Incubators Anonymous

I would not eat the eggs, but I would think you could try to incubate..... why not?

I am tossing the idea around about some more guinea eggs.... I am afraid I will get stuck with all of them for the winter.... would they sell this time of year?
I believe you can still hatch them if you are worming. I guess it depends on what you use. I know people say if you use wazine you can hatch them.
I am using Wazine in their drinking water, and I'm also giving them some pellet food that has wormer in it as well. Not sure what is in it. I have a few Basque eggs saved up from before I wormed them, so I might try those and a couple from the last few days.

~ Aspen
I would not eat the eggs, but I would think you could try to incubate..... why not?

I am tossing the idea around about some more guinea eggs.... I am afraid I will get stuck with all of them for the winter.... would they sell this time of year?
Yes, not going to eat them. Would it be okay to boil them and feed them back to the girls for extra protein?

I sell a TON of keets every year. Last year I only had a trio of Guineas, so had to have about 400+ eggs shipped in from a girlfriend in Oklahoma who had a bunch, and she also bought some at auctions for me to hatch. Anyway, a month or so ago I had 45 Guineas, now I have about 20. A coyote and a bobcat have been wiping them out. Must have somemore Guineas for next spring! LOL If anybody has some for a good price, please PM me. Thanks

~ Aspen
If anyone know of someone with a nice variety of guinea colors available now, let me know too.... I have pearl, lavender, coral blue and white..... anything else would be good. I need about 3 doz CHEAP eggs.
Ah, okay. Didn't think about that. In the case I'll boil them all up and feed them to the Guineas, who aren't laying anyway, so won't have to worry about eating their eggs. : ) Thanks

~ Aspen

DMRippy - Do you have Guineas?

I'm down to 20 something Guineas I think, instead of the 45 I did have. Grrrr I have Pearl, Pied, Royal Purple, Chocolate, Slate, and Lavender. Not sure if there are more colors. Haven't looked at them all real closely.

~ Aspen
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This will totally be the thread for me in the spring if I can figure out what the heck my humidity problem is!

I started lockdown yesterday, and already opened the incubator back up to adjust things. Figured it'd be better to do it NOW than tomorrow or hatch day. I've got a hova 1583 (well used, but new to us). I've got both bottom 'trays' full of water (added hot water), 2 baby food jars with a sponge that I cut in half the long way to act as wicks in the jars (in opposing corners), AND a sponge lying flat in the bottom that I can add water to via the vent. And my humidity is holding steady at 46%.
On days 1-17 it was holding steady at 40% with JUST the middle tray full of water. The lid is taped down, there's tape over the tubing that we add water through (and that tubing is siliconed in place) and I have one of the vents still covered. What gives??? Help!!

Last hatch I also battled low humidity at the end, but was able to get it into the mid 50s most of the time. The ONLY thing I'm doing differently this time is that I'm trying to hatch the eggs in a carton. It's the paper/cardboard kind. Could that be soaking up all of the moisture???
Ah, okay. Didn't think about that. In the case I'll boil them all up and feed them to the Guineas, who aren't laying anyway, so won't have to worry about eating their eggs. : ) Thanks

~ Aspen

DMRippy - Do you have Guineas?

I'm down to 20 something Guineas I think, instead of the 45 I did have. Grrrr I have Pearl, Pied, Royal Purple, Chocolate, Slate, and Lavender. Not sure if there are more colors. Haven't looked at them all real closely.

~ Aspen

I do but just hatched this summer no egg yet.

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