So last night I finished up the expansion of our chicken run! As I was picking up I went into the coop to do my chicken headcount and while I step to the other side of my coop to count the other half something ran into my foot!!! Ugh!! Went in the house for a better light my spotlight, and saw two rats!!! I've caught a rat before but it took a couple days to finally caught it!
How do you all catch your rodents!!!?
Use squirrel live traps. We have more opossum issues, especially youngsters here. Sardines work great, canned cat fish type food. Rats will eat about anything. Even a fresh egg cracked over the trip peddle will work well. You want the critter to be actively walking on the trap.


I'm having a really good experience with my new cockerel. This is the first time I've had Buckeyes so I'm not sure if it is just the personality of the breed or not. HOWEVER...

I'm doing something different with this boy because I have the space this year to do it. He was not mature for breeding before the snow and cold set in. My birds pretty much stay inside the barn when it's snow out so I didn't want him to be coming of age while the ladies were confined in close quarters with him. So...

I put him in his own 6x12 area that is penned off from the girls but part of the larger kennel pen. He's been in there by himself in communication with everyone else, and sleeping on his own little roost with one of their roosts just across from him on the other side of the kennel fence.

Since it's been warmer, they've been getting outside and let him out with them. I thought he might be just crazy and want to mate constantly, but he is actually rather 'chill". He's not mating constantly. He does in moderation, but not like other cockerels I've had that were mating every minute!!!!! (literally)

So I'm wondering if "forced abstinence" has helped him with being more laid back about it all...he knows he can live without it! Or if it's more like a Buckeye personality. I'm leaning toward thinking it's because he's been penned and is having to communicate with the girls through the fence and hasn't had free access. I'll see how he does as spring comes in.

He is just stunning! They are very slow maturing. The other fella is finally crowing, my DDIL adores him. I believe both factors apply. I keep breed coops normally and the roosters don't abuse the hens. In a large free ranged mixed situation, every rooster seems to be "rapey" and less concerned about the hens well being.If the roo is the only guy, he is going to step up. If he doesn't he should be culled.

Those Coloncas and Aracaunas just make me feel like something's wrong with their back side!!!!!

I think I'd miss the beautiful rooster tail feathering.
They are handsome in their own way for sure. But I am like you, I love to see that beautiful rooster tail.

If any one is interested, I contacted this person to see if they have/can get speckled Sussex.

He said he can order some for me for next week! My plan now is to make the 1:45 min drive to Liberty when he says it's time. He said he knows a hatchery about an hour and a half from him and he goes periodically to pick up 1-2 hundred chicks at a time. I have been seeing his ads for a long time on CL, and now he has a Facebook page.

Does anybody in the Indy/north Indy area want me to pick up anything from him when I go? Heck, is there anyone who would like to go on a road trip with me!
THANK YOU! For offering a chicken train. We have had several folks do this in the past. I am not adding anything else this year, but its so helpful for folks like me that can't leave the house often.

I don't like to have chicks or birds shipped. I've driven many miles to pick up chicks that I wanted so they didn't have the stress of shipping, so I'm in agreement that having someone pick up is a better scenario as long as he is careful in transport.
Agreed, thanks to you for being willing to travel. I have a porters shipment coming this year for turkeys and my planning started last November for it. Some breeders will not allow pickups due to bio security. I knew it when I purchased the poults, and my post office calls promptly when birds arrive. Usually around 430 am, ugh!
Chick are due tomorrow, but we got several early birds:

The incubator was looking a little crowded, so I moved 6 of the 9 chicks into the brooder. I also took a quick orpington pic of 2 lavs, a black, & a blue(?)

What do you think? Is the 2nd one a blue orp?

Mom: I believe the chick came from Oopsie (who looked like a mauve orp at hatch, but feathered in whitish - cream colored. We think she has some blue & choc orp genes). If the egg was not hers, then it came from my lav orp pullet & it's just a little darker shade of lavender.

Dad: ???? No barring/head spot, so Brick's out. Also have a lav (Moose) & a blak/lav split (Mr Dummy). So, 25% chance black orp & 75% chance lav orp.
Anyone on here breed Ameraucanas? None of the Colloncas eggs were fertile. Decided I don't want to raise a breed that has such low fertility.

Good to see you posting @jchny2000 .
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Looking for Norwegian jeurarhan hatching eggs, chicks, adult birds. Lat my rooster this well. Please let me know. Thanks Bill
Hey all,

Finally have internet back. We had a lightning strike take out our phone line early Friday morning. Vaporized the line, blew up the modem (literally, blew it apart) and melted the plug. Quite the ordeal. Strike was close enough, and shook the house hard enough, to knock two screens out of our casement windows. Half the time I can't get those out when I want to. Could have been a lot worse.

Saturday I picked up four easter egger chicks and six khaki Campbell ducklings. Had the realization that if i didn't get them picked up soon, they were going to be a headache to get covered when the baby comes in May. Hoping to have integration done long before then so if osmeone else has to cover chores, its not a big deal. Hoping for a 50/50 split on the ducklings. Three of the four EEs have good little beards/muffs started. I'll get some pictures up before too long.
Wow scary! Congrats on your new additions.

I thought I posted this before but it seems to be gone. So if it ends up being a double, please forgive.

@Jntnrmn and I had a little discussion regarding hatchery purchased Buff Orpingtons but I haven't had any so wondered if anyone here has and your comments.

Would the Buffs tend to be a broody breed? In this case that would be desirable :)

Also, does anyone have silkie chicks for sale this spring?

I have had both heritage and hatchery. The hatchery birds were broodier!

It might be a bit early to inquire about, but has there been any consideration for a "chickenfest" get together for 2017?
2 years ago it kindof got cancelled due to the avian influenza & last year it just never seemed to mesh for various scheduling date conflicts.
Hopefully it can be worked out for Northern Indiana this year.

Here is a link to the 2017 "Chickenstock" from the Michigan group (June 10th)

Stop on up & say hi to us, if ya can make it up here.
I would love to see one this year! I just have no free time to coordinate one myself.
Quote: I have learned the "extended stays" is to prevent eggs from freezing in some cases. Good example is Physco, my scovy duck. If she is nesting but not brooding yet, she will sit for a few hours if the temps drop.

Anyone want to buy 1 female Mallard duckling for $5? She was hatched from eggs bought from Metzer Farms. So she is a pure mallard! I just sold it's siblings and had this girl left behind because she was keeping her head tucked under her like she was in the egg still. She is now running around and sweet. I need to find a home for her because I don't have anymore ducklings to keep her company! She is a she for sure! I vent sexed her!
I would love her but I am way too far away.

We used to have "Chickenstocks" every year in northern IN. It kinda fell by the wayside. We ate good food, swapped birds and had auctions-- great fun!
We had 2 awesome chickenfests so far. Egg swaps, bird swaps, TONS of food and even some demonstrations. @racinchickins graciously hosted one at his home, and I held one at our campground..Loads of fun!

Can the duck keepers clear something up for me?

I've seen conflicting suggestions on feed for ducklings. Some say that an 18% starter or all-flock is fine, (so long as it's unmedicated), but I've seen others that say you need to get down to 14-16%

Anyone care to weigh in?
I go with higher protein. A good quality all flock is fine, crumbles so the babies can eat it.

Fox 59 is interviewing a guy from Gibson county. Family is okay but their property destroyed. First thing we noticed was destroyed hoop coops. The chickens are missing. The teenage boy is running around the fields looking for his chickens.
Oh my, hope they are found.
Chick are due tomorrow, but we got several early birds:

The incubator was looking a little crowded, so I moved 6 of the 9 chicks into the brooder. I also took a quick orpington pic of 2 lavs, a black, & a blue(?)

What do you think? Is the 2nd one a blue orp?

Mom: I believe the chick came from Oopsie (who looked like a mauve orp at hatch, but feathered in whitish - cream colored. We think she has some blue & choc orp genes). If the egg was not hers, then it came from my lav orp pullet & it's just a little darker shade of lavender.

Dad: ???? No barring/head spot, so Brick's out. Also have a lav (Moose) & a blak/lav split (Mr Dummy). So, 25% chance black orp & 75% chance lav orp.

I do think thats a blue chick!
Does anyone have any suggestions of a good egg laying breed? We have barred rocks and road island reds, our RIR lay very well, our BR less so...I really like my RIR's but am so overy their meanness! They are snit's to the others

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