I free range almost all my flock, I have a big run for bad days and times I wont be home and I have a LGD well 2 actually, I don't have allot of predator problems but have had a few with not many deaths. I think it is due to the LGD's mostly. They watch over my flock, Goats, Horses and my Family... wouldn't know what to do without them.

Poor Piggy's, but I'm with you it would have been great to watch them trying to catch them.. :lau   Did ya get any pic's???? 

I wouldn't go that far... I have had goats a long time and had a pig for just a few mths. Pig was smarter then my goats, horses and my dogs... but not cleaner, Pig ( Benny HAHA ) loved his mud bath and then to come rub up on you.... :barnie  but if I had more room I would have kept him cause he is friendly, smart and just a joy to have had around. I love my pork but dont think I could ever raise my own.... 

I didn't make it to Chickenfest :hit  but I will have my shirt by the time the state fair starts ( I hope) will have to check the dates for that now that I'm thinking about it... If I do I will have mine on. 

Where are you? If close enough I would be interested in pullets, depending on what kind??  


I just say " come on girls come and get it "
x2 on the pigs.
Congrats!!! to both kids and new egg  

I'm in Danville. The pullets would just be barnyard mixes from what I hatched this spring. Possibly a couple of hatchery buff orps but I haven't decided for sure yet on them.
Congrats on all counts!

It's the bunny burgers that are calling my name. (Sorry Rise &'re just not my style :D) I don't remember if I've ever had rabbit before but I've wanted to try it. That just may be the item that motivates me to come...

Do you know if there are any days that you can get in free or reduced entrance? I think Sunday...but is there any other time? Maybe I can pass of a Senior discount :D The ages vary so much on what they define as "senior"
lol I'm only 47 and I got a SD at KFC the other day... didn't know if I should have thanked her or decked?????? I wouldn't hit her but you know.....

I keep looking at the bumper crop of wild rabbits we have this year all around....they are getting such a huge population that they almost don't run away when I walk toward them.

Wonder if the meat is any good on those? If I had a dog, maybe I'd learn how to butcher them and use it to feed them.

Where are those hawks when they have a REAL job to do?
We don't have as many bunnies this year as we normally do... but as far as eating them, you have to cook them right they tend to be stringy. But taste good.

Rescue a large black cat. I now have 2 large killer black cats and have seen several tiny remains from rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, starlings, and other wild birds. I have seen the cats eating mice but there is no tail or wings to be left over as proof. I also am raising up a killer girl cat and then there is the gray cat that eats leftovers from the black cat.
Our barn cats are the best defense I have had in years against the small annoying rodents and wild birds. And anytime I check there are several available at the shelter. I recommend the long, hefty but not fat cats.
Cats wouldn't make it an hour around... 2 of my 6 dogs hate them. So no kitties for me.

We have a mini-schnauzer who is excellent at catching small rodents (that's what they were bred for). And he taught our boxer/mastiff mix how to do it too (hilarious to watch). No voles or moles in our backyard! Unfortunately, the schnauzer also goes after birds, so no free ranging chickens while he is in the yard.
yep my mouser is a 3 yr old Ridgeback, and she is teaching her mix pup... my bad bird dog is a 2 yr old Aussie, snatches them out of thin air..

Not sure who it was that posted earlier about their corn but here's the first silks I've seen on mine just today. It's been tasseling for about 10 days. We had some wind damage at the beginning if July and I had to stand some if mine back up too.

Believe it or not I planted all this at the same time !

I also have been waiting for my leghorns to start laying. I found these beauties in the straw stack in the barn this evening. There was a fifth that had gotten knocked out onto the floor and broken. The brats fly the fence every morning as soon as I let them out despite having a wing clipped!!

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I have the same problem... clipping don't help... it always has but not this year... don't get it????
cant keep them out of the trees!!!!

My beautiful wife, and two children helped me build another nesting coop inside my barn today. Start to finish (including cleaning the floor area) 4 hours. This coop is for cricket and his girls to roost in. They are free range so is come and go as they please. The coop is 10' long x 4' deep and 6' high. Has an osb roof. It's not hardware cloth but 6' welded wire fence. The coop turned out to be very strong and secure. The fence also is ran on the back wall. Fun little project and thanks to kabhyper1 for the idea.

Looks great

our new bird . . . . . LOL !
love the bright feathers, who is your breeder???

We put ours in ourselves. It's not as hard as you would think. We built dutch doors for the individual pens for our alpacas, so that we could close the top or bottom if needed. My husband used a reciprocating saw, ans cut out the wall at the door measurement, plus the trim width. He framed the opening with 2x4's. We went to Menards and got the metal trim pieces to go around. All you would have to get special besides the trim, would be metal barn screws, the kind with the rubber seal on them. It's intimidating looking at the side of a pole barn, not wanting to screw it up, but it's much easier than you would think. A lot cheaper to do yourself.

The green you see around the door on the inside is paint. It's actually all wood on the inside.

There was a window before we put in the doors. We sort of winged it. We went by the service door design that we already had in the barn, to install the new doors.
Love the beautiful fuzzy but...
Great job on the doors too...

Well, there it is. The pear harvest of 2014.
Had the makings of a great harvest, but the squirrels must've had babies and needed them more than we did.
Got 3 buckets just like this of pear pieces.
Nothing more on the tree.
WOW that looks bad... sorry maybe next year

Hi all! How is everyone? I have got to get on here more often.

So sorry all of you who missed Chickenfest - we had a blast!

24 hours before Chickenfest I was not buying any more chickens. Ha!

First I made the mistake of reading Brad's post that said he had one Legbar pullet. I have no self control.

Then I jchoney had an extra Buff Orpington with her (don't remember where she said she got it!), which just happens to be the other Breed I really want. Insert an extra measure of no self control and I came home with 2. But I am glad I did. I think only one would have been really lonely during the quarantine. Yes, they came from 2 different flocks, so not a perfect quarantine, but it's the best I can do right now. They have become fast friends and are eating drinking and pooping like champs after their stressful day yesterday!

So here are our new babies - and they really seem like babies compared to our 12 weekers! What a difference a few weeks make!

This is Cordelia - DD is reading Anne of Green Gables, if you are familiar you know where the name came from:

And here is Rapunzel:

I can't believe how in love with Chickens I am!

Cant fight the chicken math... or Brad... lol nice birds.

Thank you sooo much to racinchickins and barb s for helping me get this hen. Her name is "Red" and she fits in great! She even laid an egg on her way home! I'm in love already!
WOW they are so cute...

She's already got herself a nice boyfriend!
AAHHH love birds
Farm set up continued....
Brooder box and silkie grow out coop

Outside catch pens, silkie coop, and ducks

I found the instructions for the barn door on a DIY site. They were pretty easy.
Love your set ups, what do you have holding the pop up tent down? or do you just take it down before storms?

Had a great time Saturday at Chickenfest. Met lots of wonderful people. Took a few pictures.

The cookies in the last picture were almost to pretty to eat I said almost. Mother2Hens did a wonderful job with the decorations. I also want to thank Mother2Hens and CRSelvey for the great door prizes. Again amazing job. Jchny2000 did a fantastic job getting the facility and making everyone feel welcome. Want to also thank jchny2000 and her DH for coming to our rescue Sunday morning when the pop-up camper we borrowed didn't want to pop back down. And to Minminme who didn't leave me stranded all alone at the park while my BF went to borrow some tools from jchny2000 and her DH.
looks like everyone had a great time and the food looks great too So sorry I missed it, coming next year if I have to rent a car!!! Darn breaks!!!!

So this morning I'm dealing with a suddenly blind hen, oor at least terrible depth perception, another hen with an ear infection, and possibly favus. Im hoping its just mites. I planned on cleaning out and sterilizing the coop today, and bathing the hens, and treating for mites, but I caught my boot on the silkies fence, and end o'd oover it. Its been a bit since Ive fallen like that. Couldnt catch myself either since I had a chick in my hands. She is fine. I look like a 10 year old that played to hard a recess. Two lovely skinned up knees. Pretty sure I pulled something too. Grrr. Hopefully this afternoon I will feel like cleaning the coop. Im so sick of this years pests and illnesses. Poor chickies. No matter how much you do for them, there is always something.
Hope you are ok. I had my bad illness year last year.... it really sucks, I'm so sorry. The suddenly blind hen.. I had a Seabright Roo I just lost with that same symptom. Then wouldn't eat stood around then stopped drinking and passed away. Vet never did find anything. Hope you don't have the same thing, hope your hen comes out of it... both of them

I know what you mean. I went out to catch my little old lady Margo to treat my first bumblefoot and noticed her back end was all bloody. She has a prolapsed vent now too!!! I'm trying to treat that, if she pulls through I will still have to treat the bumblefoot. I am pretty tired of sick birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing quotes!!!! what is up?????

Got some silkie eggs from bradselig and had them hatch in time for our family reunion! I named them all after people from Beatles songs. My cousin also gave me a guinea and a MF in case anyone is wondering why Vera and Rita don't look like silkies. LOL Love these little fluff balls.

great pic's... you got one named after me....
And it's # 1 too

Hi Everyone! We returned last night from Chickenfest including two nights in Indy staying with friends and visiting our oldest DD. I am exhausted!

I put together these photos from Chickenfest. Hope everyone can read the captions. BYC has photo size limits.
I thought I had taken more photos, and I especially hated not having a photo of CrazedChick!

I will check in later-- I want to go outside with my flock. I missed them so much just being gone for a weekend. It's a little weird, but I'm sure you understand.

Love how you did the pic's, you have been a very busy beaver
great job.


I know it's late but I wanted to post my first hatch with a broody hen. I think the temp drop may have affected the hatch rate. But I must say brad that they are so adorable:)

Very cute

Trying to upload a pic from my phone DD sent. My OEGB hen had a stash of eggs, so I moved her and them to a broody cage.
They started hatching tonight.. and they have feathered feet, whaaaaaat? somebody was hiding in the woodpile?!?
She was in with a blue bantam cochin roo in the Bantam pen... so am expecting thats the dad! She did not like the silkie roo I have, and was way too fast for him.
Really had not planned to hatch any more bantam but couldnt make myself take the eggs. They were already developing well.

This is a Bantam Old English game, (red pyle) hen. She isn't fully matured yet, and her comb is very small.
They are AWESOME moms.

Pretty the chick is cute too..
Its so hard to decide what to do. I will not cull an alert active bird that is eating, drinking and thriving.! Please don't assume Merrick's or even mention it until a vet tells you. That's become such a catch all for illnesses, its just sad and has cost so many birds their lives without confirmation. Nerve damage, paralysis is a more common indication. There are several respiratory diseases I would look at before the "Merrick's" scare.
I am so sorry you are going thru this, its scary.
Got some silkie eggs from bradselig and had them hatch in time for our family reunion! I named them all after people from Beatles songs. My cousin also gave me a guinea and a MF in case anyone is wondering why Vera and Rita don't look like silkies. LOL Love these little fluff balls.

Originally Posted by chick rookie
great pic's... you got one named after me....
And it's # 1 too
LOL I was thinking last night I should try to take photos of them each week and then I can see the differences in them by keeping them in the same 4 x 4 configuration (assuming we don't lose any). So Michelle will always be #1 :)
Hey everyone, I'm new to BYC but not really new to chickens. I had chickens a while back when I lived in southern Indiana but moved back home to Elkhart and couldn't bring them with. So now after a couple years I have some again. As for the fair here it is amazing. I was in 4H for 9 years showing horses and basically lived at the fairgrounds for the week each year. We're going tomorrow and I'll definitely be checking out the poultry barn. Right now I have 1 EE hen 1 EE rooster 1 golden laced polish hen, a pair of call ducks, and a lavender silkie hen.
Glad you found the thread! I would love to have some call ducks, we got some larger ones this past spring and they were too much for our 1/3 acre lot in town. I am thinking call ducks wouldn't be as much of a mess. Would love to see some pics!

It was almost 100 degrees here a couple nights ago and decided to take the chicks outside for a few minutes. Also got a video of the older chickens greeting the littles. Was really funny!

It was almost 100 degrees here a couple nights ago and decided to take the chicks outside for a few minutes. Also got a video of the older chickens greeting the littles. Was really funny!
They look great! The little partridge with the silver/black back and yellow down on rest of body may turn out like one of these 2 hens. I've loved this coloring and it looks like these did as chicks.
So use few eggs I've been setting, I've been very happy with the results! I'm hatching pretty much all showgirls from my silkie/showgirl pens! 4 partridge, and 3 (2 still in hatcher drying out) blues! Can't wait to see how they turn out!


Also have this little polish I hatched out of tolbunt/silver laced polish breeding (lady had a silver laced roo in with her tolbunts. Was hoping to get pure chicks but didn't happen lol)


And these "tolbunt" chicks that I hatched from eggs I bought. Look like I got hosed yet again and ended up with white crested blacks?


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