Incubators Anonymous

I don't want to come off all instructional- but eggs have an air cell it is located on the large end of the egg. IF you put an egg pointed end up the air bubble could tear through the yolk to get to the top of the egg (the point) because the air always wants to be in the highest point of the egg. then you could end up with a traveling air cell or an egg that won't hatch. you should store eggs large end up even if you just want to eat them so you don't get broken yolks as well.
Yup, I store all my eggs fat end up, then I have one less thing to think about!
THAT's why I get payment ahead of time for special orders... they pay for the eggs and a 'setting fee' then just an extra $1.50 per chick hatched when they pick them up... if they don't pick up, the chicks are for sale after 5 days.

good idea A lady had me hatch cuckoo marans for her Pure breds. Even called the day before they hatch. I hatched 19 of the 24 sat . Never to hear for the lady again. tried to call she never returned phone call.
Guess it is a bless in disgist my hens are getting old. lots of pullets in this hatch.
Yup, I store all my eggs fat end up, then I have one less thing to think about!
Before I started hatching my own, I always put eggs pointy end up, it just seemed the natural way up as that's how they come in supermarket cartons. Now even my non-fertile ones I always put blunt end up, like you say, one less thing to think about if they are always the same way up!
I didn't know that storing the "eating" eggs pointy end up pre scrambled the eggs. That explains so much. I read your posts to my 15 yr old who is incharge of washing the eggs before refridgerating them and he thanks you too, sometimes it's hard to tell with a couple of our eggs which end is supposed to go up, so I told him if there is a question just candle it and you'll find the air cell maybe then we won't have pre scrambled eggs.
that is a good point to candle it- It is hard to buy eggs from the store thinking about how long it takes to get to you, then you wonder why the yolk is broken, before you cook it.
I didn't know that storing the "eating" eggs pointy end up pre scrambled the eggs. That explains so much. I read your posts to my 15 yr old who is incharge of washing the eggs before refridgerating them and he thanks you too, sometimes it's hard to tell with a couple of our eggs which end is supposed to go up, so I told him if there is a question just candle it and you'll find the air cell maybe then we won't have pre scrambled eggs.
if you're going to incubate, typically you don't want to refrigerate eggs prior to that... some people have, but in my experience it decreases viability.
well yeah- but some times you want to hatch an egg and that is what is available. I had a lovely roo
see the brown striped chick he was my zippy wonderful roo. one of the black ones and the gold one "took him out". when this happened I had to go into the fridge and pull out an egg that I knew was his now I have "baby gaga" part americana bantam, and silky.
this was the momma. baby was brown with tuft on the head.
I don't want to come off all instructional- but eggs have an air cell it is located on the large end of the egg. IF you put an egg pointed end up the air bubble could tear through the yolk to get to the top of the egg (the point) because the air always wants to be in the highest point of the egg. then you could end up with a traveling air cell or an egg that won't hatch. you should store eggs large end up even if you just want to eat them so you don't get broken yolks as well.
agree. I am not sure how long ago they set them but they should turn them on there side a few hours before flipping them over in my opinion

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