Incubators Anonymous

I'm going to take it that you aren't plugged into a surge protector? You may have smoked it when the power went off and on.
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I'm going to say that it is not running right. Been running a couple days at 95.5 and 00% and you have nothing to verify against. You really need to get a thermometer/hygrometer to find out what's really going on. So in my eyes, it's broke. Sorry.
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Canada, I got mine in Walmart. We are everywhere in the United States and I would imagine in Canada too. I got a real nice hygrometer and thermometer combo and it wasn't that much money and it works great for me. It wasn't much more than $10. Good luck
Ok well my humidity thing was unplugged so it just turned back on lol but I going to still go get a new tracker just in case
Hi, I have a question, and I hope I don't bring down wrath upon my head!

I happened upon this youtube video, and it just seems too simple to be possible. I mean, BYC is filled with thousands of people hatching eggs, and no one's incubators are this minimal. Everyone seems to be very concerned with every little technical detail, and I get the impression that fans, humidistats, and elaborate set-ups are vital.

So, is this lady crazy, or could her little plastic bin 'bator actually work?
Well I'd assume it can work, but heating pads vary and she should have a hydrometer. Fans and fancy setups are optional. All you need is correct temp,humidity and turning them to hatch eggs. Many people make their own from different things.
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Hi, I have a question, and I hope I don't bring down wrath upon my head! 

I happened upon this youtube video, and it just seems too simple to be possible.  I mean, BYC is filled with thousands of people hatching eggs, and no one's incubators are this minimal.  Everyone seems to be very concerned with every little technical detail, and I get the impression that fans, humidistats, and elaborate set-ups are vital.

So, is this lady crazy, or could her little plastic bin 'bator actually work? 

Its not that crazy. I say this because I did some thing similar about 7 weeks ago. I had 5 hens go broody, about 2/3 the way through, a few gave up and suddenly I had 25 eggs with nodody sit on them. I had no incubator because I was letting the hens hatch them. I brought them inside and put them in a clear plastic storage container with aspen bedding. I put my accurate digital thermometer down there and put the red light brooder heat lamp on them and moved it so temp on eggs was 100. It was uncovered, no humidity control. I had to hand turn them, 21/25 hatched.
People hatch eggs with a table top lamp.... so anything can work. I do think people do FUSS too much. I have a huge incubator. I don't add water ever and my turner broke so I turn by hand once a day. I have GREAT hatches with no fuss....... Eggs are also lucky to get candled 2 times before they hatch.
People hatch eggs with a table top lamp.... so anything can work.  I do think people do FUSS too much.   I have a huge incubator.  I don't add water ever and my turner broke so I turn by hand once a day. I have GREAT hatches with no fuss....... Eggs are also lucky to get candled 2 times before they hatch.

You have no issues with them getting stuck with the minimal turning? I'm not throwing shade, I'm impressed! I'm hatching with broodies outside and have eggs going in the house. I'm trying dry hatch, seems way more reasonable and "natural"

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