums" (we're not lol). Her mom passed away, she worked her way through college and out of that life and managed to get a hold of my great aunt somehow. Everyone is more than excited to meet her and officially welcome her to the family. I think she'll be pleasantly surprised! But anyway, sorry to go WAY off topic lol. It's a good weekend to have a rest from babies lol
4 babies hatched successfully. All half cali white, half silkie. One suffocated after piping too tiny of a hole. I think I have another dead in the shell but not 100% so waiting. 4 silkie eggs due tomorrow. Really hoping at least one full silkie makes it.

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