Incubators Anonymous

go to my byc page and you'll find a link for the hoop coop... i'm planning on doing a page for the other too. it's essentially 2x4s and pallet scraps. the doors are sides off an old computer case, with 1x2 frame, notched on the table saw. the roof shingles were siding off an old barn that came down. i just re-stained them (still working on that).

the whole side is the door. comes off in 1 piece for easy access. used 2x2 for reinforcing of it...


oh and it's got wire floor so the poops mostly go thru. a flat ended shovel helps with the bits that don't.

was easy to build, but took a while because of other committments and the weather.
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It's day 5 of incubation for me. I randomly picked one egg from each seller and two from my home hens and candled them. All the eggs appear to have blood vessels. I couldn't see much more than that but I figure that is normal. I usually don't candle until day 10 but couldn't wait. After two shipped egg batches with none hatching I had to see if it was going to be disappointing again. Now I know at least some are developing we will see what becomes of it.
Ok this is just a start but this is going to be my breeding pens... As I get further I may start a thread but I will add them to my home page on BYC.

This is just two fronts done. There will be 10 total. I don't really know how big the pallets are but they are probably 47 x 36. Everything you see came from a pallet! They are raised up 2 feet and that is probably where the food and water system will be. under the coop. I will put a door on the back and 2 or 3 nesting boxes at the door. I will line the bottom under the roosting poles with black plastic for easy clean up. Any tips or suggestions?


We are not carpenters and these are pallets and they are "just chickens"
I need to talk him into the vents like yours at the top!
Ok this is just a start but this is going to be my breeding pens... As I get further I may start a thread but I will add them to my home page on BYC.

This is just two fronts done. There will be 10 total. I don't really know how big the pallets are but they are probably 47 x 36. Everything you see came from a pallet! They are raised up 2 feet and that is probably where the food and water system will be. under the coop. I will put a door on the back and 2 or 3 nesting boxes at the door. I will line the bottom under the roosting poles with black plastic for easy clean up. Any tips or suggestions?

We are not carpenters and these are pallets and they are "just chickens"
I need to talk him into the vents like yours at the top!

for winter i plan to put a flip up/down board to cover the wire to minimize drafts as we do tend to get some wind. the bottom is wide open so they'll still get lots of air. just not the wind up where they roost. and if it's real bad, i can always put some hay around the outside edge of the coop where it's off the ground. that would hold even more heat in i would think.
oh and an update on the broody... i checked, and tonight's the first night she's stayed on the nest...
i may have to mark her eggs- 11 of them - so i know which ones are fresh. i don't have another doghouse for her to nest in. tho i do have a large cockatiel cage in the basement, but i think hubby would draw the line there. he grumbles about my macaw enough as it is. oh! i know. i can take the eggs away and give her chicks in 2 more weks! hm. but what do i give her till then? think she'd sit on full sized wood eggs?
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Just had two keets, 1 Light Sussex, 1 EE, and one chick that I helped out. Please keep your fingers crossed for the little guy!


Fingers , eyes and toes crossed! Any babies this morning?

The little guy is just find and dandy today!! Yeah!! One if his eyes is kind of swelled shut, but hopefully it'll be okay.

Sometimes they get membranes stuck on various parts and need a bath to get rid of it.i wash them and then stick in the Bator to fluff dry;-) I expect chicks this morning, loud peeping, a pip and rocking going on last night! Candled a tray of 48, tossed 6. Put the rest in the Hatcher, got the tray in here to fill again:-D
That wagon is a tricky critter! I was on it for almost two years, then I slipped off this spring! Been happily incubating ever since
Not sure I will ever get back on either, but I am ok with that

ok... i'm in a dillemma.

I want to give Owl a chance to raise babies, but would rather she raise some chicks hatched from the 'bators than more bantam babies (we're on day 8 currently). however, she's been sitting now for 2-3 days, and i really don't want to throw out potentially developing chicks.

anyone near to sw virginia (Roanoke county) want to come pick up some already developing chicklets? (if not, where else could i post this on byc?) hubby's already panicking about the 46 eggs in the 'bators now (41 confirmed viable, 5 ??) and I know Owl wouldn't be able to care for that many chicks, but she would get the bantam babies taht hatch out for sure (9 eggs right now developing).

i'm planning on replacing the eggs with wooden balls. couldn't find any eggs the right size, and people mentioned golf balls before so... it's worth a try.

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