That is gorgeous and funny at the same time.
The raspberry is perfect! I think the caption should be, "show off!" lol
I would like to ask a silkie question here. I am new to chickens and have my first flock in the brooder now.Most were a gift of mixed breeds that came from the local farm store. But I wanted silkies so I searched and found an ad on craigslist for some that were within driving distance. We went to a nice small farm and she had them in a brooder in her barn as I picked out the ones I wanted a cute little black one and one with chipmunk like stripes she told me she also had a frizzle in with them so they may have some frizzle in them. The grand kids already had these cute little chicks in their hands!! The birds are only a week old so is there any way to tell if they do have frizzle in them?

I should add the silkies are in a separate brooder and I do plan on a separate small coop for them.
If they're frizzled, you'll be able to tell by how they feather in. I believe most people say it's easiest to tell by 2 weeks old or older. The feathers should curl outwards on a frizzled bird. I'm not sure if it's as easy to tell on a silkie/frizzle bird, though.
Quote: Ohh I was not clear. I did not want to eat it. Then I would have had to find it warm and cleaned and gutted it right then. I just wanted to learn how. I tried watching some you tube videos but I'm more of a hands on when it comes to the first time. I grew up living out side of city limits but not really on a farm, more of in the middle of other peoples corn farms.
Quote: Sally, we will find you a teacher yet. I will gather some links together, If I had any coming up for butchering I would invite you up. My turkeys have about 15 weeks to go. The worst part of it is doing the "deed" the rest is easy.

Thanks so much.

As for the chicken that died, I'm leaning towards an egg being the cause of death. I'm thinking the bird just could not get it out.
I am thinking of getting chicks from tsc

I'd like eggs, so 3 red sex links maybe 4  then I'd like at least one easter egger so I was thinking 3 or 4 mixed bantams.
we have to buy 6 chicks so I have been reading how to pick the chicks on BYc

I have 3 Bantam Ameraucana chicks left for sale if you are interested. $5 each. Very nice quality and will lay the blue eggs. Located in Rensselaer. You may private message me if you are interested

I would love to get a red old english game bird rooster in banty size.  but will live without a rooster as well.  Our neighbow raises the roosters for 4-h so maybe I will borrow theirs, lol
Ldymelissande...... I have 3 Bantam Ameraucana chicks left for sale if you are interested. $5 each. Very nice quality and will lay the blue eggs. Located in Rensselaer. You may private message me if you are interested
What hardware cloth is best to keep out dogs and coons? The 1/4. Or 1/2. The options at lowes doesn't give gauge of wire. Pm me for opinions.
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