Inflated throat


In the Brooder
Aug 20, 2021
Ho guys, my button quails chick throat is inflated like a balloon from the tip of his black crown to his shoulders , I checked for an obstruction and nothing so gently massaged the area and the swelling came down it was as if air was trapped , any clue ??


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:welcome Perhaps a damaged air sac?
It does look like a ruptured air sac.
He's still walking around eating and drinking as normal , iv tried the dropper and olive oil as some suggested in another FB group will see how it goes
I would not do that. Giving oil orally is very dangerous because they can aspirate it, and aspirated oil can cause lipoid pneumonia. Plus, oil will not help this.

Read this:
Ruptured Air Sac - Subcutaneous Emphysema

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