Have alot of colors available including pied's. 7$ a keet.
Help! This has not been my year for chicks!!! I have chicks with momma hens that hatched two weeks ago and last week. They've always been with the flock. I lost one chick the day before yesterday. It was just dead in the pen. I suspect cocci because it's been SO bleeping wet here! I've been treating everyone with Corid for the last couple of days. This morning I noticed two other of mommas chicks were standing around with their wings drooping one worse than the other. I brought them in and stuck them under a heat lamp and they've perked up a bit.

Anyway long story to get to what else should I do for them? I was thinking save a chick in their water but I can't find the packet I thought I had. Any homemade remedy? Should I keep them on Corid? Does Corid lose it potency after sitting around? I had this packet since last year, it's been in a ziplock.

Help! This has not been my year for chicks!!! I have chicks with momma hens that hatched two weeks ago and last week. They've always been with the flock. I lost one chick the day before yesterday. It was just dead in the pen. I suspect cocci because it's been SO bleeping wet here! I've been treating everyone with Corid for the last couple of days. This morning I noticed two other of mommas chicks were standing around with their wings drooping one worse than the other. I brought them in and stuck them under a heat lamp and they've perked up a bit.

Anyway long story to get to what else should I do for them? I was thinking save a chick in their water but I can't find the packet I thought I had. Any homemade remedy? Should I keep them on Corid? Does Corid lose it potency after sitting around? I had this packet since last year, it's been in a ziplock.


sugar or honey in the water might help them perk up but its not a long term thing more of a wake up cup of coffee.

The roo is a Golden Cuckoo Marans (he was supposed to be a she). The splash is a marans. It's just those Buffs.

A friend brought up what Meyer carries, so I checked their site. They have Orpingtons and Chanteclers, and the buffs look like they could be one or the other. Hoping for Chanteclers, I guess.
I don't think those are BOs--they have really stocky yellow legs. All of my BOs this year had pinkish/whitish legs (which is what they're supposed to have). Something about the head looks off too, but I'm not sure what it is. Chanteclers I might believe in, though I was leaning more on Rocks. What kinds of combs do they have?
Its a close call on the CM compared to the BR. The biggest difference I have found when reading online is that the barring is more uniform in heritage BR compared to Cuckoo Marans. Not that it makes a big difference for you right now as it is clear,y a male chicken.
I've had good experiences with both Meyer and Ideal but that is when I order directly from them.
IMO it is very possible that the middle man or mypetchicken is somehow making a mistake is submitting the order. Just a guess here but that site but have some pretty big orders most weeks. Its possible that if the order is submitted using item numbers that something was transposed or not legible if handwritten. So maybe check item numbers for the chickens you wanted and see if they are close to either of the buff item numbers.

As for getting 1 male out of 6, that is only slightly outside of the industry standards. The basic promise I have seen posted is 90% sexing accuracy on orders of 10 or more.
Here is what I tell people when they call me asking for started pullets and want a 100% promise of no roosters:
In order to promise you 100% that you will not get a rooster, the pullets you buy need to either be laying or 7 months old. Some 7 month old heritage breeds are just getting to POL.

Agreed - the more "cooks in the kitchen" the more room there is for error -- while I certainly understand the attraction of the middle man because it allows for smaller orders or fewer of each breed, it also opens up more potential for mistakes to happen.
I don't think those are BOs--they have really stocky yellow legs. All of my BOs this year had pinkish/whitish legs (which is what they're supposed to have). Something about the head looks off too, but I'm not sure what it is. Chanteclers I might believe in, though I was leaning more on Rocks. What kinds of combs do they have?
MPC and Meyer evidently don't have Buff Rocks, but they do have Chanteclers. They don't have very big combs at all. Like baby combs, little ridges. They don't look like rose combs, that I can tell. They don't look much different from the comb on the splash marans at this point.

It seems so silly to me now...I've been waiting for weeks for these birds to start looking like Salmon Faverolles! And I kept thinking, "Well, hatchery birds have bad genetics, so maybe they're just very golden-looking SFs." It's funny how they were right in my face all these weeks with "normal" chicken feet (not feathered, not five toes), and I didn't think to look up what kind of feet SFs have! I could have known from day one!
Its a close call on the CM compared to the BR. The biggest difference I have found when reading online is that the barring is more uniform in heritage BR compared to Cuckoo Marans. Not that it makes a big difference for you right now as it is clear,y a male chicken.
I've had good experiences with both Meyer and Ideal but that is when I order directly from them.
IMO it is very possible that the middle man or mypetchicken is somehow making a mistake is submitting the order. Just a guess here but that site but have some pretty big orders most weeks. Its possible that if the order is submitted using item numbers that something was transposed or not legible if handwritten. So maybe check item numbers for the chickens you wanted and see if they are close to either of the buff item numbers.

As for getting 1 male out of 6, that is only slightly outside of the industry standards. The basic promise I have seen posted is 90% sexing accuracy on orders of 10 or more.
Here is what I tell people when they call me asking for started pullets and want a 100% promise of no roosters:
In order to promise you 100% that you will not get a rooster, the pullets you buy need to either be laying or 7 months old. Some 7 month old heritage breeds are just getting to POL.
I got 2 males out of 6 this year. I would have graciously accepted a refund like I did last year when they sent one male out of six, but this year they called me a liar via email after I sent a video of a male chick crowing. I hope that behavior outside the industry standard, as well. I think it is also outside the realm of industry standards to expect a customer at any point to have to contact a wholesale supplier to determine the breed of a chick. It would be way beyond the pale to ask a customer to trace illegible stock #s on a whole supplier's website, you know? I was an auditor, so I follow what you are saying, but clearly does not do the job they are paid to do. They canceled my original order, shipped the wrong birds on the updated order, sent the wrong sexes, and sent sickly birds that died. Plus calling me a liar and just being dumb as bricks via the phone and email. About the only way it could be worse would be if they showed up on my doorstep with a gun.
yes, in your case, I recommend working one on one with a breeder to get mature pullets. Normally I'd send you to the lebanon show but that's canceled this year.
But when buying pullets you know you are getting females and you are almost positive that you are getting the right breed too.

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