Incubators Anonymous

Ok.....I must confess, I fell off the wagon last night
With everything I have in the bator (2.5 dozen) and 33 chicks in my living room, I bid on 3 auctions last night. Thank god I only won one of them. I now have 12 more B/B/S Silkies coming next week.
How am I going to explain this to the DH?

***Oh....It was a very small step off that wagon, in fact, I don't really think I every got on
Well I finally candled my eggs and out of the 35 there is 11 definite and 7 maybes. The shells are rather dark and I need a better flashlight, one about 150 lumens would be nice. As far as getting my sister hooked my mom informed me that DS is afraid of chickens.
On positive note my neighbor seems interested in the concept of hatching her own, and they already have more chickens than I do.
Y'all take care and God bless.
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I have been building since I got chickens.
Breeding pens are underway!!!! Today hubby said, "well if you need more we will build more."
No! you cannot have my husband!
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Just had two keets, 1 Light Sussex, 1 EE, and one chick that I helped out. Please keep your fingers crossed for the little guy!


Fingers , eyes and toes crossed! Any babies this morning?​
I have been building since I got chickens.
Breeding pens are underway!!!! Today hubby said, "well if you need more we will build more."
No! you cannot have my husband!

I am just happy mine is tolerating the whole business. I don't mind building, but having help is wonderful if you can get it.
I have been building since I got chickens.
Breeding pens are underway!!!! Today hubby said, "well if you need more we will build more."
No! you cannot have my husband!

I am just happy mine is tolerating the whole business. I don't mind building, but having help is wonderful if you can get it.

I understand that. I even have a 23 yr old son that will help when needed. He lives at the farm so that is convenient
I have been building since I got chickens.
Breeding pens are underway!!!! Today hubby said, "well if you need more we will build more."
No! you cannot have my husband!

Please, pretty please! All I get is grief from mine for my hobby!
I have been building since I got chickens.
Breeding pens are underway!!!! Today hubby said, "well if you need more we will build more."
No! you cannot have my husband!

Please, pretty please! All I get is grief from mine for my hobby!

bikerchick, I feel your pain. My husband was not as supportive as I would have liked, for the first year or so, despite loving eggs more than all other foods.
He thought they were expensive and time consuming, and more or less a "waste of time".
"How much time are you going to spend reading about chickens /???"
The rooster was too noisy, and he was costing too much, "all he does is eat- he doesn't even lay eggs!"...
Then my broody had chicks, and all of a sudden he finally understood.
Like a light came on in his head, and he finally understood what was going on, here.

Then, his best friend got bitten by the chicken bug, and has been furiously building a coop and run for some chicks he doesn't even have yet.
I came out of the bathroom one afternoon, and overheard my hubs giving the friend chicken advice over the phone. My mouth dropped open and I couldn't believe what I was hearing! My husband giving someone chicken advice????
My husband who has never even logged on to BYC, picked up a library book or spoken to a single chicken farmer (save for me, of course, and I barely qualify) was giving his best friend chicken advice.

Next thing I knew, he had questions. He actually wanted to know why I chose the things I did (lighting hours, free-ranging philosophy, total number of laying hens needed to fulfill the quota I had in mind, etc). Now he is interested in what goes on out there. The complaining about the crowing has ended. He recognizes the importance of the rooster in the flock, and what a magnificent specimen he truly is. (seems he understands him on a "man to man" level, now; protection of the flock, finding them good things to eat, warnings when the hawks are in the sky above...)
He even opens the run door for them in the morning (he is an early bird, and I am a night owl, so they get to go out and play far sooner, and without me having to set an alarm)

I can't promise your mate will ever come to the Path of chickens, but I can say there is hope. Maybe he will come to appreciate them, even if for no other reason than they make you happy, provide you joy, and are important to you.
Fingers crossed for that understanding to come to your shared farmyard.
You are a very lucky women! If only I could convice mine that it brings me such JOY to see babies, and cuddle chickens. My children are now teenagers and I have to have something to mother! They wont let me anymore! I will keep dreaming that my DH will catch the chickenbug!

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