@flyladyrocks posted:
I saw an article called something like "Do you really take a $5 Chicken to the vet?" and I am thinking, well, first I would consult all you wonderful people and then if we could not figure out a solution, umm, well, we love our babies! We call them by name and know their personalities, just like our dog (honorary roo!). How could we not consult a vet?? Which reminds me I need to figure out who treats poultry around here - there is a vet by TSC with pictures of livestock on their logo so I am hoping they do! But also hoping there is nothing so serious that we have to go the vet route.

flylady ~ One of my cats was a stray, so he was technically "free" --to begin with, but any pet requires veterinarian visits (Tiger's first visit was for neutering and vaccines). Most pet owners would agree that the price of a pet isn't equal to its value as a beloved companion.
In a little over two years since I've had chickens, I've had two chickens euthanized at my veterinarian's office (one leg injury, one had ovarian cancer).
With my own research and the help of thread members' experiences, I've been able to treat health issues like scaly leg mites. In addition, I've learned how to prevent (as much as possible) certain health problems, give weekly chicken health examinations (the more you handle them, the more confident you feel), and to have a First Aid Kit ready before an emergency.

This link (that's always at the bottom of my signature) has Medical Information under "Helpful Links": Indiana BYC'ers Members, Events, & Links

Veterinarian Information
The INDIANA BYCers Members' List has this link at the top of the page: Veterinarians
If anyone has information about veterinarians who treat chickens and other birds (Avian), please check out the link and contact @CRSelvey or @bradselig

For me, it was a stress-reliever knowing that I had first aid supplies, an avian veterinarian, and health information in place --because emergencies always seem to happen at the most inopportune times!
It's also invaluable to have our helpful and supportive members who understand!
@kabhyper1 ~ Did you find anything out about your chicken's vision-impaired/mystery illness?
@flyladyrocks posted:
I saw an article called something like "Do you really take a $5 Chicken to the vet?" and I am thinking, well, first I would consult all you wonderful people and then if we could not figure out a solution, umm, well, we love our babies! We call them by name and know their personalities, just like our dog (honorary roo!). How could we not consult a vet?? Which reminds me I need to figure out who treats poultry around here - there is a vet by TSC with pictures of livestock on their logo so I am hoping they do! But also hoping there is nothing so serious that we have to go the vet route.

flylady ~ One of my cats was a stray, so he was technically "free" --to begin with, but any pet requires veterinarian visits (Tiger's first visit was for neutering and vaccines). Most pet owners would agree that the price of a pet isn't equal to its value as a beloved companion.
In a little over two years since I've had chickens, I've had two chickens euthanized at my veterinarian's office (one leg injury, one had ovarian cancer).
With my own research and the help of thread members' experiences, I've been able to treat health issues like scaly leg mites. In addition, I've learned how to prevent (as much as possible) certain health problems, give weekly chicken health examinations (the more you handle them, the more confident you feel), and to have a First Aid Kit ready before an emergency.

This link (that's always at the bottom of my signature) has Medical Information under "Helpful Links": Indiana BYC'ers Members, Events, & Links

Veterinarian Information
The INDIANA BYCers Members' List has this link at the top of the page: Veterinarians
If anyone has information about veterinarians who treat chickens and other birds (Avian), please check out the link and contact @CRSelvey or @bradselig

For me, it was a stress-reliever knowing that I had first aid supplies, an avian veterinarian, and health information in place --because emergencies always seem to happen at the most inopportune times!
It's also invaluable to have our helpful and supportive members who understand!
@kabhyper1 ~ Did you find anything out about your chicken's vision-impaired/mystery illness?
Every bird here is precious to me. So, it desn't matter what thie end purpose is. For me, I give every animal I own the best care I can provide. They all know I love them. Sometimes its expensive.. and sometimes I can help them here. Often sadly when a bird shows symptoms it can be too late. Vet visits for a bird of most species is traumatic, and can worsen their symptoms or even kill them from stress. My Snickers (BR turkey hen) will probably go to an avian vet, I want to know why she reoccurs and whats wrong with her. But she is a very human imprinted bird, spoiled rotten lil girl. So aside from being crated I know she will be ok with the visit.
Thanks for all you post in avian disease and viruses, Its so helpful researching a problem!
Am very nervous about tomorrow. Dad sees the Surgeon about his heart tomorrow morning. There is discussion he may be released to come home beginning of august. He went off oxygen Monday! Dad and Mom celebrate their 56th anniversary on Friday so am planning something small for them.
He walked allll the way back from the rehab department to his room yesterday with a big grin :D about melted my heart. Thankful to have my Dad back with us a lil longer. His mind is much clearer, and he is tripling what the PT asks of him, very good reports.. Gooooo DAD!!!! :woot
Off to bed, long day tomorrow.

What wonderful news! So happy for you all.
So use few eggs I've been setting, I've been very happy with the results! I'm hatching pretty much all showgirls from my silkie/showgirl pens! 4 partridge, and 3 (2 still in hatcher drying out) blues! Can't wait to see how they turn out!

Also have this little polish I hatched out of tolbunt/silver laced polish breeding (lady had a silver laced roo in with her tolbunts. Was hoping to get pure chicks but didn't happen lol)

And these "tolbunt" chicks that I hatched from eggs I bought. Look like I got hosed yet again and ended up with white crested blacks?

but they are SO cute!!!
Anybody ever heard of a broody ISA brown? I have found the same girl sitting in a nest box at bed time two nights in a row! Not the same box mind you but she growls and pecks at me when I throw her out. What do you all think?
Sounds broody to me. I only get growls and pecks from broodies. The others just squawk when I toss them off the nest boxes.
Poor Margo is still prolapsed. I need to get more aggressive in my treatment and I am a bit squeamish about shoving her prolapse back in for fear of hurting her. Guess I need to toughen up since it won't be great for either of us if she has to be euthanized
. She is in my guest bath since I can control the light (to try to keep her from laying while prolapsed) and it makes soaking and treating easier. Not a great setup though, she hates it and I hate having a stinky bathroom!

My broody is set to hatch her eggs this week. Friday will be 21 days and I have heard that they could arrive early since the weather is warm. I am excited to see how many hatch. I have not caught her off the nest and haven't candled, so I have no clue what is going on under there. She also doesn't seem to be leaving the nest to poop, the nest is big enough that she is pooping around the perimeter. I need to pull her off the nest and clean it so it isn't too bad for the chicks when they arrive. I am planning on doing that today since I figure we are heading into the broody version of lock down. Do you think it is ok to move her and clean the nest? Do you think it would be ok to hit her with some poultry dust also since she hasn't been able to dust bathe? I just don't want to hurt the chicks that will soon be hatching into that fluff and am not sure if it would be better for them to be under her with mites or poultry dust in her feathers!

great chicken coop setup and they don't even want it.
Would love to find a way to get that to my house but it would probably take up my whole chicken area... but hey...

My boy cracks me up! Open to anyone's captions lol

I'll start
"I am Faverolle boy!! Prince of the bantams"
looks like the chicken is playing a game of copy cat... or maybe it's the other way around... lol

Wish I lived closer t ya all! I have a couple roos that need rehomed. Two BCM boys very pretty but still on the young side (pretty sure both roos, they both were trying t crow yesterday sounded more like a very stressed croaking)! One VERY large RIR/RSL cross. When I say very large I mean VERY VERY large! At least 18lbs and isn't a year old til January! He's crowing like a pro and can b heard three blocks away! Is way too big t mate my dainty little girls, every time he tries the get flattened by his weight, he needs a JG girl friend or two for sure! Why would a mix like that turn into such a giant bird? His shoulders are about an inch above my knee! If I can't find a home for this gentle giant he's going t freezer camp!
that is BIG I have JG hens but too far away....

Morning all! Who asked for rain? It didn't start to rain until I went out to take care of the Chickens and Ducks. My face literally looked like this
when the rain started
lol I was up bright and early lowering my gazebo ( the pop up type ) and tying it down real good.... for 5 seconds of a drizzle... REALLY????? oh well
better safe then sorry. Had more Wind in the evening AFTER I put it back up...

Rain is supposed t start here this afternoon, calling for Severe Thunderstorms by 3pm. I've spent the morning battaning down the "hatches" so t speak. They loved their morning treat today! Gave them a mix of Strawberry yoghurt, cottage cheese, blueberries, strawberries, cut up cantaloupe, and roasted unsalted sunflower seeds. Along with their normal portions of grain and BOSS. Little piggies nearly attacked me for the treats! Jeesh you'd think I was starving them!
lol Right!! if you ask my girls they would say " mom never feeds us " so I understand and feel your pain... sometimes in the ancle or my toes if I go out in my crocks... lol

I'm in Danville. The pullets would just be barnyard mixes from what I hatched this spring. Possibly a couple of hatchery buff orps but I haven't decided for sure yet on them.
thats not too far, but I'm looking for Silkie hens and LF Cochin,,

Here are a few photos of the "babies" from last weekend. 3 SFH 10 weeks old now.

my wish list for next year

Wondering if anyone has any silkies for sale around Southern Indiana. Looking for anything but white. Would like a rooster and two or three hens.
Me too if you find any and they have extra let me know, please, I don't care if they are white.

Oh man, I'm sorry. I hope you have better luck than me - get the tissue back in as soon as possible! I let Margo go yesterday. This one is hitting me hard, she was one of my originals and a favorite.

Broody is entering the final leg. She is hunkered down. I put food and water in her nest for a while today. And one of my marans is now broody!!! Seriously, what is in the water?!?!?!?!?!? I almost want to put a couple of broody wyandotte's eggs under her, but tomorrow is day 19 so I don't know if I should move them. What do the experts think?
Sorry about Margo
Shes a dirty little monster. Shes just fluffy. :) She was the chick that I got up every 2 hours to help her hatch. She imprinted on me I think. She freaks out if anyone else holds her, but purrs and makes little R2D2 whistles. Shes a sweetie.
She looked so different as a
Very cute!!!!!

If you (or anybody else) are interested in buying any, I have about 30 Polish/Houdan cross chicks that I'm going to be selling. All of the older ones have really awesome crests. The one in my avatar is from the same hen and rooster pair.

Message me if interested.
Please don't tempt me cant have till next year I am hoping...
But man are they cute.

Every bird here is precious to me. So, it desn't matter what thie end purpose is. For me, I give every animal I own the best care I can provide. They all know I love them. Sometimes its expensive.. and sometimes I can help them here. Often sadly when a bird shows symptoms it can be too late. Vet visits for a bird of most species is traumatic, and can worsen their symptoms or even kill them from stress. My Snickers (BR turkey hen) will probably go to an avian vet, I want to know why she reoccurs and whats wrong with her. But she is a very human imprinted bird, spoiled rotten lil girl. So aside from being crated I know she will be ok with the visit.
Thanks for all you post in avian disease and viruses, Its so helpful researching a problem!
hope all come out well in the end.
I take to vet when needed... don't care if the bird was free,

Sounds broody to me. I only get growls and pecks from broodies. The others just squawk when I toss them off the nest boxes.
x2 same here.

now the trick will be to stay that way... lol
They look great! The little partridge with the silver/black back and yellow down on rest of body may turn out like one of these 2 hens. I've loved this coloring and it looks like these did as chicks.

Chuck has one of my favorite color combos, she is easy to spot from the group. She doesn't quite have chipmunk lines on her back, so I was wondering what the heck she'd end up looking like. I hope she turns out like these fine ladies! They are so adorable!!

What do you think about the ones that turned out like this? They have yellow on head, wings and bottom, but a grey/silver on their backs. I am thinking they will turn out white or splash.


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