I got my buff from someone that didnt need that many roo's, and the other 3, I cleaned out TSC's banty bin
got 16 that nite total. Seabrights, seramas, and I am not sure but think PDUs?
I have a nice mix of several breeds. Looks like i have 1:1 sexed ratio on them, was really pleased. The seabrights are just adorable friendly lil things too, would love to have more.
OlliePollie~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread!
absinthe~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread!
There are many experienced members here to help answer questions since both of you have new chicks. We also love photos!

Young Wagon~ Welcome to the Indiana Thread! I like your organic farming avatar.

Old Rooster~ Nice lawnmower advice you gave to Young Wagon: "sheep look down goats look around" goats eat more of the brushey type stuff

Zoo~ Great to have you back. You sound very busy with your hatching projects!

mccurry~ Very interesting about the dandelion tea and homemade skin cream. Coincidentally, today I just happened to read about this site with information about harmful chemicals in commercial cosmetics/toiletries. I haven't taken the time yet to check it out. I had heard about Dandelion tea, but didn't know anything about it, so I Googled it and found lots of interesting info. vickichicki~ I noticed someone's comment that it takes a lot of sugar to get dandelion tea down, so I guess that's why your UK sodas were so tasty! haha

ellymayRans~ So sorry to hear about your chick shipment. I hope the PO employee who stacked the box sideways views your photos and is justly reprimanded. That's very sad to hear.

pbirdhaven~ I agree that having mutt chickens and/or pedigree chickens would be the best of both worlds! Both have pros and cons like anything else. ShawnaScott~ Loved your cute chicks pipd~ Thanks for the EE link! Very fun to see all the different types.

kabhyper~ Very cute fluffy babies you have here!

HI I'm new here!

I've been lurking for awhile and finally decided to dive in. I'm in northern Rush county and have 2 barred rocks, 2 EEs and 3 RIRs that are about 5 weeks old. We moved their coop outside yesterday and hope to get their run built this week!

I'm hoping to pick up 2 more pullets sometime soon to add to the flock.
Move into the coop day is fun, eh? Welcome.
Hey Hoosiers! First, 587 pages is quite a thread, so I skipped to the end. Just wanted to say hi. I'm from Kosciusko county. Love seeing all the Hoosiers on the boards!
Welcome. And, don't leave this thread long, or you will have 30 pages to catch up on.
I have put all my 5 week old out in the coop for the day they are so happy they are playing . it is so fun to watch.
That's when we put ours out, about 5 weeks old. They've enjoyed it a lot, and now the house is quiet. Empty nesters now, lol.
Ugh. And I thought I would be done with heat lamps this week. But nope! Another cold weekend. I was hoping for steady weather because my last bunch of chicks need to go outside before tractor showing starts. They have left a fine layer of dust all over them.

Indiana! Why you not make up your mind?!
Boy you got that right. This is so not like last Spring, highs in the 80s for a lot of March. Today is our first forecast day of 80 or higher, 81 today and tomorrow. Then the rain moves in again, boo. And colder temps for the weekend
My new babies out in the grass. They love it! They are molting a little still so they look a little scraggly.

I don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just be blunt.

Someone sold you feather dusters camouflogued as chickens!
This is what I read on the meal worms:

And I am unfortunately among the people that fed her chicks (about 12 of them) a couple handfulls of meal worms a day (sometimes more) since they were a couple days old. Call me ignorant, but my farmstore sells huge buckets of mealworms with packaging that has hen on it and says how happy they'll be to get em! I didn't know there was such as thing as too many! Luckily I knew chicks were supposed to get mostly feed or I might have had a problem! As it was, my chicks only had dark poo. I thought it was coccidosis, and have been treating them, but when I stopped giving mealworms, their poo went back to normal. I have started scattering the mealworms for them and making them work for the treat instead of having it in my hand for easy pickings!
They are beautiful!
I would really research it or call Cooperative extension/Purdue, I had not heard that before. Let me know or I can call, I have tons of mealworm and use a lot to supplement feed.

Do you show the "perfect" quality chickens then? I would love to show my chickens (If I ever had a SQ one!) but I have no idea where you would do that. Are you crossing the BCM with the Amerucana to get the olive colored eggs?
Please don't hesitate to ask! That's why all of us are here, to learn.
You are exactly right. I have an "egg coop" and a mixed flock in there. Its a combo of most of the breeds I have. Those eggs we eat, or hatch if there's room...There's a second coop, split up for my Australorp and Lavender Orps. Less than perfect of those breeds will be added to my egg flock. Am building a 3rd, which will house BCM and Amerucana. (eventually will have olive eggers!) The GLW will also be getting a coop
They are in the mixed coop now, but are the only ones old enough to lay aside from my EE and BR. I know who laid what egg due to the different breeds and egg color. Its fascinating to learn the genetics and genes that create different egg colors. Who needs Easter egg dye?
Boy you got that right.  This is so not like last Spring, highs in the 80s for a lot of March.  Today is our first forecast day of 80 or higher, 81 today and tomorrow.  Then the rain moves in again, boo.  And colder temps for the weekend
I don't know how to tell you this, so I'll just be blunt. 

Someone sold you feather dusters camouflogued as chickens!

Haha... Cutest dusters I have ever seen. I have to run to Sam's today. See if I can pick me up a box of them.

Guess I will have to. CUt the grass today then huh. Riding lawn mower is stuck in the water logged section of the yard. Have to break out the push mower. Fortunately right at an acre I can handle it. Will be cutting around the ride on. Sure the neighbors are going to love my new yard ornament.
Welcome to the Hoosier thread or as I just thought of: Hoosier-Chick-iana Society. I may have to jokingly suggest that idea. I wonder how long it would take until I am over run and pecked apart? I am not yet a chicken owner, but am going to be a chicken tender at lealst for my sister-in-law and my brother who are preparing to set up for raising chickens near Tri -Lakes.
Haha... Cutest dusters I have ever seen. I have to run to Sam's today. See if I can pick me up a box of them.

Guess I will have to. CUt the grass today then huh. Riding lawn mower is stuck in the water logged section of the yard. Have to break out the push mower. Fortunately right at an acre I can handle it. Will be cutting around the ride on. Sure the neighbors are going to love my new yard ornament.

I have a friend who has an old metal wheel barrow out in her front yard as a decoration. It will probably have some flowers in it soon, but all last Winter when my wife and I would go over to her house, I would say to her " I see you still haven't put your wheel barrow away yet?" Anyway , you still have some time to get the mower out of the mud---------if you still want to do so. Ha !

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