Incubators Anonymous

9 Guinea Keets hatched out yesterday. 4 Lavender Pieds, 2 Pied, 3 Pearls. A couple of them are having leg problems, and one is ditsy. Having some major issues with this baby.

Have 2-3 Call eggs, two Guinea eggs, and a couple Button Quail eggs left in my Sportsman, than once those are all cleared out my incubators will be turned off for 2012. : (

~ Aspen
Oh, by the by..I'm in need of a couple of egg testers. My Marraduna Basques recently started laying, but since I'm not setting anymore eggies I cannot see if they are fertile etc. If anyone is interested please PM me.

~ Aspen
Good job girls!!!!

I have a few feisty hens and one mean rooster---I generally keep them because I know as long as they are around I won't be completely wiped out if the worst happens!
she spent her entire broody time under a tree next to the tractor shed. it took me and hubby both to get her off the nest to count eggs once i found her. LOL and we both ended up with bruises.

yeah, she's a fighter. i think my cochin mommas put up a fight too, but they lost more feathers, and one's got a cut up comb.
THe bottom line is that they survived. A lot to be said for that.

During egg collection my boys slide a stick uder those fiesty hens and lift her looking for eggs. They are not willing to get a severe peck without a reward! Or they come get me! LOL
ok, well i'm down to 1 broody cochin, only to have 2 more dorking girls decide to sit. fortunately both are in 'known' nests. one under the deck, the other in the horse trailer (largest coop). the one under the deck is getting flack from all the girls that like to use that nest. LOL had a line yesterday of girls wanting it, and she wouldn't budge. no idea where the eggs went.
Oh, by the by..I'm in need of a couple of egg testers. My Marraduna Basques recently started laying, but since I'm not setting anymore eggies I cannot see if they are fertile etc. If anyone is interested please PM me.

~ Aspen

Pming you now! I would love to be a tester for ya! Not sure if my Pms are going out right so if you don't get one from me please send me one...thanks!
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Oh, by the by..I'm in need of a couple of egg testers. My Marraduna Basques recently started laying, but since I'm not setting anymore eggies I cannot see if they are fertile etc. If anyone is interested please PM me.

~ Aspen

reopened my paypal account but it will not let me add funds

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