The buff just looked dingy...BOs it is. Hope they live up to their reputation.

That said, I'm convinced several of my birds from this spring are going thru a light molt. I know it's not common, but hear me out.

Egg product tanked the second week of October. My BR hens have been a hot mess since then. One looks to be wrapped up, while the other looks as god awful as ever. She's got pin feathers coming back around her head and looks like medusa. It's awful.

Meanwhile, there have been a lot of feathers that don't belong to the BRs in the coop. Mostly dark brown, of the Sussex, but no outward obvious "molt look" to them.

Yesterday, I got a good look at two that were roosting while I was checking vent screens, and their head/hackle is a hot mess.

I know it's rare, but with them being late February hatches, from what i'm reading, it seems like it's possible.
My GLW molted at 7 months old. Definitely possible.

Quote: I raised several working dog breeds, and I am very partial to Rottweiler. Great family protection and overall farm dogs. Smart, obedient and normally quiet unless there is a reason not to be! My favorite was a big guy, Rommel. stole my heart the second I met him. He was with me until he was almost 10. We lost him to canine ostecarcinoma.
Introduced the new ducklings to our neighbors son. He let out a squeal like a 5 year old, LOL! This is the big teenage boy that spends hours with the cows and goats every week. Been a huge help to us adding pastures, running hotwire and holding the calves for vaccinations. DH helps him work on his 4 wheelers, 3 wheelers and dirt bikes. He has waited all summer hoping for Muscovy ducklings. We sat down with the group of ducklings for over an hour today, socializing and imprinting. He is begging me to buy some... I told him I will need to discuss with his parents first. He doesn't know my plans yet!

Really good kid. Great manners, very polite and always a positive outlook. His parents laugh at me and ask me if I want to adopt him. I told them in a heartbeat! Its heart warming to see kids really show compassion and love to the animals. I will discuss with his parents this weekend first, but I intend to give him and his sister ducklings for Christmas! (a little early
) Both children had ducks before, Pekin, the messiest! They know whats involved to care for them. They also learned the hard way about predators and lost their ducks. He has a newly built covered run, a fence charger and a very nice house ready for ducks. His mom and I were visiting and showed me what the kids had put together, oh my! Sure wish I had that much talent in carpentry!

We do process some birds here to feed our family. I much prefer to find a home for them first, especially in cases like these ducklings. Lost their mothers, and lucky to have hatched after being so cold as eggs. I honestly believe they would have been lost if my poor drake had not been trying to brood them.
3-4 eggs daily........From 13 chickens!

The 3 spring pullets are the strong layers. (RIR, Bielefelder, & Choc Orpington)
My silly 18 mo old lav orp is both molting & laying (low production, but they're definitely her eggs.)
My 3 yr old bantam orp just started laying again after her Sept. hatch.
3-8 eggs daily... from 13 hens and four-ish laying aged turkeys. Ducks aren't old enough, and a few pullets aren't either.

Breeds: BO, BCM, mottled Breda, Welsummer, and a bunch of EE + White Holland, Bourbon Red and Black
My GLW molted at 7 months old. Definitely possible.

I raised several working dog breeds, and I am very partial to Rottweiler. Great family protection and overall farm dogs. Smart, obedient and normally quiet unless there is a reason not to be! My favorite was a big guy, Rommel. stole my heart the second I met him. He was with me until he was almost 10. We lost him to canine ostecarcinoma.
I second Rotties. We had a darling Rottweiler, but we had to put her down due to what was probably pancreatic cancer. It was a very fast illness, and she was in so much pain. She was 7. It was actually her loss coupled with my recent unemployment at the time that got us talked into chickens by my younger brother. I'm sure she would have been excellent with the birds--she mommied everything fuzzy and never hurt anything as long as she lived (talked a fierce game with strangers, though). Everyone in every neighborhood we ever lived at knew our dog--not because she was poorly behaved or barked a lot, but because she was big and beautiful and everyone wanted a dog just like her. She was AKC and papered (only purebred dog I've ever had) and certainly not free, but she was a steal for the price we paid, and she was worth it a thousand fold. Wonderful, wonderful dog.

Our family recently adopted a pug/chihuahua mix from jchny2000, and she's wonderful with the birds, too, which really surprised me. She's a little goofball who also talks a huge game with neighbor dogs and strangers. Thinks she's a Rottie
Hello and good evening everyone. If anyone is looking for female Muscovies, I have two females for sale. They are less than a year old. I also have two female white crested ducks as well, less than year old. I'm asking $10 each for both breeds.
I rather them go to a good home instead of being duck napped and used for bate or food.
I may be looking for two. I have two males and two females, and am keeping an eye to see it works out. The youngest of the males is starting to whisper, with a slight peep yet. If the females are overbred I will have to add two more females. I didn't plan to start with that many, but have to do what is best for them. I'll contact you later if needed.

It might help to post pics of them.
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Egg count.. who is with me? Holler if your hens are sill laying and her breed. I collected 17 eggs today! 2 pekin duck eggs 15 were chicken eggs. RIR WL BRLW and one EE.

I'm getting 2-3 eggs a day... from 21 hens and pullets who are all old enough to lay. :(

All 3 eggs are Black Copper Marans, two of which are 25 weeks old and just started laying in the past week. The adult BCM is looking like molting any day now.

All my adult hens are molting, so I don't blame them for not laying, but most of them slacked all summer, which I blamed on the heat and broodiness. But then very few of them took advantage of the fall weather. Some molts started in August.

And I'm disappointed that almost all of the pullets I raised this year seem to be waiting until spring to lay.

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