Incubators Anonymous

I have 1 young SLW roo in my pen & no girlfriend for him
I need more hens!!!!!!
I may have 2 viable JG eggs instead of 1. I went to clean to the bator last night (day 14). For some reason, I double checked 1 that I had a question about and doggone if I didn't see movement. The 2nd one is not as developed as the 1st so I don't know what will happen with it.
I did it!! I actually unplugged ONE of my incubators :D

Of course about an hour after that, my friend called to say that she was shipping eggs here for me to hatch out for her :lol:
That need for more grow out pens is one of the reasons I must shut the other bator off - eventually. I have too many babies right now that I want to keep until I see if they will be used for breeding.
ok i'll post here. 8) got a customer wants bearded/crested silkies. no specific colors that i know of. who has or can recommend someone? i'd rather go with a recommendation over someone i've never dealt with. i don't do or want to do silkies for myself.

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