Incubators Anonymous

People hatch eggs with a table top lamp.... so anything can work.  I do think people do FUSS too much.   I have a huge incubator.  I don't add water ever and my turner broke so I turn by hand once a day. I have GREAT hatches with no fuss....... Eggs are also lucky to get candled 2 times before they hatch.

You have no issues with them getting stuck with the minimal turning? I'm not throwing shade, I'm impressed! I'm hatching with broodies outside and have eggs going in the house. I'm trying dry hatch, seems way more reasonable and "natural"

No issues.
I don't add water ever

That doesn't work in every climate.
My bator gets so low humidity will not register in the summer.... Still works. Took me a long time to make the jump....I tried to keep it at below 30% but just finally gave up. It can be a challenge to keep it down sometimes.
People hatch eggs with a table top lamp.... so anything can work. I do think people do FUSS too much. I have a huge incubator. I don't add water ever and my turner broke so I turn by hand once a day. I have GREAT hatches with no fuss....... Eggs are also lucky to get candled 2 times before they hatch.

Don't you incubate something like 300 eggs a week? WOW that is alot of hand turning! lol
People hatch eggs with a table top lamp.... so anything can work.  I do think people do FUSS too much.   I have a huge incubator.  I don't add water ever and my turner broke so I turn by hand once a day. I have GREAT hatches with no fuss....... Eggs are also lucky to get candled 2 times before they hatch.

Don't you incubate something like 300 eggs a week? WOW that is alot of hand turning! lol

Take 3 seconds. All the trays are connected and I just turn one and the others follow. I don't set 300 every week.....most weeks it far fewer but right now they are paying too good so 5he numbers are still high. But further apart like 10 days.
Take 3 seconds. All the trays are connected and I just turn one and the others follow. I don't set 300 every week.....most weeks it far fewer but right now they are paying too good so 5he numbers are still high. But further apart like 10 days.

You are the pro! I have only done 5 batches this year mostly turkeys. I am going to do one more and then I am done for the year! I don't know how you all do so many! I would go nuts! As it is I stay up all night when they hatch.They can't hatch in the day! lol
Hi, I have a question, and I hope I don't bring down wrath upon my head!

I happened upon this youtube video, and it just seems too simple to be possible. I mean, BYC is filled with thousands of people hatching eggs, and no one's incubators are this minimal. Everyone seems to be very concerned with every little technical detail, and I get the impression that fans, humidistats, and elaborate set-ups are vital.

So, is this lady crazy, or could her little plastic bin 'bator actually work?

I believe it could work up to a point, that Heating pad, is going to just keep the one side of the eggs very warm until the eggs are turned, So I would question that.. I had a chick I found outside, barely alive, very cold, so I brought him in place him on a heating pad with the same setting, guess what happened? He got to hot and died. I would say the eggs would end up the same way, cooked on one side and not on the other. Good Idea but I would question it..

Plus if the outside of the cooler gets to cold or hot, that's going to change things. I think it would be something that you would have to keep monitoring. As soon as she lifts that towel boom, she just lost all her heat. LOL now the heating pad is going to have to re-heat everything.

I don't think I would trust it. I would be good perhaps for an emergency situation as long as you can babysit it but again. when I tried the low setting on a barely alive chick, it did not do any good.
People hatch eggs with a table top lamp.... so anything can work. I do think people do FUSS too much. I have a huge incubator. I don't add water ever and my turner broke so I turn by hand once a day. I have GREAT hatches with no fuss....... Eggs are also lucky to get candled 2 times before they hatch.

Once a DAY???

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