Got our first 2 kids of the year yesterday, 2 boys all 3 are healthy and happy Mom had No Problems.

Just wanted to pop in and share. Hopw everyone has a great weekend.
Hi everyone, its been a while since I've been here. Just wanted to share you, that I lost all but 5 chickens and 1 turkey yesterday in a stray dog attack. 4 chickens survived, and I had 1 inside from a previous injury. I do still have 1 turkey not accounted for, so I'm hoping she flew away, my other turkey is outside and starting to call, but really just putting a small effort into it, I think shes still in shock. The 4 hens that survived won't come out of the coup, even to eat, so I had to feed them inside this morning. I'm still in shock myself. I caught the dog. Actually yelled the command leave it, and he dropped the 4th hen from his mouth and came and sat next to me at the gate. So I leashed him and left him attached to the fence post, and went to help my girls. Birds were just flopping everywhere, and others were already dead. Lost 9 hens and 2 turkeys. The dog had a collar on, which had his contact info on it. Which of course I didn't realize at the time. I crated him and stuck him in the garage while I tended to those I could. Got a hold of his owners about 3 hours later and took him home. He was several mile away and across a major highway. He took off running and mom just figured he'd come back. She didn't even go looking for him. ****** me off for sure. She compensated me $100 for my birds. I just really want that dog to have a fence or run, told her to make it happen or if it happened again her dog wasn't coming home. He jumped my 4' chain link to get to my girls, I saw where he tried getting under my fence, and was unsuccessful so he just jumped it. It's so dang quiet out there this morning. So my question that I have is for my girl that's been inside the house for a week recouping. How do I get her back outside with these temps? And will it mess up the girls outside with everything that's happened? Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Also, what is the best way to make my coup 8x12 smaller so the 4 chickens left will be warm this winter? sorry for the extra questions but I'm just kind of trying to do my best for them, ugh thanks

Deb -

Wow. I don't even know what to say but so sorry to hear about your loss.

I had one inside for a while last year that I had to re-acclimate to the outdoors. She was in a "sunroom" type room that is a all-season room on the back of the house. I waited until the weather was in the 30's / 40's then I closed off the rest of the house from the sunroom as best as I could and opened the door to outside and let the sunroom remain without heat for a couple days. It didn't bring it as cold as outside, but did get it down to about the 50's.

I chose a week when the weather was saying it was going to be in the 30's or above during the days when I did this. Then I began putting her out in the barn with the others during the day and bringing her in at night (took her off the roost), having her staying the cold room, then returned her out during the days. She made the transition within a week to being out all the time.

There were issues w/ re-establishing pecking order because she had been a pretty long time.

Do you possibly have a garage or small outbuilding that you could heat temporarily up to about 40 degrees that you could use as a transition area for night times? That should be sufficient to help make the transition during the night. Think about how, in the fall and spring, one day will be in the 70s/60's, then the next day it will be in the 30s. They seem to make the fall to winter transition pretty well in those conditions.

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Guys, am going to part with my Coronation Sussex, Light Sussex and Beilefelder hens. I have tried to keep these breeds several times and always loose the roosters. Clearly they just are not meant to be here. Also downsizing a bit on my EE flock, will have some gold laced available. PM if interested.
Making both my nephews farmers I think! Since our dually fried the wiring harness, I bought older DN dinner and he went and picked up 2 6ft rolls of hay for me. Fanny is happily butting and rolling one roll now lol!

Gold-laced EE? Can we get pictures?

Regarding Fanny:

Hi everyone, its been a while since I've been here. Just wanted to share you, that I lost all but 5 chickens and 1 turkey yesterday in a stray dog attack. 4 chickens survived, and I had 1 inside from a previous injury. I do still have 1 turkey not accounted for, so I'm hoping she flew away, my other turkey is outside and starting to call, but really just putting a small effort into it, I think shes still in shock. The 4 hens that survived won't come out of the coup, even to eat, so I had to feed them inside this morning. I'm still in shock myself. I caught the dog. Actually yelled the command leave it, and he dropped the 4th hen from his mouth and came and sat next to me at the gate. So I leashed him and left him attached to the fence post, and went to help my girls. Birds were just flopping everywhere, and others were already dead. Lost 9 hens and 2 turkeys. The dog had a collar on, which had his contact info on it. Which of course I didn't realize at the time. I crated him and stuck him in the garage while I tended to those I could. Got a hold of his owners about 3 hours later and took him home. He was several mile away and across a major highway. He took off running and mom just figured he'd come back. She didn't even go looking for him. ****** me off for sure. She compensated me $100 for my birds. I just really want that dog to have a fence or run, told her to make it happen or if it happened again her dog wasn't coming home. He jumped my 4' chain link to get to my girls, I saw where he tried getting under my fence, and was unsuccessful so he just jumped it. It's so dang quiet out there this morning. So my question that I have is for my girl that's been inside the house for a week recouping. How do I get her back outside with these temps? And will it mess up the girls outside with everything that's happened? Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


I haven't had too much problem reintroducing girls to the flock. Biggest problems I've faced in this arena: girls don't want to go back outside, and girls have some form of wound that gets torn open and starts a pecking frenzy when it's reopened. The BO I took in a couple times for observation (other than missing almost all the feathers on her back, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her; she's just acting out of character and wants to be inside all the time.
Also, what is the best way to make my coup 8x12 smaller so the 4 chickens left will be warm this winter? sorry for the extra questions but I'm just kind of trying to do my best for them, ugh thanks

I would say put a partition board of foam insulation or some other solid partition over parts you don't think they can warm.
Deb -

Wow. I don't even know what to say but so sorry to hear about your loss.

I had one inside for a while last year that I had to re-acclimate to the outdoors. She was in a "sunroom" type room that is a all-season room on the back of the house. I waited until the weather was in the 30's / 40's then I closed off the rest of the house from the sunroom as best as I could and opened the door to outside and let the sunroom remain without heat for a couple days. It didn't bring it as cold as outside, but did get it down to about the 50's.

I chose a week when the weather was saying it was going to be in the 30's or above during the days when I did this. Then I began putting her out in the barn with the others during the day and bringing her in at night (took her off the roost), having her staying the cold room, then returned her out during the days. She made the transition within a week to being out all the time.

There were issues w/ re-establishing pecking order because she had been a pretty long time.

Do you possibly have a garage or small outbuilding that you could heat temporarily up to about 40 degrees that you could use as a transition area for night times? That should be sufficient to help make the transition during the night. Think about how, in the fall and spring, one day will be in the 70s/60's, then the next day it will be in the 30s. They seem to make the fall to winter transition pretty well in those conditions.

Yes, I can move her to the garage, and maybe use a heat lamp. The turkey pecked her on the head, then the girls saw and went to town. She's been in a couple of weeks now, about Christmas I guess. she can use the lamp if needed thanks for the suggestion. I'm just devastated, found the last turkey, he didn't make it, probably coyotes. Looks like he was on his way home this morning. He was on the other end of the property, just feathers skin and meat chunks left. No body though. That had me balling like a baby. He was so close to home! My living turkey is out there calling for the others and no one is answering, it just breaks my heart.

I haven't had too much problem reintroducing girls to the flock. Biggest problems I've faced in this arena: girls don't want to go back outside, and girls have some form of wound that gets torn open and starts a pecking frenzy when it's reopened. The BO I took in a couple times for observation (other than missing almost all the feathers on her back, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her; she's just acting out of character and wants to be inside all the time.
I would say put a partition board of foam insulation or some other solid partition over parts you don't think they can warm.
Yea she got pecked by the turkey, and the girls made it worse so I brought her in, shes all healed, not even a scab so I thought I'd get her outside while the coup is in disarray already. Hopefully they will just see her as another coming home. We had one come out of hiding after being hidden most of the day, and they hardly noticed her at all. So I was hoping I could move her, but need to do it safely. I'm going to get some plywood to put up and close part of it off. They will peck at the foam insulation, found out the hard way lol, so I guess I need to head to the store. Thanks.
I love my husband!!! He just brought me, home from work, these huge pieces of cardboard!! They are like 1/8" x. 3' x 4'..he said to make a temporary wall partition so the girls can warm up, then he went back to work!. Now I don't have to go buy anything! I'm using the turkey's roost bars as uprights little bit of hammering then just some good staples! Here's a pic these things are huge!!
. That's in front of my 36" wide window!!
Hi everyone! I had no idea so many on here were from Indiana! I'm from Greene County. It's the county west of Monroe (Bloomington). I got 2 ducks last year for my child around Easter, which he [in]appropriately named fluffy and chicken. Lol. From there, we just decided to get a few chicks...and now have 13 chickens. We had more, but a not-so-awesome fox around here just about cleared out my flock. It's too funny how it all starts with a duck. Now we're looking to grow the flock, next year get some pigs and possibly lambs. Anyway, hi everyone!!!
Hi everyone! I had no idea so many on here were from Indiana! I'm from Greene County. It's the county west of Monroe (Bloomington). I got 2 ducks last year for my child around Easter, which he [in]appropriately named fluffy and chicken. Lol. From there, we just decided to get a few chicks...and now have 13 chickens. We had more, but a not-so-awesome fox around here just about cleared out my flock. It's too funny how it all starts with a duck. Now we're looking to grow the flock, next year get some pigs and possibly lambs. Anyway, hi everyone!!!
Hi! Welcome to the Indiana thread!

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