Incubators Anonymous

That's true, Incubator Warehouse even sells on eBay and their prices are a tad lower there than on their website. You can also buy just the incubator new, and then look on craigslist for an egg turner. Any of those same style turners will fit into a HB, the LG turner is a few bucks cheaper at Tractor Supply and a bit sturdier. Only downside is it holds one less egg than the HB turner

I've read tho that LG turners won't fit HB or maybe it's vice versa. At the moment, while not flush with cash, I"m not as poor as I used to be, so sometimes I do opt for convenience over saving a few dollars. Now if we're talking a lot of bucks, that's a different story. I did check ebay and all the cheaper listings did not have the turners, they were just 'bators. And the same deal was the same price, from IW and another place. Since there seems to be a decent market for chicks I think i can probably make my money back on it pretty quick next spring. Just have to check the budget and decide when I can order it without hurting my cash flow. I will probably watch CL for some too, if nothing else maybe just plain ones without turners to use as hatchers.....
Quote: i have hovabator incubators, and the lg turner fits, but for a few dollars more, i'd get the hovabator turner again next time. if i needed to that is. but unless a motor burns out, i've got what i need. if anything i might need more rails. i broke one not too long ago, washing it in the sink of all things (hubby set a frying pan on it).
Question: Should I hatch an oblong egg from my Splash LRW? She has been laying for a few weeks the eggs are ok size, just LONG. I have read that you shouldn't hatch odd shaped eggs, but I am thinking that is her normal shape of an egg.

I have a JG that's been laying now for several months, every egg is shaped like a bullet and bright pinkish brown. I don't have a JG roo, she's a singleton. I plan to breed her to a Araucana/AM/or CL and see if I can produce a lavendar egg layer

I've been looking and debating; The Genisis 1588 for $203+shipping

I have three 1588's and I love them. I bought the first one from Incubator Warehouse, but I bought the second two from GQF. Great prices and you can't beat their customer service. If anything goes wrong, you call them up and they ship out a replacement. Ask for Mary, she's great.

I have since bought their brooder rack for chicks and just got the 5 cage quail breeder rack (they hooked me into that by sending free bobwhite quail eggs with the third incubator). They are truly the nicest people to work with and FAST.

I have three 1588's and I love them. I bought the first one from Incubator Warehouse, but I bought the second two from GQF. Great prices and you can't beat their customer service. If anything goes wrong, you call them up and they ship out a replacement. Ask for Mary, she's great.

I have since bought their brooder rack for chicks and just got the 5 cage quail breeder rack (they hooked me into that by sending free bobwhite quail eggs with the third incubator). They are truly the nicest people to work with and FAST.

Thanks Deb! I'll go check out GQF and tell them you sent me ;-)
Thanks Deb! I'll go check out GQF and tell them you sent me ;-)
While we're talking about 1588's and GQF. I bought a 1588 Genesis HB last year, it worked great and I've had the best hatch rates in it. However, I tried to fire it up several wks ago and it would spike all over the place! What on earth? It's never done that. I looked up in the fan and it looks very dirty, so I try to blow all that fuzz/dirt out? Thanks for any advice. I'd like to start hatching some of my eggs in a couple of weeks, bug can't until I get a couple of my 'bators going. Thanks everyone.

~ Aspen
Quote: yes, i would. if you don't have access to an air compressor, they sell canned air (electronics dept's) for blowing out computers and other electronics. use something to hold the fan still tho, or you can damage it from forcing it to move too fast. make sure you get down inside too, on the thermostat/heat element. that's probably what's gummed up more than the fan is. chick fuzz is insidious.
yes, i would. if you don't have access to an air compressor, they sell canned air (electronics dept's) for blowing out computers and other electronics. use something to hold the fan still tho, or you can damage it from forcing it to move too fast. make sure you get down inside too, on the thermostat/heat element. that's probably what's gummed up more than the fan is. chick fuzz is insidious.

If any of your friends are computer geeks, check and see if any of them have one of those attachments for vacum cleaners; really small hose and wand made for vacuuming computers out. I have also use a straw to blow air in a pinch, but it's a lot of work!
Quote: i hesitate vacuuming, because it's so easy to bend stuff trying to get all the dust out if you bump it wrong. if you have a shop vac, hook the hose up backwards and use the small nozzle tho, will blow quite well. also works if you need to blowdry a dog you're grooming (i have standard poodles, this is called been there done that - it straightens the hair to be fluffier. LOL)
well Day 5 checked a couple eggs last night; mostly seeing yolk shadows; yeah I know it's too soon, but I'm new to candling so trying to get a good look at each stage. Sniffed the cracked egg, so far not a stinker. Will wait and candle again this weekend and see what we can see.

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