I've had bunches of fly and i've tryed some really expensive fly spray that smells really bad and did nothing for the flys. Then i read some were about desilucion earth food grade to get rid of flys. I tryed it out and i must say the flys absolutely hate it. I love it for flys. old timers i've talked to puts a little in the chicken food and say it works for worms too. It's a wonderful Organic solution for flys. I'm not a big fan of a bunch of chemicals. With saying that i still stick with Wazining (im sure i spelled that wrong-dewormer) my chickens 2 a year. When it comes to worms i go for safe then sorry. Even thou my chickens are $2.00 feed store chickens.
Look!!!! It's @Ol Grey Mare !!!


We need a blushing emoticon -
I may have a 5 week old Bielie boy coming back to me. His auto sexing markings were not clear at hatch so he should not be used in a Bielefelder breeding program, but he has been hand raised by a couple of girls and would make a great flock rooster. He should mature to be quite large. Please PM me know if you are interested in this pretty boy! He will be free to a home that will not eat him.

Here is Daddy

It's a hen. By the looks of her I'd say India Blue Black Shoulder. Looks a lot like my gal

I just wanted to give you an update. I believe they found a petting zoo for her (the same day I posted her pic) but I showed them some pics you have posted and they agreed that you would be a great option if the zoo doesn't work out for any reason. I believe they also have several so she won't be lonely anymore. Thank you for all the info and willingness to take her if needed.
Hello! I'm from a little town called Converse, in Grant County! My husband and I have a new flock of 10 hens, 2 cockerels, and 2 ducks. Although we have 25 straight run chicks coming our way soon, as well! Great to see a thread for all of us to connect, as I am sure I will be looking for info about chicken auctions and shows in the near future! ;)
Hello everyone.

My name is Matthew and I am 26 and live in Seymour Indiana. I have have kept chickens in town for a little over 3 years without a single complaint and the support of my neighbors. The local city ordnance administrator has recently decided to cite me as being in violation of city ordnance that he later admitted didn't apply but I was still forced to speak at the city council meeting or he would still come and take them.

I spoke at the meeting and they concluded that I was not in violation of any ordnance but since the subject was brought before them they now must write an ordnance about it. Well I was able to receive a copy of it before it was introduced to the council and it is not good. They are looking to ban them and force registration for any chicken already in town with animal control, in turn you will receive a paper as proof of valid ownership which you must keep on file. It reads in a manner that suggest if you lose that paper and they find out you will be subjected to a fine of up to $2500 and confiscation of your chickens.

This is supposed to be introduced at the meeting taking place on May 27th @7pm in Seymour Indiana city hall council chambers. I was told I will have to pack the city hall meeting with support to have a chance to defeat it so that is my goal. Anyone in the area that sees this and could attend or offer advice and support or anyone who provides a link to a more permissive ordnance of their city that I could present to them as is or modify to possibly be sponsored by a member of the council would also be much appreciated.

Anyway I thank you all for having me and hope that I can become a good member of the community you all are building here.

Hi Matt!
I'm new here as well, and I also live in Seymour, IN. I am hoping to start my own small flock soon. I read that you have had some issues with the ordinances recently, and I briefly remember seeing something in the newspaper about a new ordinance allowing chickens to be kept in town.

Anyways, nice to run into another BYCer from Seymour.
Hi Matt!
I'm new here as well, and I also live in Seymour, IN. I am hoping to start my own small flock soon. I read that you have had some issues with the ordinances recently, and I briefly remember seeing something in the newspaper about a new ordinance allowing chickens to be kept in town.

Anyways, nice to run into another BYCer from Seymour.

Welcome to BYC and (hopefully soon) to chicken keeping! We're not too far down the road for you (near Madison).
Just went outside & took these pics. They're 3.5 weeks old. Eggs were from Kittydoc & ChickCrazed. My DD hatched eggs for her 4H science project.
Cookie (broody) hatched 3 Bielefelder (2 are female) & 4 Orpingtons. DD also has an incubator group. Those were moved to the garage brooder last week & are enjoying their 1st day of grass in the chicken tractor today. (Finally temps are warm enough for that group to play outside!) Now DD will get to experience the hassle of transporting chicks in & out of the tractor each day.

Her project was to compare incubator vs. broody hen. We only have one trial (only one boody volunteer so far), and the hatch %s were the same for each group. I told her to incorporate other things like amount of time spent caring for the broody's group vs the incubator group. Perhaps we'll get another broody. I've heard stories about hens going broody with a pile of eggs left in the nest or the sound of peeping chicks. Last year's broody was fantastic, but she's not falling for it! LOL I just removed the 3 week old egg pile
& gave up.

The broody's bunch have claimed this corner of the center run. The hanging feeder & waterer are theirs. The treadle feeder is for the layers. I think I'll be using only chick feed by next week. I have a dish with extra oyster shell, so I think it's safer feeding everyone chick feed than trying to keep fast growing chicks out of the layer feed.


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