Thanks Skip! We actually got home about 2 hours ago with Lily's doeling friend. We put them together, watched for a bit that they weren't going to hurt each other and then walked away with nary a peep. I just checked on them again Bout 15 minutes ago and they are snuggled together. Ahhhhh. I'm quite sure this is what heaven is like.
Thanks Skip! We actually got home about 2 hours ago with Lily's doeling friend. We put them together, watched for a bit that they weren't going to hurt each other and then walked away with nary a peep. I just checked on them again Bout 15 minutes ago and they are snuggled together. Ahhhhh. I'm quite sure this is what heaven is like.

This is great news!! Congratulations! Pics pics!!!
Blarneyeggs oh my goodness, adorable!!!

I forgot if you had mentioned or not if you've ever had goats before? This is my first time too, we just got ours in September. I love love love them!!
Another member here has given me great help and advice and has also given me a couple links to other forums specifically for goats....I hope I'm allowed to post about other forums here.....sorry if I'm not.

If your interested in the other forums, let me know and I'll post them or PM them to you. I have only been a member on the other sites for a few days and have already learned a ton!! It's nice to have multiple resources when you have no idea what your doing, especially sense there's so much info out there and everybody is going to tell you something different then the last guy.
Go to and ask them to send you some information. You can get good information from the farm advisor's office too. They have should have some very helpful booklets written for 4H that will tell you most of what you want to know.
hi, well we have goats [nearly 45] there dairy ones also 3 Nubians
- there pens can be at least an acre
- if you are looking for a good one at least $300+
- they will eat at least half a 5lt bucket of food a day
- they will need rimlock fencing and so the don't get out electric wire
- yes, there are is to breed but you need a buck
- they would need a shed
- we show and its easy as
- selling them is easy
- yes you do get money
- doesn't matter what type of shed unless it points out it could cut them
- black, white and taned

hope this helps as well
Hope you're ready to give an hour each day to care for them! Not trying to scare you, but between bringing them in/out of their stall, feeding, filling up hay, changing out water/minerals, and interacting with them you're looking at a lot of time. Im 15 and between school, homework and other stuff, it gets a bit much at times. Oh yeah….dont get nubians. They are really loud, and big, and will need a lot more feed. I suggest pygmy for easy showing, and they don't have to be in milk to show.
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