Incubators Anonymous

I see me not hatching much in the near future. I thought I had more BLRW egg coming BUT they are not worth hatching so I think I am going to really SLOW down. I will still hatch the SLW maybe some project eggs and Lav Ams, but that may be it. Unless I can fine some more BLRW eggs..... need to see if I can do a swap soon.

Oh yeah... I forgot.... I have more GNH coming too
nothing else on my radar.... I don't think
I see me not hatching much in the near future. I thought I had more BLRW egg coming BUT they are not worth hatching so I think I am going to really SLOW down. I will still hatch the SLW maybe some project eggs and Lav Ams, but that may be it. Unless I can fine some more BLRW eggs..... need to see if I can do a swap soon.

Oh yeah... I forgot.... I have more GNH coming too
nothing else on my radar.... I don't think
why are blrw not worth hatching???
Quote: The ones I got are poor quality. Not all BLRW.... sorry. I have found someone else I am going to do a swap. I think she has better quality. I am going to sell all my chicks that I hatched already.

I will not get anymore if these don't work out. I will wait and just hatch from my Foley pair.
The ones I got are poor quality. Not all BLRW.... sorry. I have found someone else I am going to do a swap. I think she has better quality. I am going to sell all my chicks that I hatched already.

I will not get anymore if these don't work out. I will wait and just hatch from my Foley pair.
Sorry to hear about your BLRW experience, I got some on here earlier this year that I am very excited about. Hope you have better luck.

I had one bator unplugged and another just had a bunch of mixed duck eggs scrounged out at work. The sportsman has a batch of ExLH I got off ebay, and some beautiful W/BW eggs from a BYCer, and a few test pullet eggs from my BBS Marans (That surprised
me and stated hatching today! I couldn't see much and since they are pretty young and the eggs were so small yet, well needless to say I'm eggcited. I love my Splash boy "Hansom") everything should be done by the 15th or so.

BUT -- Now I have a new batch coming (From YOU!) so I guess, I'm Not finished for the season. I just couldn't resist a boast to my ExLH project
just got thirteen black copper marans to hatch
. 9 cockerels 4 pullets others are due to hatch on the 20th. need more pens
I have kicked just about everything out to free range so I can pen all the juvies, some of which I am having trouble IDing partly due to having EE and OEs in the bunch. I was hanging on the fence watching one pen and decided I have considerably more BLRW cockrels than pullets
, beautiful tho they are.
What a day! Had to go work on my dads new computer.... not much but it took time. Then to the farm collect eggs then wrap about 6 doz or more eggs to ship. That is TIME CONSUMING.
Then I had to gather up all the little roos to go to the roo guy so he can start feeding them.
So now I am about 25+ roos lighter. I have a few more to go to him in the next few weeks. To the post office and shopping. Just a FULL day.

BUT the first thing I did was candle the tray of eggs with the SLW from Foley and ....... THEY ARE DEVELOPING!

Guess what hubby whispered in my ear all day..... SLW..... SLW..... don't tell him, but he is funny.... sometimes.

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