Keep us posted.

Thank you thank you thank you, for all of your help. I'll read all the links first thing in the morning, and try to figure out a course of treatment, but there isn't much more I can do for it until after work tomorrow.

I guess I didn't mention, it's not one of the orpingtons this time, although I wouldn't rule them totally out of the equation. Seems like I've read that chickens can be asymptomatic carriers for all sorts of nasty stuff. So it's hard to say who might have given what bugs to who, or if this thing just got sick because that happens sometimes. Anyway, here's a very sad, confused chicken:

Because I know someone's going to ask, yes, that's a taper punch holding the door closed. You get some of that in a last minute midnight build.

I'll check on it in the morning, but it will have to be alone most of the day. I hope that it can recover. I'd really like to find out if it's a boy or girl some day. Also, the other EE is going to go bat-poop crazy without her surrogate mother to attach to. Figures I'd get a codependent chicken.

In lighter news, I think I'm allergic to my straw hat. Either that or I got into some poison ivy. Not fun in any case.

I can't believe it's 2 am. I have to go to work in a few hours. At least no one can say I didn't care or try hard to help this animal, you know, if it dies and I eat it.

What do you think is more valuable - Autopsy or Fricassee?

I'm going to bed before I get any more morbid.
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Ok people-- I saw a listing on CL for young Bielefelder and Jubilee Orp pullets... before I commit to anything, I asked to see this person's flocks to make sure he is treating them well. I am planning on going this coming Wednesday (May 7th).

IF he is treating them well and they seem to be good stock, I might ask for one hen of each (depending on conditions). What kind of quarantine conditions do I need to prepare for? I want to build a small area on the other side of my yard for them to have a place to be but that means that my flock needs to stay away from that area right? How much can be passed through the air? I believe MS/MG can, from reading some of those threads in the illness/disease forum.

I'm also trying to figure out which clothes/shoes I can wear that won't be used in my own yard. As long as the clothes are washed right away, its okay to wear those in my backyard again?

Don't know if its even worth all the trouble...

Thats a choice you have to make for yourself and your comfort zone. I quarantine as look, cant touch. It depends on what you want. I do not ever wear clothes to another coop/property that's been around mine unless they can be bleached in hot water. If conditions are super clean and sanitary, the new birds probably will be ok but... If you decide to quarantine together, watch close and have medication on hand. I am nervous about outside birds joining my flock for their safety, not worried about my base flock. My guys all free range daily, eat a lot of flat out disgusting
stuff. I have seen the rooster pen eat a lot of nasty things, even wild birds! The sparrows that find their way in are lunch for the boys. Wild birds carry mareks so I worry more for the birds I am adding.
The important thing is to watch your birds close. Watch the new birds closer! Sick birds you probably wont see til they are really bad.. If they have netting to prevent wild birds entering, everything's clean, dry and the birds are healthy and active, they are probably ok.
This is a romance novel, so probably not for a Young Adult reader. However, I'd rate it PG. There's nothing steamy in it. The hero & heroine don't even kiss until near the end. Link My other Leslea Tash book is a romance that does have a love scene in it.

Before I started writing romance I wrote fantasy and horror. Some of that was a little sci-fi in nature and some of it is YA. That's under the name Red Tash. I started using my real name for romance because there's not a lot of crossover between the two genres.

Thanks for asking!
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Just a quick update; not much has changed.

Gray is hanging out in the garage. It seemed happy to see me, and almost went back to sleep when I clucked at it and petted it's back. I had to show it where the food and water were - right eye is definitely gooky, although it does open most of the way. The bird is scratching at the eye and shaking it's head. Still only a little beak snot, still rumbly raspy breath.

I just had to add "gooky" and "rumbly" to my spellchecker's dictionary. And now I have to add "spellchecker". How does this computer not speak English?

Anyway, once it figured out where the food was, and got used to walking on newspaper, it ate with enthusiasm, and was still chowing down when I left.

I checked the rest of the flock pretty closely, and held each one close for a few good breaths - no one else has any symptoms at all.

As I expected, the other EE (Elsa) was waiting at the coop door, and kept looking at me as if to say, "WHERE DID YOU TAKE MY ONLY FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD????" Heh.

I still have to read the links that were provided me, but if anyone would like to venture a guess at a diagnosis, I'd be happy to hear it.
Just a quick update; not much has changed.

Gray is hanging out in the garage. It seemed happy to see me, and almost went back to sleep when I clucked at it and petted it's back. I had to show it where the food and water were - right eye is definitely gooky, although it does open most of the way. The bird is scratching at the eye and shaking it's head. Still only a little beak snot, still rumbly raspy breath.

I just had to add "gooky" and "rumbly" to my spellchecker's dictionary. And now I have to add "spellchecker". How does this computer not speak English?

Anyway, once it figured out where the food was, and got used to walking on newspaper, it ate with enthusiasm, and was still chowing down when I left.

I checked the rest of the flock pretty closely, and held each one close for a few good breaths - no one else has any symptoms at all.

As I expected, the other EE (Elsa) was waiting at the coop door, and kept looking at me as if to say, "WHERE DID YOU TAKE MY ONLY FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD????" Heh.

I still have to read the links that were provided me, but if anyone would like to venture a guess at a diagnosis, I'd be happy to hear it.

Do a search on BYC for Coryza. The symptoms seem to match. I hope it is NOT Coryza, that is about the worst news you could get. However in the discussions on Coryza you might also see what else it could be.
Got my tracking # from BYC! Spoke to someone at the post office. She said my chicks will come directly from Louisville to our local PO about 6:30 and I can knock on the door in the lobby and someone will get them for me. Pretty excited!

If I hear back from the guinea guy I might have keets today or tomorrow, too. Depends on when he checks his email. I guess he's in no rush.

Today isn't just Cinco de Mayo for us every's my son's birthday. Just decorated the kitchen for a big celebration tonight. Ay yi yi! He asked for Minecraft chickens on his cake and he is getting them!

Cockadoodle doo!

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