Incubators Anonymous

I would go with the Genesis, hands down! There is nothing like knowing that the bator will self regulate to prevent overheating. You still have to manually manage the humidity, but that's no big deal. I think you can find a better deal on eBay though.
ki4got put some eggs in zip lock bags in case they exploded. Just sit the egg in the bag don't seal it. That way if it explodes it is contained. Did you put anything on the crack? I used wax to fill the cracks to keep out bacteria. The eggs developed but didn't hatch, but it is worth a shot.
um... you lost me... i did put some eggs in a ziplock to do 'eggtopsies' when i had that batch of stinkers, but not to incubate.

and cracked egg? i had one that was super porous back a while ago, but it dried out prior to hatch. haven't had any cracked eggs. i eat them. (or the dogs do if they were shipped)
I was worried about storm coming next week and the eggs in the 'bator until I took a look in my fathers garage. He had a brand new Cummins generator sitting in there! He retired from them last January and it was a retirement gift. He's not using it he asked me if I wanted it.
Heck ya! I need it for my eggs in the 'bator. Never mind the food in the fridge or the furnace. Kids go put on another layer of clothes, the incubators are the 1st things that are getting plugged in there! Geez do I have my priority straight!
ki4got put some eggs in zip lock bags in case they exploded. Just sit the egg in the bag don't seal it. That way if it explodes it is contained. Did you put anything on the crack? I used wax to fill the cracks to keep out bacteria. The eggs developed but didn't hatch, but it is worth a shot.

I melted a bit of crayon wax over the worst looking part of it; only thing I had laying around so it has a funny orange blob on it ;-) OH, but thanks I'll stick it in a open baggie, just in case....
I would go with the Genesis, hands down! There is nothing like knowing that the bator will self regulate to prevent overheating. You still have to manually manage the humidity, but that's no big deal. I think you can find a better deal on eBay though.

Thanks; that was kind of my gut instinct, that it would be better/nicer/easier, and of course more expensive ;-) I think that will be my Christmas present to myself ;-) Yes I will shop around to see if I get a better price, but incubator warehouse is an easier site for looking and comparing.
That's true, Incubator Warehouse even sells on eBay and their prices are a tad lower there than on their website. You can also buy just the incubator new, and then look on craigslist for an egg turner. Any of those same style turners will fit into a HB, the LG turner is a few bucks cheaper at Tractor Supply and a bit sturdier. Only downside is it holds one less egg than the HB turner
You had some stinkers and when you picked one up it exploded and you had another and wanted to CONTAIN it so you put it in a bag, just in time I think. It was a few months back.... I think it was you.....
yeah, but they went into the bag for eggtopsies... i started to crack one open and it popped (shell to the forehead!) so the rest went in baggies since i coudln't see into them *marans*...
That's true, Incubator Warehouse even sells on eBay and their prices are a tad lower there than on their website. You can also buy just the incubator new, and then look on craigslist for an egg turner. Any of those same style turners will fit into a HB, the LG turner is a few bucks cheaper at Tractor Supply and a bit sturdier. Only downside is it holds one less egg than the HB turner
a tually the lg egg turner holds the same # if you pop out the plug nearest the turner motor. BUT if you have a stinker that's glued in, it's a royal PITA to take apart as you have to remove the motor to get the egg rails off the frame.

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