8-12 eggs a day with 20 layers, but most of mine are first year pullets. Out of my older hens, only one is laying and it is only an egg or two a week. Most of them are nearly done with their molt though. Some of my older girls are retired and just pets. Out of my pullet group, I think a few will not lay until Spring. The girls that are laying though are laying well. We were getting a dozen a day until the time change and then they slowed a bit. Throws us all off..

I cannot complain. We get all we eat and enough to give my Mom eggs every week.
Sounds good. I eat at least 4 eggs a day myself!

Hi! I'm a new member from Indiana I just found you guys! I found old threads from 2012, but so glad to see Hoosiers are active!

All the other Indiana threads fizzled.. Welcome its why we are here!
Experiment Update:
DD candled Quail eggs tonight - day 7

hatching eggs = 6 looked good, 4 ?
farmer market eggs = 6 looked good, 4 ?
grocery store eggs = 9 looked clear, 1 maybe

Extra hatching quail eggs (not part of the experiment were thrown in the other incubator) All 6 looked good. Those overflow eggs were put in the home-made cooler-bator with the chicken eggs. That incubator always does better. I must open it to turn eggs by hand 3xs per day, but the temp is still always perfect.

Considering the breeder told us to expect a low hatch rate due to seasonal infertility, I'm happy about the results so far. A little surprised that the 1st 2 groups are the same, but we'll see what happens soon. DD will candle again in a few days & remove the definite clears then. The speckles from the quail eggs make candling more difficult.
Quail are hard to candle and it really depends on egg colors too. Every quail egg is different and so colorful!
I am really happy to say my brother and wife have really stepped up. Was able to winterize our camper and do some shopping for basic stuff. Found that someone had been using our camping equipment, and actually a fire pit, we do not have on our site. Also using our chairs off our deck.. I am not ok with it. We pay a fee annually and appear to have folks using our site. Now we have to discuss to the owner to understand why this happened.
So I guess my egg production is at a better average than you guys'. Getting 2 brown eggs from 4 hens. And I know which they are since the other two lay green eggs. I cleared the garden out and threw the broccoli plants in the coop since they never did produce. The rogue tomato plants were pulled too. There were a few on the plants which I picked and gave to the girls. Also pulled the marigolds out and put them in there with them too. They were like bushes! Coop smells good now :) I've heard marigold turns the yolks a deep orange. We'll see.

Rest in peace, Princess. You were such a dollbaby boy, and I'm going to miss you. It's was sad to have to put such a good boy down, but he was in so much pain and his legs were giving out. I'd never intended to have to process him.

Thank-you @jchny2000 for helping me process him Sunday.

Going to need an enormous roasting pan. I'm kind of worried that, once he gets frozen, we won't have thawed in time for any but Christmas
This is the biggest turkey I've ever seen.
My egg production is pitiful. 2 of the spring pullets are laying. 1 or 2 eggs daily usually. 4 of the spring pullets haven't started...I imagine they'll wait out the winter.

The other 5 ladies are 3 four-year-olds and 2 three-year-olds molting. Don't expect to anything from them till the end of January.
I am really happy to say my brother and wife have really stepped up. Was able to winterize our camper and do some shopping for basic stuff. Found that someone had been using our camping equipment, and actually a fire pit, we do not have on our site. Also using our chairs off our deck.. I am not ok with it. We pay a fee annually and appear to have folks using our site. Now we have to discuss to the owner to understand why this happened.


I am really excited to hear the family is stepping up more! What a blessing!
wee.gif crazy that someone has access to your stuff. Do you keep your camper there? Were they in there too?
Quote: Yes, we rent the site annually and have been members there almost 18 years. I am not happy with what we found. Its a gated campground! Camper and shed were locked up tight so nothing else was disturbed.
Some of my SILs health issues are corrected, so we have seen a lot more of them lately. It is a blessing! And its good for my parents to be able to see them too.

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