A neighbors from a side street near our home free ranges his chickens. (They have 10+ hens and 3-5 roosters..)
I was walking Nova and Koda when it started to poor down hard and got pretty dark. Since the side road is covered in above trees, cars couldn't see the chickens very well. The owner of the chickens seen me and jokingly said " If only your dogs could help me wrangle my chickens up!"
Little did he know that my Lovely's are trained to herd, but specifically in Poultry! I let them off their leashes and whistled to them and they went to work! I even told the owner to tell my dogs were he wants the chickens! He was mesmerized by them. He has asked me to demonstrate their herding skills in front of his family during their Re-Union sometime next week!
A neighbors from a side street near our home free ranges his chickens. (They have 10+ hens and 3-5 roosters..)
I was walking Nova and Koda when it started to poor down hard and got pretty dark. Since the side road is covered in above trees, cars couldn't see the chickens very well. The owner of the chickens seen me and jokingly said " If only your dogs could help me wrangle my chickens up!"
Little did he know that my Lovely's are trained to herd, but specifically in Poultry! I let them off their leashes and whistled to them and they went to work! I even told the owner to tell my dogs were he wants the chickens! He was mesmerized by them. He has asked me to demonstrate their herding skills in front of his family during their Re-Union sometime next week!
That's awesome. I bet it took a lot of training.

I trained my son to do a similar trick, but I bet your dogs can do it much faster. LOL
Anyone know how to sex them this early?
Too early for me!

I just ran out to the coop & grabbed a few turkey pics. about 9 weeks old. Their faces changed colors from the flash. I guess I'd be upset too if someone flashed bright lights at me when I was trying to sleep. LOL

White one (royal palm, maybe?)
"He" has the largest snood & neck flap. A tiny bit larger than the other 2. I also saw "him" strut once

Brown #1

Hens will strut too.. but #1 does look tom. #2 may be a hen but don't count on it, #3 looks hen. I bet her neck is shorter also. If it is she will have shorter legs, thinner. @Indyshent is the expert tho!
I wish my son would help! My son would rather chase them and pull feathers out!
It tool Nova from 3 months old to about 8 months old to get the hang of it.
I just took her into a big circle pen I made of cattle panels and chicken wire. I started her out with 3 Muscovy's at age of 3 month's, then jumped it to 6, 10, and 20 as she progressed. It felt like it took forever, because she spent the first week of training trying to play with them. I had to keep training collar on her for the first month. I never used the shock option, we used the vibrate with beeps. I used a swimming pool skimmer as a distance keeper. Once she was herding the Muscovy's nicely, I wanted to test her skills on other farm animals. So I took her to one of our family members small farms and tried her with goats, sheep, pigs, cows, and a bull! The bull really made Nova work that day! He wasn't happy about it. Normally my aunt deals with the bull. He as never been herd by a dog before. The entire time I was training Nova, we kept Koda on the side lines so he could watch and sometimes he would even join in! Koda is still in training and has a bit to go but he does fantastic working side by side with Nova.
That's awesome. I bet it took a lot of training.

I trained my son to do a similar trick, but I bet your dogs can do it much faster. LOL
@Leahs Mom
BTW- Don't the Dom feathers feel extra soft? It sounds crazy..... but Dom's also smell better than other breeds. Most chickens smell earthy - like dirt. Doms smell more like the air after a spring rain. (I'm not talking about the "wet chicken smell" :sick Just the normal dry chicken feather aroma.) If you haven't noticed, do a side by side sniff comparison & let me know if you agree. LOL
You'll have to go over to the Dom thread to see the dom photos...or maybe I'll post some here tomorrow.

Yes, Lucy is very pretty. :love I'll have to pm you and tell you more about her.

eta They will likely get names...I just don't know "who they are" yet. :)

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