Incubators Anonymous

My wife is questioning why our electricity bill has gone up 20 per month (double what it is when our caretakers are there on their own)

I will have to switch to the styro bators once the next mega hatch is set at the end of the month.

We are setting 30-40 eggs a week now and I just got a text from Bernie that the quail laid the first egg so its time to propagate coturnix.

.....................Maybe I may have to build a small bator that handles 3 auto turners instead.
if you don't hatch 50 or 100 how are you going to pick the best for breeding? ......1 in 10 are breeders hehe.
lol, I just want pets and eggs. And I brought a incubator so I can just hatch 1 egg from start to finish. Thinking just one incubation so I can experience it . But over the last few days Especially after reading y'all comments!!! I will be very very Hooked and I will see a Divorce in my future.
I have a question for all of you incubator addicts. I have a farm innovators 4200 styrofoam incubator. The problem I am running into is when the I up the humidity, the temp drops. I then have to fiddle with the temp dial and well lets say my last hatch went really bad. This is only my third hatch.I won't get the eggs until Monday. Is there any way to fix this problem?
I have a question for all of you incubator addicts. I have a farm innovators 4200 styrofoam incubator. The problem I am running into is when the I up the humidity, the temp drops. I then have to fiddle with the temp dial and well lets say my last hatch went really bad. This is only my third hatch.I won't get the eggs until Monday. Is there any way to fix this problem?
when you up the humidity are you using warm water?

you should not have to mess with the dial.

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