I have 3 americauna polish mix chicks for sale for$2 each must take all 3. And also 2 free cockerals. They are good with other roos, kids, ducks, turkeys, horses, and cats. Fine with dogs that are ok with them. 1 is americauna polish mix and the other is a leghorn blue maran mix.

Also do most guineas really not get along with other poultry?
I have 3 americauna polish mix chicks for sale for$2 each must take all 3. And also 2 free cockerals. They are good with other roos, kids, ducks, turkeys, horses, and cats. Fine with dogs that are ok with them. 1 is americauna polish mix and the other is a leghorn blue maran mix.

Also do most guineas really not get along with other poultry?

where are you from again?
Thank you Danand for the millie girl and black cochin bantam girl :) your millie bunch is BEAUTIFUL! We shall go into business selling millie babes! You supply eggs, and I incubate them :) we'll go halvsies... just FYI for anyone that wants millie chicks in the future! (Hint hint). We've named the millie Itty Bitty, my DH thought she was cute too. She's the smallest I have right now. I showed her to my millie boy throw the fence and they chattered. The black cochin will have no problem with pecking order. I set her down.while the bantams were freeranging and as soon as the ran up to check her out... BAM she put them in their place. Got a frame done for a small tractor tonight. Just need to find material for the back wall and sides.... not too difficult at the dump. I picked up what Ithought was an inflatable boat a couple days ago... I unrolled it after the kids went to bed and it's a SLIP AND SLIDE! They will be excited when I show it to them. Too bad it's supposed to rain tomorrow. Anyway, just thought Iwould share my day :) night all
who was doing the avatars again? I would like to have mine redone.

Mother2Hens is doing them, just pm her what you want.
I have 3 americauna polish mix chicks for sale for$2 each must take all 3. And also 2 free cockerals. They are good with other roos, kids, ducks, turkeys, horses, and cats. Fine with dogs that are ok with them. 1 is americauna polish mix and the other is a leghorn blue maran mix.

Also do most guineas really not get along with other poultry?
They do ok if raised together, from chick age, or if the guineas are chicks that join the flock. Adult guineas, forget it, you wont be able to introduce them. My pearl Quasey was raised with my chickens, she is great. And I can pick her up and hold her. My 3 whites are psycho! They were 8 months old last fall, and started attacking my roo early this spring. It took me weeks of work just to get them to realize I wasn't going to hurt them.
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Crafty- you were a busy girl!!

On a different note- my JRTs are out in the fenced yard every evening when it's nice and I'm out. Otherwise they are in the house with us! Well tonight when we finally came in and were going to bed one of them rolled over to play and on his bare belly are these bites!! Not welts but a red dot with a blood ring around it!! Any ideas? They all have fresh flea stuff on( may 3). Checked them for fleas and ticks- nada!!! They both have them and its only on the bare belly area! I've checked them head to toe!!
Hi i live kinda of in the middle of nowhere in indiana. I live clise to bluffton and its kinda close to Fort wayne if no one knows where thats at. But anways I raise chickens and thought it would be fun to talk to some local people. I have rirs, mottled houdans, bantam blue cochins, silver kaced polish, EEs, Ameraucanas, a bunch of mixed breeds, a buff brahma roo, and i cant rember what all else lol ( ignore my signature listing what i own it needs to be updated).So how are u all doing ? :)
Hi i live kinda of in the middle of nowhere in indiana. I live clise to bluffton and its kinda close to Fort wayne if no one knows where thats at. But anways I raise chickens and thought it would be fun to talk to some local people. I have rirs, mottled houdans, bantam blue cochins, silver kaced polish, EEs, Ameraucanas, a bunch of mixed breeds, a buff brahma roo, and i cant rember what all else lol ( ignore my signature listing what i own it needs to be updated).So how are u all doing ?

Welcome! I live kinda close to you. I live in between North Manchester and Silver Lake.
Thank you for welcoming me :). U had to use mapquest because i have never been to silver lake so i dont really know how far away it is. Turns out it is only about an hour and a half away.

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