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I guess that's why Ryans budget plan that the Republican only members of the House passed specifies cutting SS and switching over to Wall Street and also specifies giving coupons out to seniors to buy medical coverage. That's not what I call a non issue. That's why it's important to watch real news on occasion. It's also the reason why so many seniors get scammed all the time by crooks. They have a hard time believing the truth, but a good scammer can get them every time.
the warming and cooling cycles are well established ( many of which took place without modern industry) being as insignificant as we are there is very little we humans can do to change them go ahead and stop sun spots from happening HAHAHAHA the present global warning crisis is merely an opportunity for elitist's to scam someone LOLOL

the warming and cooling cycles are well established ( many of which took place without modern industry) being as insignificant as we are there is very little we humans can do to change them go ahead and stop sun spots from happening HAHAHAHA the present global warning crisis is merely an opportunity for elitist's to scam someone LOLOL


The irony here is that this is true. But, there are things happening and regardless of who you think is causing it we are utterly failing to prepare. And this crisis really IS an opportunity for elitists' to scam some one, we just disagree over who the elitists are and just who is getting scammed.
I have WHAT in my yard? :


The irony here is that this is true. But, there are things happening and regardless of who you think is causing it we are utterly failing to prepare. And this crisis really IS an opportunity for elitists' to scam some one, we just disagree over who the elitists are and just who is getting scammed.​

The irony here is that this is true. But, there are things happening and regardless of who you think is causing it we are utterly failing to prepare. And this crisis really IS an opportunity for elitists' to scam some one, we just disagree over who the elitists are and just who is getting scammed.


all politicians are "elitists" (i'm not exactly sure why this is a bad word, i know it started getting thrown around by one group, using it in a way that it "sounds bad" so it must be bad, and now people parrot it without really knowing where it came from or what it means or how exactly it applies to the opposing side.)

No matter what side they claim to be how god fearing they say they are, how much they are on your side, they are all the same, they are all selfish and greedy and rich and spoiled and care nothing about anyone but themselves.

There was a study done that found that the high offices are perfect for sociopaths and psychopaths. All they have to be is superficially charming, good at getting what they want and care nothing about what others want and need. that is most if not all of the people in power.

what most of the people on here are doing are parroting what they have heard , read, or seen. Since a majority of us aren't actually in high office, or Meteorologists specializing in climate change, or Psychologist/psychiatrists, and so on, we can only say the information fed to us, and no matter what side you are on, where you get your info from, Fox, NBC, Colbert Report, you do not know if it is honest or not. They only say they are honest.

It's circular logic and you're beating a dead horse.

seriously people think for yourselves.
To me, elitism means thinking you are better than others or that your beliefs are better. Republican pundits like to use the term when referring to Democrats. It's all part of the anti intellectual campaign pushed by the right wing. Most intellectuals are progressive or liberal leaning. People with higher IQ's tend to act like they are better than other people. They don't usually mean to do it, but when they are right most of the time it rubs people the wrong way. So elitist is used as a term to try to make them seem bad. It's the same as people trying to make liberal sound bad all the time. Someone posted something about Africa having a high incidence of Aids and tried to blame it on Africa having a liberal society. I don't know, maybe they thought Obama was from Kenya or something and figured he is a really right leaning liberal so Africa must be liberal. It's always difficult to tell what people are thinking.
The elite only claim to be right on topics that really have no way of measuring the truth. Both sides agree we are in a recession and it can be proven statistically for instance but since the future holds the answer nobody knows absolutely what will work... here come the finger pointers and that is all it really is is one educated guess over another and the problem becomes who is right more so than the solution to the dilemma, an intellectual battle or so it seems. Some things in this world are always going to be with us and one of those things are the poor.

Funny you mention Obama being from Africa. I heard a guy explain something about Obama's birth certificate that has raised some eyebrows, apparently the certificate is supposed to be original copy and this guy pointed out that the spacing type that was used on the document was not invented until several years after the year he was born.

Aids is a preventable disease and since abstinence is a conservative idea or "moral value" that would make the other idea a liberal approach, right? There are villages there that the oldest people in the area is 15 as I know a pastor that is actually there. I have actually heard liberals say that populations need controlling and Aids is one way to accomplish it in third world countries. I have never heard to my knowledge a true conservative say that.

Elitism is a snare.
maybe they thought Obama was from Kenya or something and figured he is a really right leaning liberal so Africa must be liberal.


Do some research on videos of him speaking and articles written before he even ran for was common knowledge, out of his and his wife's mouth, that he was born in Kenya. No one spends $2 million to hide nothing. It has already been proven this latest cert is a total fraud, by many sources. ANd yes, liberal policies, free sex = more AIDS..that's just common sense.

Here is only one..a real eye opener

Mainstream media loves to condemn conservatives and tea party members becuase that is really all they is a Marxist tactic to condemn and ridicule and make it seem like a whack job..when really, it is truth.

This country was not founded upon liberal principles. This country was not built on govt money. ALL MONEY the govt has comes from, HARD WORKING PRIVATE PEOPLE WORKING FOR PRIVATE BUSINESSES. The govt doesn't produce ANYTHING. The money was stolen from hard working people and given away = stolen. People do not have any right to what they did not earn, period.

This country was developed and is what it is, ALL the good too, from capitalism. I know many people love to parrot what their mainstream news tells them..but capitalism & conservatism are NOT a dirty words. Capitalism built every home, every business, every school, every hospital, every car, every luxury, every medication, every science lab. You don't think GE< the most liberal green funding company on the planet isn't ran by capitalism? That's right, the left is being funded by capitalism...if capitalism is so bad, why do they need it or choose to use it? Because capitalism is needed to produce anything, anywhere. They keep coming up with green items like these toxic murcury filled lightbulbs that cost 20 times as much, forced by law down our throats when a decade ago people were made to feel guilty for not using electric thermometers due to mercury filled old ones..then why are these toxic bulbs ok now? It is all a bunch of bunk! And soon...GE will be funded thru all tax money, stolen by the people who don't have any choices left becuase they have been indoctrinated into their cages.

This country was built to GET AWAY from socialism, to BUILD indispensable responsibility and freedom. Read obama's own books..HE IS A COMMUNIST AND PROUD OF IT! Which half the stuff he says in the books are lies as well..he is a total fraud. If people are not scared of that, then they have no true grasp of reality, PERIOD.

Look up George Soros, the Catholic Church, the Bank of England, Free Masons, secret societies, Rockefellers, the Federal Reserve, WHICH IS A PRIVATE BANK, NOT A GOVT owned ANYTHING...and you will start seeing who the "elitists" are....they are NOT true conservatives or constitutionalists.

They are people such as our so called president trying to rush in a one world system where everyone is controlled down to how many chickens they can own and whether they can drink raw milk or drive a car..THIS IS WHAT WE WANT FOR OUR KIDS??? WAKE UP! MORE GOVT PUSHED BY LIBERAL AGENDAS IS THE ISSUE! TRUE conservatives know and want, LIMITED govt for our own freedom!

I remember in the 80s we were taught of an upcoming ice age..IT IS ALL FEAR TO INDUCE SPENDING AND CONTROL, PERIOD!

YES....population control has been on the books for decades...ever hear of Margaret Sanger? She is the creator of Planned Parenthood. She is a racist and believes in population control..that's right ..the liberals that support PP, support a business based and developed upon racism and population control. Bill Gates, and many others can be found speaking about population control. Do you want YOUR FAMILY being on the list of who can live or not?

Our govt schools have UNEDUCATED the masses for decades and they are so full of ignorant untruths that they cling to which is causing their own destruction and they refuse to see it. America needs to wake the hell up

Every hear of Agenda 21? Look it up.

Ever hear of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education? LOOK HER UP

There is SO MUCH truth out there and people won't get off their boob tubes long enough to find it!

"Every child who enters school at the age of five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with allegiance
toward our elected officials, founding fathers, institutions, government, patriotism, nationalism, sovereignty,
... All these prove the child is sick, because the well individual is one who has rejected all those things and is
what I call the true international child of the future." (basically, a communist)
- Dr. Pierce, Harvard University, 1973

“The public schools must become exclusively humanist and we must remove the religious superstitions from the students.” - John Dewey, signer of the Humanist Manifesto

"Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?" - Charles F. Potter, "Humanism: A New Religion," 1930

“Government schooling is the most radical adventure in history. It kills the family by monopolizing the best times of childhood and by teaching disrespect for home and parents.” - John Taylor Gatto -American retired school teacher of 29 years 8 months and author of several books on education - LOOK HIM UP!

"The revolution won't happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism." ~ Max Horkheimer, Marxist jew of the Frankfurt School

“We are being taxed to support schools that are systematically liquidating our most cherished beliefs.” — Paul C. Vitz, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Stanford University, 1962

I know I will get called a whacko and that is fine. I have done my duty to throw truth out there and those that want to ignore it will..and continue on a path of destruction, those that actually want to help make their country great for their next generations may be it.,​
Please provide names dates and what was actually said by liberals about using aids as a form of population control. Yes Aids is preventable as are most diseases. Best way is to have one partner and use protection until you know it's safe. Aids has nothing to do with conservatism or liberalism. I would bet that you know absolutely nothing about African cultures. Africa is a big place with a lot of cultures. I'm sure the only thing you know about Africa is what ever you have gleaned from your pastor friend.

Abstinence is not a moral idea and has nothing to do with morals. Abstinence is a Christian idea. Christianity is a belief in Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with morals. So what you should be saying is that abstinence is a Christian idea. Morals and conservatism don't play into it. It's also one of the very least effective methods of birth control. Most effective is honest and frank discussions with children reaching those years and not making it into something taboo just waiting to be tried. Teaching children the difference between the act and doing the same with a person you truly love vs giving into primal urges. That's not a liberal position. It is a common sense position and is practiced by many conservatives.

Pardon my being blunt, but I don't believe you actually know what a conservative is. The Republican party hasn't been conservative for years. The last conservative was probably Eisenhower.

On Obamas BC. I assume you mean it is supposed to be a copy of the original vs the original. It seems to have satisfied everyone that mattered. All the birther pundits have stopped using to suck gullible listeners in. Trump gave up his bid for POTUS when OBAMA finally put the issue to rest. Seems like the man just shuts the pundits down and makes fools of them every time they come up with some other scheme to suck people in.
Great. The Obama's birth certificate debate. AGAIN.
I REALLY don't care at this point - he's been in office three frickin' years and has already done his damage. There's a decent chance that he'll be voted out next year. Give it a rest, people.

Dunkopf - what you describe as "anti-intellectualism" actually has some sense to it. Most of us have no problem when they stick to whatever they're experts in. Where we get irritated is when they start acting like they can tell us how to run our lives, and when they get such inflated egos that they think they're experts on everything.
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