So my daughter (she's 14) keeps asking why, if her brother can get ducks (a late birthday present), why can't she get quail & guineas???
It doesn't help that one of her friends from school also raises chickens and ducks and quail and I'm not sure what else! We saw the quail hatchlings in the rabbit/poultry barn at state fair last year when we were there for rabbit competitions. She fell in love with the quail & has wanted them ever since. My question about quail is, what do you do with them? She says we can use their eggs, but I'm thinking they lay pretty small eggs & how many dozens of quail eggs does it take for a family-sized omelet??!! As far as meat goes, we butcher our own meat rabbits, but haven't done poultry (don't have to pluck a rabbit!). I can't imagine it would be worth it to pay someone to process quail for us would it??

Does anybody keep guineas? I've never heard them in person, but have read & heard from others that they are loud/noisy. Are there enough good reasons to raise them (besides, Mom -- they're pretty!) that outweigh the noisy factor? And is it an occasional noise or the kind that drives you nuts after 5 minutes?

Any input would be helpful.....
Here's some input:

Please give me your 14 y.o. daughters email so I can give her all kinds of reasons she should be able to get some quail and guineas, since her brother got some ducks. I think that will help the situation around your house! They are very pretty, and a little noisey. I don't have any experience with them but I'd guess them to be very quiet, only an occasional singing.

How's that, lol? I think I helped a lot. Now, for that email....
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Here's some input:

Please give me your 14 y.o. daughters email so I can give her all kinds of reasons she should be able to get some quail and guineas, since her brother got some ducks. I think that will help the situation around your house! They are very pretty, and a little noisey. I don't have any experience with them but I'd guess them to be very quiet, only an occasional singing.

How's that, lol? I think I helped a lot. Now, for that email....
uh...I'm not sure that's the kind of help I want! We looked up some youtube videos of guineas after school today. Very quiet & occasional singing -- not!!!!
From a person who gets annoyed by loud continuos noises, I really didnt mind the guineas. Once they were out free ranging I enjoyed the noises they made. What I DIDN'T like was when messing around in the coop and they got going while I was in there. Then I became annoyed. I took a video of mine when I had them going on about nothing in the coop. Ill try to find it.
Quote: X 3 Male guineas once mature will try to kill your roosters, and maybe even the hens. They even attempt to go after my gander (that was a funny one
, epic fail!) I have them housed right up against but no longer with my chickens. Too many problems. They can be loud, but no louder than a barking dog or crowing rooster. And its very welcome here, it means a stranger is in the yard or a predator.

WTG! As long as its dry, and out of the weather it will hold quite a while.
So, supposing, hypothetically speaking, we were to add ducks and quail and a couple of guinea...what kind of additional housing/coop type space are we looking at? The chickens are free ranged on fenced in pasture with a coop in the barn. I'm thinking right now that the ducks would have an outside(?) coop and also be on pasture with the alpacas to help with snail/slug control. Can quail be housed in our extra rabbit cages --- I assume they just stay in cages?? If guineas need to be kept apart from the chickens (& presumably the ducks?) do we need an outdoor coop with a roof? Do they handle winter weather OK? Oh boy, I can't believe I'm actually considering them...Yikes!
Quote: well seeing i am allergic to ticks and currently have over 200 tick bites on my body. i wouldn't mind if their numbers increased into the hundreds.
sadly all they had was 17.
aw man... turkeys get em too. Just fyi

Hey Hoosiers. First time raising chickens in Walkerton, Indiana.
glad you joined our thread!

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