The hen determines the gender of the egg for chickens so it looks like you are on the right track documenting which hen produced more female chicks.


Do these traits pass on from hen to chick? and Are there other factors? We hatched out 9 chicks from 13 shipped eggs & only two were male. Could that breeder have done something to increase her odds of females? (ie - changing hens' diet or in my case, stop using Omelet's mom for hatching eggs since she has more male offspring) Could I be doing something during the incubation to make it harder for males - but not females - to hatch?
I saw this and thought of you!
lady Amherst...I got my pair for 35 for both of the I cant complain...most people are nice to me cause what goes around comes back around...and its good karma...I have been taken over one time when I first got into birds....but everyone else has been straight forward and gave great deals...but be careful when dealing with only birds I got from craigslist is now in my mutt pen..and more then likely will make freezer camp this year....I would stay away from craigslist...there are a lot of people thru talking that you can find that are breeding very good pure lines...some people you meet on there can and will say whatever you want just so you buy there stock and it is to bad...what happened to me with those birds...but I was new and learned very quickly and before I bought another bird...I did a ton of research before I picked up any more...I was just lucky enough to meet one credible breeder after another after the craigslist incident...and I have met great breeders thru craigslist to so I guess its a 50/50 on my luck...

thanks for thinking of me...
well off to bed talk to you peeps tomorrow...have a wonderful night
I'm starting to re-think my mid-winter chick order.

They're scheduled to ship next week.
I would be worried too.

Anywhere you go has some sort of weather issues, ugh. I agree I hate cold

Quote: Some of us live in the Midwest because we came from somewhere even colder!!! I lived in Northern Pa and with exceptions like this week, it is positively balmy here compared to there.
I was in NW IN, Lake co for 33 years, it was cold snow an yuk about 5 months a year.Born in MI but family moved to IN when I was still a baby. We see about 3 months here, normally, you are right. My Mom grew up in the PA hills, she says the winters are way more miserable.
Got an age old question BYC peeps. Which rooster to choose for flock protection? Live in Northwestern Ky (southwest of Louisville), will have about 40 hens in the spring, an enclosed (not covered run), and about 1.5 acres of optional free range during the daylight hours. Okay go!

Mix of hens are all heavy breed layers. Buff Orps, Australorps, Americaunas, White wyandottes, Marans and legbars. Also one rescued Leghorn and Redstar!
BA, AM, Wyandotte or Maran will all do the job well Probably the orp too. I keep several roosters here and it helps a lot. Legbar roos are less dominant IMO from the few I kept here. I keep more than one Rooster or I have human aggression problems. I just deal with them if it comes up, but not ok for my parents.
well day 15 pics of the eggs

Good veining, you got babies developing!
Countdown to crazyness. My chicks should ship in six days. I can already feel the hand-wringing coming on.

Can anyone in the Indianapolis area share any experience or insight on picking up chicks from our wonderful postal system?

5 am and they want you to get them NOW. Our postmaster is afraid of them escaping and attacking people

Started filling out turbo tax. So many questions. I'm very glad it fills in the forms.
Its good software. Agreed, better too many questions than not enough.

Any bantams

What are you looking for? I raise a few different types.
I love tax time! :-D

I'm not sure which PO is my local. I'll have to call around once Ideal tells me the chicks are on the way.
Use your zip, its usually the PO you need.

I have done both, a lot. Try to keep within a state away.
Ok this is Too weird!!!! If anyone noticed the humongous egg I took a picture of and posted the other day? Well this is why it was soooo big! Yep it was a double yoker with a whole other egg inside! this is definitely a first for me!
I had a goose egg like this last year was almost 7 oz. very odd but does happen. I had 4 yolks by time it was opened! She is also a huge Embden hen, still pretty surprising to find 2 eggs in 1. Especially with a second shell!
Good luck it is! I candled tonight, aside from 2 I have veining in all the eggs

Great pic's! These eggs were really cold, I was sure frozen. They are growing!
My problem is remembering to do it! I am going to print it out so I dont set the eggs.
Omelet's parents were given to me as "mystery eggs." Dad hatched from a pink egg & mom from a normal brown egg. My guess is there may be some Marans & Easter Egger in Omelet's mix. Since DD called the orig chicks her "babies," she calls Omelet her "granddaughter." Although the roo was sweet & non aggressive, he crowed a lot & mated the hens bald. Before we gave him away, my daughter hatched several eggs he fertilized to choose a female offspring. The mama hen was also a fav, so DD set more of her eggs to be sure we got some sweet personalities.

What I found very interesting was the female to male chick ratios. It should come out to 50%, but we tend to get more females in every hatch. (This was not part of DD's project, just my own curiosity from the data.) When I looked at each hen's indiv offspring ratio, I noticed that the same hens who produced 2/3 female in the 1st incubation, did similar in the second & third hatches. My fav hen (Omelet's mom) gave us 7 male & only 2 female chicks. This makes me wonder if there are ways to increase the number of females hatched. Any theories?
Dunno, I think its just luck, honestly. I never, ever seem to hatch roosters! or toms, gander, drakes.. no births of bucks or boars... LOL! Its my average overall luck with all the livestock we keep. I hatched dozens of BR turkeys last season, all hens. Syd, my lil late hatch poult also appears to be another hen. UGH, I need toms! I know, its great to get so many female stock, but you need the boys too. I did see about 50/50 on my goslings last year, but they have sold out fast.
BA, AM, Wyandotte or Maran will all do the job well  Probably the orp too. I keep several roosters here and it helps a lot. Legbar roos are less dominant IMO from the few I kept here. I keep more than one Rooster or I have human aggression problems. I just deal with them if it comes up, but not ok for my parents.

Good veining, you got babies developing!

5 am and they want you to get them NOW. Our postmaster is afraid of them escaping and attacking people :rolleyes:
Its good software. Agreed, better too many questions than not enough.

What are you looking for? I raise a few different types.
Use your zip, its usually the PO you need.

I have done both, a lot. Try to keep within a state away.
I had a goose egg like this last year was almost 7 oz. very odd but does happen. I had 4 yolks by time it was opened! She is also a huge Embden hen, still pretty surprising to find 2 eggs in 1. Especially with a second shell!
I'll take anything bantam hatching eggs or bantams
lady Amherst...I got my pair for 35 for both of the I cant complain...most people are nice to me cause what goes around comes back around...and its good karma...I have been taken over one time when I first got into birds....but everyone else has been straight forward and gave great deals...but be careful when dealing with only birds I got from craigslist is now in my mutt pen..and more then likely will make freezer camp this year....I would stay away from craigslist...there are a lot of people thru talking that you can find that are breeding very good pure lines...some people you meet on there can and will say whatever you want just so you buy there stock and it is to bad...what happened to me with those birds...but I was new and learned very quickly and before I bought another bird...I did a ton of research before I picked up any more...I was just lucky enough to meet one credible breeder after another after the craigslist incident...and I have met great breeders thru craigslist to so I guess its a 50/50 on my luck...

thanks for thinking of me...
well off to bed talk to you peeps tomorrow...have a wonderful night

Yeah I have no interest in them, although beautiful, I don't feel that desire!

As for CL. I'm skeptical as well. I've also had my 50/50 good/questionable experiences, fortunately none down right bad. I browse it every so often. ATM I'm searching for building materials for upcoming breeding pens. Came across those and thought I'd share.

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