Incuview Incubator

I received my incubator yesterday, but when setting it up I noticed the dial on my hygrometer was broken. I've emailed the company and sent a picture so hoping that gets fixed. I also pulled the probe away from the fan and pointed it more downwards to about where the egg level would be. Is that what I should have done? I'm so excited to start hatching!!
They really do have good customer service. I emailed them last night and first thing this morning I got a email saying the replacement part was being shipped.
My IncuView fan has a screen across it...did the chick get into the side somehow? I don't see anywhere the could get in mine so I didn't know if you had an older model (I'm sure they are tweaking them since it's new) or missing a part?
Just completed our second hatch in the IncuView. First hatch rate was 100% of our most dependable hatching breed (Dutch Bantams), second hatch had a rate of 69%, with a mixture of our Dutch and our least reliable hatching breed, Bantam Wyandottes. We were satisfied with those ratios.

Things I really like about the IncuView:
  • Cleanup is the easiest of any incubator I have used, except maybe the little 7 egg Brinsea Mini Advance. Because of its construction there are only a few places that are not easy to scrub, and its smooth surfaces give you a feeling that it is clean. We sanitize with a Tek-Trol spray, and only need to avoid the electronics--everything else we soak and let air dry.
  • The view is superb. There is no doubt as to what's going on in there.

The things I like:
  • Digital display of temperature and heating power
  • Built-in analog hygrometer, although a digital one would be an improvement
  • Quiet turning mechanism
  • Some customizability in the heating and turning parameters, although a better explanation in the manual would be helpful
  • I am quite fond of side-rolling incubators. No particular reason, but all of them that we currently have are like that.

Things I do not particularly like:
  • Inconsistent temperature distribution. Although I was able to smooth this out somewhat by changing the fan guard and relocating the probe, it took a little analysis. It is now in acceptable range, although I dislike having to "unwind" the probe wires and leave them vulnerable to chick "attack."
  • Turning tray channels are too large for bantam eggs. I know, the hen would not be very precise about its egg rolling, but in the IncuView bantam eggs do end up rolling "cockeyed" at times. I believe that this has caused an unusually high frequency of pipping at the wrong end of the egg (aka, malpositions). Now, my evidence is not backed up by hard data, but we are seeing a few more instances of mid- to small-end external pips, as well as malpositioned embryos (we always do eggtopsies). It could be a coincidence, but it could be the rolling pattern, as there are times when the egg's small end gets "jacked up" on the turner edge (eggs, left to their own free rolling, will have a slight large-end up tilt). We did keep the turning tray in during hatching.
  • Getting an independent temperature probe into the hard plastic grommeted hole requires more force than I'd like. Same challenge when fishing the electrical connection out to disengage the power from the top for cleaning. I am thinking of replacing with a soft rubber grommet.

I probably left out a few things, but I wanted to just share my experience with the IncuView.

Happy hatching,

I agree with you on the malpositions r/t the turner rolling the eggs pointy side high. I never had breech babies until I had an incubator with a rolling floor. So twice a day I just manually straighten all the eggs again, and for lockdown I prop them all up at a good angle to hatch.
Set 19

Week One - 6 removed - infertile or quitters = 13

Week Two - 1 removed= 12

Lockdown - 12

9 of 12 hatched! 75% Hatch rate! Much better rate than my first time!

*It is now day 22. There are 2 un pipped eggs, that I have seen no movement from still in the incubator. I had one that had pipped, but died in the shell.

They are finally sending me a replacement lid due to it arriving with 2 broken parts on it... I think their packaging could use a little tweaking, since you can't reform the entire USPS system. They sent me a return shipping label with no charge to me, and I sent it right back, but didn't hear from them after about 5 days so I called them. They said at first that it hadn't arrived, then oh, it must be stuck somewhere in the warehouse. they said they would send a replacement right out without trying to locate my sent back package. I got notification yesterday that it is on it's way. Yes I agree that they have very good and attentive customer service, but they could probably cut some of that back by being a little more attentive to the packaging techniques.
[COLOR=333333]Set 19[/COLOR] Awwwwwe... Sweet babies. Congratulations! [COLOR=333333]Week One - 6 removed - infertile or quitters = 13[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Week Two - 1 removed= 12[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Lockdown - 12[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]9 of 12 hatched! 75% Hatch rate! Much better rate than my first time![/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]*It is now day 22. There are 2 un pipped eggs, that I have seen no movement from still in the incubator. I had one that had pipped, but died in the shell.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]

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