Inheritence of Peach

Betta breeders have a better understanding of the different genes responsible for the phenotypes in their aquaria, publish information on how the genes work and interact, and hone their art in bringing them together in pleasing combinations based on knowing what will work with what, and how to get there in breeding. I asked a question about applying the same basic concept to peafowl breeding, with explanations of how it would work, and was accused of "speaking Greek."


Yeah- something prickly about some folks. All this discussion of genetic inheritance is not for the mentally feeble or intellectually lazy that much is certain. I don't understand much less comprehend three quarters of what I read about genetic inheritance. It's fascinating and a real art form- applied as a discipline no question.

If I have a question i just call people that I know are serious. It's so odd how some people latch onto the idea of proprietary information as regards to selective breeding. The objective is to insure that there are robust lines of a given strain so that a substantial genetic base can be buttressed and a true breed or colour strain actually arrived at. The stability of a colour form or sub breed is only going to occur when people cooperate, like we used to before people got silly.

Manny Moreira is the master selectionist of peafowl, more knowledgeable and kinder, less egotistical than most. If you can track him down he's a walking encyclopedia.
Resolution,,hello,been awhile,see you've re-located? I think if reference to one of your posts previous,the color of peafowl you may be speaking about is called Siepel? Or is it Seipel? Seeple reads correct,They appear very similiar to an IB in phenotype,but have a darker more intense blue on the shoulder. I believe they are the result of breeding Purple to Bronze? I as my sub-par hatch rate went this year,happened to hatch a Siepel peachick,,very similair looking to an IB for several weeks. I have since moved all '11 hatched fowl to a seperate pen and have not paid that much attention to whats becoming "what" from the hatch.They are not on dirt and won't be until next spring so seeing them loose and in the open is not possible.
Catching them to read wingbands,then looking that band number up isn't easy,,Bandbaustin,,get your butt down here sometime!!!
But pavoniec don t hawe a peach
Don t possible ship with dhl expeess? Please Please
Thanks regards
If you read stories the here on BYC, you will see that even shipping to the next state within the U.S. dramatically reduces hatching success. It seems very unlikely that eggs shipped to Italy would hatch. But I do not have hatching experience, so maybe someone else can answer your question?

Also, since Pavoniec farm has purple and cameo, then perhaps they have peach as well?
I don't know about pea genetics, but...
what about you experts?
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I'm still believing that Peach is a shade of Cameo since I have heard several diffrent breeders tell me they have hatched the peach shade from cameo parents.It's similiar to comparing a silver to an opal. I have silver pied hens who's "silver" pigmented feathers are identical in color-shade to my two coming 2 year old Opal hens (one is a pied) Isn't Peach and Cameo both sex linked as well? Both Silver and Opal are NOT sex linked,correct?
Peach and cameo are sex linked mutants in peafowl. Opal is not.. What do you mean by silver. Silverpied is a pattern
Pedda,I'm thinking that cameo is just a shade diffrence that now is called Peach. I've had 2 breeders tell me they hatch peach peachicks from cameo parents. Thus using Purple as well as Cameo to get this peach shade is not necessary.Seems to be a fine line as what is and isn't a new color.Yes,Pied is a pattern but the color of silver and opal in whatever pattern you choose is remarkably similar,be it in black shoulder or the pied pattern. The sex linked similarities of both peach and cameo sets them into a group all by themselves.I don't own Peach. I don't own Cameo.I've backed away from starting peach since I've heard 100% Cameo parents produces peach "shaded" offspring which brings a question to mind,"why do some breeders charge so much for a peach chick" when it's actually a shaded Cameo?
Granted thru the process of selectively breeding like shaded birds after several generations all birds will be of the darker shade.With an occassional throwback. I do not understand how a new color mutation can be named and approved if that shade comes from 2 same colored parents with very similar coloring? I've asked this before but what is a uniform shade associated with the color blue? Is it the color of the sky,or the color of the ocean? Quite a contrast there,yet both are considered blue.

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